Is God Rational?

The atheist reasons for rejecting all concepts of "motivated" gods are much more rational than the theist reasons for accepting the concept of a motivated God who created man in his own image..

No way.
The thinking atheists deny God.
They use lack of evidence as a reason.
But they can’t explain what evidence of God should be.
Over time they begin to believe their deception.

No way.
The thinking atheists deny God.
They use lack of evidence as a reason.
But they can’t explain what evidence of God should be.
Over time they begin to believe their deception.

No Jan, the deception lies in pretending there is a god without any evidence. Over time you begin to believe your own self-deception.
No Jan, the deception lies in pretending there is a god without any evidence. Over time you begin to believe your own self-deception.

It seems like pretendinding to you, because you’re an atheist.
Overtime the truth becomes clear. We all possess the truth, but we suppress it.

You already believe in God, but because you are in denial, youbreplace “God” with “math” and “potential”.

I’m sure one day you will give up these silly notions, and come to your senses.

I have always been confused by the concept of murder in the name of God. In the Christian Bible I believe conditions are outlined within the stories that specify murder of sinners in the name of God. I believe that one of the ten commandments, a central set of laws upheld by Christians, specifies that no man or woman should murder another person. I would imagine that the Ten Commandments, Gods original covenant with mankind, would cancel out any laws specifying the murder of sinners that follow in the Bible, because people are not allowed to murder other people, according to the Ten Commandments.
It seems like pretendinding to you, because you’re an atheist.
Overtime the truth becomes clear. We all possess the truth, but we suppress it.

You already believe in God, but because you are in denial, youbreplace “God” with “math” and “potential”.

I’m sure one day you will give up these silly notions, and come to your senses.

Yeah, well, it seems that you will never give up your silly notions. I am losing hope that you will ever come to your senses. You are so desperately in need of some authority which justifies your existence, I am a little sad and a little scared. Apparently you would gladly give your life if you believed God commanded it. As a secular atheist, to me that is really scary.

And with good cause. You see, I have been victim of religious persecution, you have not. I speak historical truth, I was witness to it first-hand, you have not. Your magic is pretend extasy (armageddon), mine was personal hell inflicted by your ilk in the name of your magical extasy.
Yeah, well, it seems that you will never give up your silly notions.

You can’t know if it is a silly notion.

I am losing hope that you will ever come to your senses.

You’re losing hope because you deny God, and accept atheism.

You are so desperately in need of some authority which justifies yourexistence, I am a little sad and a little scared.

You’re sad and scared because you aren’t centred. Because you reject God, you find yourself just moving aimlessly. You believe in silly things because you are try to fill the gap that is left when you deny your God.

Apparently you would gladly give your life if you believed God commanded it. As a secular atheist, to me that is really scary.

This is the kind of stuff you tell yourself because you need to maintain your deception.

And with good cause. You see, I have been victim of religious persecution, you have not.

You haven’t been a victim of any religious persecution. Why lie?

I speakhistorical truth, I was witness to it first-hand, you have not.

Do you know what truth is?

Your magic is pretend extasy (armageddon), mine was personal hell inflicted by your ilk in the name of your magical extasy.

I don’t believe you have had any persecution, or been through any hell.

If we value rationality, then we could posit that God is an irrational concept by irrational people, in a rational world.

I'm sorry Dave, the bible is clearly an irrational historical document. It is not designed to be factually correct. It is a psychological instrument. It proposes something which cannot be true and is therefore irrational in essence. If you accept the irrationality, but you are basically a rational person, there will be a time when you will doubt your belief in the bible as a factual historical instrument.

And that would be a step in the direction of rationality..............:rolleyes:
One way of looking at it.
Where in the bible?


I do not remember where exactly I have read about murder, or murder in the name of God, in the Bible. I think the book of Deuteronomy, in some or all Bible versions, may discuss the murder of murders by the family and friends of victims, and such. I am not sure if it a law of God of any kind, though, to kill murders because they have killed, I may have made a mistake. I am sorry if I did make a mistake.
I do not remember where exactly I have read about murder, or murder in the name of God, in the Bible. I think the book of Deuteronomy, in some or all Bible versions, may discuss the murder of murders by the family and friends of victims, and such. I am not sure if it a law of God of any kind, though, to kill murders because they have killed, I may have made a mistake. I am sorry if I did make a mistake.
I'm sure you can find it in the Skeptic's Annotated Bible. It specializes in details like that.

Feast your incredulity on this.
God decides to kill Moses because his son had not yet been circumcised.
Exodus 4:24-26

God makes man (and his son) in his image, but then kills man for not circumcising his son and altering his looks. This is just plain stupid!!!
And stupid! Why create a person in your image and then decide that image is somehow not what you had divinely intended in the first place?

Cruelty and Violence in the Bible

  1. Exodus;
    1. God wants to be remembered forever for the mass murder of little children. 10:2

OTOH, these divine decisions were communicated to persons who wrote this down and ever since, if you do not circumcise your offspring, God will kill you.

I am not accusing God of stupidity. I am accusing people for being that stupid and thinking they know the mind of god (if there is one).

Apparently God had not thought of it until people "heard" him make the command. Spooooookeeeeeeee language !!!!![/quote]
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How do you explain all the bad things that are going on in the world if there is a God such as war, diseases, disabilities, extreme pain, people living in extreme poverty, corruption etc.

Why do you need an explanation?

Many people are dying every day because they don't enough money to afford living.

People are dying everyday period.
Death/annihilation is a part of material existence

If this is the work of a loving God then I am totally not impressed.

Yet another reason to remain steadfast in your condition.

It is the reasons for acceptance or rejection of extraordinary concepts which are in question.
The atheist reasons for rejecting all concepts of "motivated" gods are much more rational than the theist reasons for accepting the concept of a motivated God who created man in his own image.........:rolleyes: Mental masturbation.....:p

The atheist reason for rejecting and denying God, is due to a subconscious affirmation that there is no God. They are bound to reject and deny God, as long as they are atheist. :p

And stupid! Why create a person in your image and then decide that image is somehow not what you had divinely intended in the first place?

Cruelty and Violence in the Bible

  1. Exodus;
    1. God wants to be remembered forever for the mass murder of little children. 10:2

OTOH, these divine decisions were communicated to persons who wrote this down and ever since, if you do not circumcise your offspring, God will kill you.

I am not accusing God of stupidity. I am accusing people for being that stupid and thinking they know the mind of god (if there is one).

Apparently God had not thought of it until people "heard" him make the command. Spooooookeeeeeeee language !!!!!

You have to realise that God's mind is not man's. He is your best friend and worst enemy all at once, he's bonkers with a very nasty streak.
You have to realise that God's mind is not man's. He is your best friend and worst enemy all at once, he's bonkers with a very nasty streak.
Does that not strike you as even a little strange? Here we have a universe with a mad-man, described only in a single book of old mythology, in charge and we're offering irrational apologetics for his existence?
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Does that not strike you as even a little strange? Here we have a universe with a mad-man in charge and we're offering apologetics for his existence?
It doesn't matter what you say, you'll turn to dust but God by definition won't.
It doesn't matter what you say, you'll turn to dust but God by definition won't.
Nor will the sun during my lifetime. The sun keeps me warm and makes flowers bloom while I'm alive. Then I'll be gone. But my dust will feed the new crop of flowers growing on my grave.
Should I worry about something?
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