At least you got one thing right, I got to hand you that.Everyone on here lacks social skills.
At least you got one thing right, I got to hand you that.Everyone on here lacks social skills.
Hi jiveabillion. Welcome. Ignore any "personal' stuff if it becomes too shrill, it's just 'noise'.
Anyhow, regarding Earth gravity, it's important to remember that Earth's macro gravity effect is the cumulative effect of all the micro gravity associated with each of the many elementary bits of energy/matter making up the Earth's mass.
So it's at the quantum scale that gravity arises, not at the macro scale of planets etc.
Bearing this in mind, it is obvious that the quantum processes going on in the overall universal energy-space (within which all quantum phenomena arises, evolves and subsides) is what counts, and not some "geometric construction" of the paths observed for the motions which occur across that universal quantum energy-space 'arena'.
Consequent to that perspective, your 'motion through space' view of the phenomena does not really explain what causes the gravitational effect at the most fundamental level of quantum processes, and hence I must say your hypothesis as stated is falsified by the quantum mechanics view which precedes the macro geometric view both in scale and in logics.
I hope you will not be discouraged from further cogitation on the universal phenomena. Keep reading and thinking about things and it will all 'click' for you, insight by insight, as time and effort gives results that you can understand in a consistent way. Good luck and enjoy your intellectual explorations!
This guy knows how to be helpful without being condescending.
Two things I'd like to check with you:
1) You're aware that you can't just take any idea you want and express it as working math, right? Not every idea can be expressed as an equation, so you can't simply expect to turn it over to a math professor and have them fill in the gaps. Agreed?
2) Why not start with the simplest possible case. Are you aware that the gravitational force between two palm-sized iron balls was already determined 200 years ago by Henry Cavendish? It matches exactly with what Newton determined a century earlier from observing the motions of the planets, but this is something you can measure in your own home with the right equipment. How do you plan on explaining that? How do you plan on explaining the gravitational pull your own body creates?
It's both of course.My issue with the whole idea is that we would have both this mass attraction and plain old Newtonian mechanics that could make things behave the way they do with gravity. So, which is it?
Those two questions seem to be related but they aren't. The theories work extremely well, so the gravitational constant must be correct.Are they working together? If so, is the gravitational constant not nearly as strong as we think it is?
Because without gravity, conserved momentum would make an object travel in a straight line instead of in a curve. I seem to remember you mentioning before that there is no acceleration if there is no speed change: that's wrong. Direction change is also acceleration.If momentum must be conserved, why is gravity needed to keep something in orbit?
That question doesn't make any sense. An object sitting still on earth has zero momentum relative to Earth. I think this is a manifestation of your misunderstanding of relative motion. Regardless, gravity doesn't replace momentum - they are two different things.Where does the momentum to travel with the Earth go if gravity is there in its place?
Yes. So?Did we not add momentum to the object when we thrust it into space?
By that standard the gravity map of the moon becomes an inconvenient truth.I would be more inclined to believe that I was completely wrong if it wasn't for the fact that the planets move so conveniently well to create gravity on all of their surfaces.
You did that when you decided that 9.81 m/s² is derived by finding the orbital plane relative to the center of the galaxy.Edit: I never said it mattered where the center of the galaxy is.
My point exactly, which makes your gravity relative to the direction of the center. Every object on Earth would experience weight change depending on the object's orientation to that center. Earth would not orbit the Sun. A lot worse things would be going on.That's just a point of reference.
Gravity is not about relative motion, as you know by the large number of stationary objects affected by gravity.It's all about relative motion.
As you know, gravity will persist when there is no motion.It's more about the motion of everything else relative to whatever object you are tracking.
I think the answers have been quite generous.Nobody has really answered the real question here.
It doesn't follow you in your reference frame. Looking out your back window, it's staying behind.If I can throw a ball backwards from my car and it still follows me,
That's not an intelligible question, which probably has something to do with not getting the answer you desire.why can't I do that off the back of an Earth with no gravity?
It's both of course.
Those two questions seem to be related but they aren't. The theories work extremely well, so the gravitational constant must be correct.
Because without gravity, conserved momentum would make an object travel in a straight line instead of in a curve. I seem to remember you mentioning before that there is no acceleration if there is no speed change: that's wrong. Direction change is also acceleration.
That question doesn't make any sense. An object sitting still on earth has zero momentum relative to Earth. I think this is a manifestation of your misunderstanding of relative motion. Regardless, gravity doesn't replace momentum - they are two different things.
Yes. So?
Can't an object's own inertia cause it to change direction without proper acceleration?
It happens all the time. Just look in a dictionary.
Can't an object's own inertia cause it to change direction without proper acceleration?
This is why I think inertia and momentum is enough to cause an object to travel in a curve and an orbit. Does anyone here see what I mean?
No, it can't - that's basically gibberish.Can't an object's own inertia cause it to change direction without proper acceleration?
Can't an object's own inertia cause it to change direction without proper acceleration?
Regardless, in 2D space if I have a ball in my hand and I'm standing on something moving 212km/s at 0 degrees and I throw the ball 100kph at 90 degrees, I've accelerated it and added momentum to it, so it would still move 212km/s at 0 degrees while also moving 100kph at 90 degrees. It would then move diagonally, right?
So if I'm standing on the Earth and the Earth is moving 225km at 110 degrees and 29.7km/s at 0 degrees and the surface is moving 0.465km/s and I throw the ball straight "up" while on the opposite side the earth is moving, how would I decelerate it in all of those directions at once? Why wouldn't the ball collide with the Earth again?
This is why I think inertia and momentum is enough to cause an object to travel in a curve and an orbit. Does anyone here see what I mean?
My issue with the whole idea is that we would have both this mass attraction and plain old Newtonian mechanics that could make things behave the way they do with gravity. So, which is it? Are they working together? If so, is the gravitational constant not nearly as strong as we think it is?
If momentum must be conserved, why is gravity needed to keep something in orbit? Where does the momentum to travel with the Earth go if gravity is there in its place? Did we not add momentum to the object when we thrust it into space? These are the questions I want answers for.
It would depend on your frame of reference. To an observer that was stationary relative to your moving platform the ball would move forward at 212 km/hr and outward at 100 km/hr making a diagonal path. From the moving platforms reference frame the ball would only move in a straight line away from the platform at 100 km/hr.
This is again a reference frame question. The earth, you, the ball and your uncle Joe are all moving at the same speed through space. The earth is rotating, it is orbiting the sun, our solar system is orbiting the galactic center, the galaxy is hurtling towards the center of the Virgo cluster, etc. When you throw a ball straight up the all the previous speeds stay the same the only thing you have done is added an additional speed in one direction. Gravity causes the ball to accelerate downward at 9.8 m/s^2 the instant it leaves your hand. From your frame of reference (the earth) you will see the speed of the balls slow, stop and then accelerate back to earth.
From a frame of reference that was stationary relative to earth, the sun and the galaxy, you would see the earth go whizzing by and from the time the ball left your hand to when it hit earth again it would trace out a rather interesting path that was a couple hundred kilometers long.
The trajectory of the ball doesn't have to curve. The surface of the Earth will move into it and the surface of the Earth is curved. However, From your frame of reference, the ball's trajectory curves.
It's the center of the Earth that is moving 29.7km/s around the Sun and 225km/s around the galaxy, not its surface. We are not at the center of the Earth, we're about 6,378.10km from it at the equator. Every 6 hours, we travel that distance relative to the center of the Earth at about 0.465km/s or 1674km/hr.
While doing this, the surface is pushing "upwards" from the center of the Earth. It can only push against objects that are against something for the surface to push with (the ground, a desk, in your hand, etc). If the surface was pushing a ball with your hand (through your body on the ground) and you move your hand so that it is no longer pushing the ball away from the center, it will "fall". You can pick it back up again and drop it again, because the Earth NEVER stops doing this. While doing this, the Earth is slowing you down and speeding you up proportionately relative to the center of the Earth and it's main directions of travel. I think you can use cos and sin trigonometry functions to calculate the proportions over time.
If you take all of the force vectors and magnitudes being exerted on an object by the Earth and calculate the resultant you can see how it would always put the object on a collision course with the surface of the Earth as it moves.
Add in another vector for throwing an object and you will see that, unless you throw it with great magnitude, it will still result in a collision course with the Earth. This is all without gravity. This is why I say we don't need gravity to explain most of what we experience.
I would explain why I think momentum and inertia can create an orbit if carefully worked with, but I doubt that you will be receptive to that if you don't agree with what I've just said above. Regardless, an orbit isn't a circle or an ellipse. Relative to the center of the galaxy, it would be a spiral of sorts. The path that it follows would look different depending on the inclination of the orbit relative to the equator and the prime meridian as well as the eccentricity. Relative to the CMBR, it's anyone's guess what it would look like. I wish I had some software that would simulate this so that I could see it.
Both the center of the earth and the surface are moving at 29.7km/s around the Sun and 225km/s around the galaxy, it is just that the surface as the addtional speed of rotation.
I don't know what you are trying to say here. It sort of sounds like you are talking about the normal force that results from gravity, but then you talk about the earth speeding you up and slowing you down which does not have any meaning that I can detect.:shrug:
There are no forces from our speed through space. Forces do not develop from speed, they develop from acceleration. You only feel forces in a car for instance when it speeds up, slows down or turns. If you are driving at a constant speed of 100 mph you will feel no forces from that velocity. The only forces on earth when you are motionless on the surface is the gravity from the earth. There is gravity from other sources such as the moon, the sun, your car, etc. but they are negligable compared to earths gravity.
Completely wrong. If you are in a space ship that is traveling at 5,000,000 mph and you toss a baseball in the direction of travel at 5 mph the baseball will be traveling at 5,000,005 mph and it will never crash into the ship if you maintain your speed. The ball will continue to move away from you at 5 mph essentially forever.