Is God human?


Valued Senior Member

26 Then God said, o“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

male and female he created them.

s“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

So based on Monotheism, this is case closed, isn't it?

In my religion God, and his angels are the union man and spirit. So yes God is a man.
If horses were to visualize god
then god would look like a horse
If cows were to visualize god
then god would look like a cow
In the religion I was brought up in, Jesus was visualized as germanic/celtic
Would this be true of Ethiopians?
Best idea would be to have god appear so we can see rather than speculate but I doubt that will happen as one of the consequences of an eternal universe would be no god.
If horses were to visualize god
then god would look like a horse
If cows were to visualize god
then god would look like a cow
In the religion I was brought up in, Jesus was visualized as germanic/celtic
Would this be true of Ethiopians?
No idea. When I look into a dogs eyes/eye sockets I see God.
If horses were to visualize god
then god would look like a horse
If cows were to visualize god
then god would look like a cow
In the religion I was brought up in, Jesus was visualized as germanic/celtic
Would this be true of Ethiopians?
To whom would it be meaningful to discuss God as something less than the summum bonum?
Or to put it another way, what class of person has a vested interest in ascribing mediocrity to God?
No God cannot be a human because God simply does not exist.

All the evidence I have seen so far (from many sources) confirms that God simply does not exist.

The world would have been a much better place if there was a God because maybe he/she would actually help people who need help in their lives.

These religion threads are becoming pointless and annoying because there is simply no good science content in them.

These religion threads are actually ruining the credibility of this science forum (because there is no science in them) and this is partly the reason why I don't come to sciforums anymore.
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Best idea would be to have god appear so we can see rather than speculate but I doubt that will happen as one of the consequences of an eternal universe would be no god.

LOVE is eternal. Can there be learning and creation if it only happens once?
LOVE is eternal.
Love can only be eternal in the Eternal can not be eternal if the Universe is finite.

Can there be learning and creation if it only happens once?

The Eternal Universe was not created and the only creation is the creation of life in general and the creation of objects and ideas by humans and no doubt others of whom we have no knowledge.
Worlds form and crumble, stars are born and die but due to natural process unguided by the hand of any creator.
The Eternal Universe was not created and the only creation is the creation of life in general and the creation of objects and ideas by humans and no doubt others of whom we have no knowledge.
Worlds form and crumble, stars are born and die but due to natural process unguided by the hand of any creator.

You don't know that, unless you have proof?
No God cannot be a human because God simply does not exist.

All the evidence I have seen so far (from many sources) confirms that God simply does not exist.

The world would have been a much better place if there was a God because maybe he/she would actually help people who need help in their lives.

These religion threads are becoming pointless and annoying because there is simply no good science content in them.

These religion threads are actually ruining the credibility of this science forum (because there is no science in them) and this is partly the reason why I don't come to sciforums anymore.

"sci" might mean sci fi. Whatever it means, I rarely interact with the science threads and this site is the most interesting forum I ever found.

Maybe it's best if God doesn't help. He is a serial killer, among other things.

Religion has got nothing to do with science unless a religion is challenging a scientific idea/theory.

Comeback, just don't use the religion forum maybe.