Is God Narcissistic?

I beg to differ. Why does he not reveal himself to everyone, if it is all so simple. All you are entitled to say is that you have had personal experiences which you interpreted as being evidence. My experience of life indicates that it is nonsense to talk of a creator, his attributes and so on without an ounce of objective proof. Look at the state of the world and ask yourself whether there is a being who gives a damn about all the suffering.

Let's agree to differ.

we can differ all you want but please don't assert that this comes down to a lack of intelligence on my part. if you will read what i've posted earlier in this thread you will see that i think it's apparent he doesn't give a damn about all the suffering, and i'm not in the least bit happy about that. but that doesn't mean i think he doesn't exist. i just don't think he cares about our happiness or comfort. at least not right now. but i think our suffering serves a purpose and that is to learn about sin and the effects of it, so that if given a chance, we would choose to turn from it. i for one, would definitely choose to repent.
we can differ all you want but please don't assert that this comes down to a lack of intelligence on my part. if you will read what i've posted earlier in this thread you will see that i think it's apparent he doesn't give a damn about all the suffering, and i'm not in the least bit happy about that. but that doesn't mean i think he doesn't exist. i just don't think he cares about our happiness or comfort. at least not right now. but i think our suffering serves a purpose and that is to learn about sin and the effects of it, so that if given a chance, we would choose to turn from it. i for one, would definitely choose to repent.

Do you believe the Bible to be the word of God ? If not, where did your knowledge of god come from ?
that's why i said i'm not arguing that; that's not my point. my point is that if there is, it makes sense that he is all of ours, not "yours", "mine", and "theirs" because he is whatever he is, we all just have different interpretations of him.

Yea well.. that stance isn't very useful, is it..
She experienced God first hand, she communicates with him.. :shrug:

On what basis does god decise with whom he should communicate? He's never said a word to me, probably because I close my ears to his message.
On what basis does god decise with whom he should communicate? He's never said a word to me, probably because I close my ears to his message.

Well, I bet her argument will be something similar to "He only communicates with those that believe in him".
Making a perfectly circular argument..
Well, I bet her argument will be something similar to "He only communicates with those that believe in him".
Making a perfectly circular argument..

Well, everything god made is perfect so that makes sense. Can you imagine god creating an imperfect circular argument ?
That's a pretty big IF atheists aren't buying in to..

Lori is correct that's a highly arguable point but it is intrinsic to the very nature of the thread topic. To answer the question God's existances must be entertained first. If that is to big of an assuption to make and on every thread we must relearn how to read, metaphoricly speaking then every relgious thread has an akward potential to sail sharply off course because no agreement can be met on the issue of existence and the purpose for the thread becomes another "prove God exist,", "evidence of God".

Look at the body of evidence toward this effect.
Nothing final has ever decisively answer the question. Shall we calculate Pi to it's finality when we know there is not and end? It is an individual choice we all make because evidence can be inconclussive or questioned.

Thus, in order to give the topic a fair hearing a favorable assumption is a must. Just as I don't participate in threads that discuss evolution as the reason why certain symptons are manifested so to throw the topic off course perhaps the same should be with any discussion of this questionable nature.
Well. in fairness, anyone who created the world in seven days must be pretty powerful. He even laid down geological strata to fool geologists.

And scattered fake fossil evidence around to fool the biologists.
Saquist, the unwelcome,

You can calculate pi using ther dimensions of Noah's ark and get a wrong answer. I'll sett;le for a recurring decimal value.

PS Evidence can be often entirely absent, such as when discussing god's putative existence. Has the questuion of unicorns been settled yey ? Were they on Noah's ark ?
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Do you believe the Bible to be the word of God ? If not, where did your knowledge of god come from ?

yes i do, but that's not where i got my knowledge of god from. i also believe other scriptures to be the word of god. i've also had an experience where it seemed to me that the holy spirit actually wrote something through me. so i believe that every day words, letters, songs, poems, other works of art, and other expressions can be the words (or works) of god. with me, it seems like it's backwards, as far as how i interpret scripture and use the bible. with me, he'll show me something in my life, through experience. then, he may or may not show me a scripture that confirms it, or interprets it...validates it. that's how i use the bible. that way, he is actually the one who is interpreting it to me and not the other way around. from what i see and hear about how most other people use the bible, they read it, and then try to interpret it based on what they know or not know already, or usually it seems, on what they want it to mean. i've had stuff happen to me that could not have happened to me if there wasn't a spiritual realm. and he has used the bible in many instances to interpret these experiences to me. to explain them, give them reason and validate them as real and meaningful. many times when i try to explain these experiences to people they say it's my imagination or all in my mind but when these experiences are explained to the t in the bible, that refutes their claim.
Saquist, the unwelcome,

You can calculate pi using ther dimensions of Noah's ark and get a wrong answer. I'll sett;le for a recurring decimal value.
How moronic...
And what part of the ark was a circle?

Don't bother Miles...I know which ARK you're talking about. It's sad you can't get your anti bible propoganda right. Why do I have a better memeory than you do? I've only gotten the question once.
On what basis does god decise with whom he should communicate? He's never said a word to me, probably because I close my ears to his message.

you just answered your own question. seek and find...knock and blah, blah...