Is it wrong to kill an animal?

Originally posted by fractal_choice
I am disturbed at people who try to liken animals to humans because it lowers a human's value. And I know the response will be "but eating meat lowers the value of an animals life" Damn straight it does - logically they do not have the same value as us. (insert rebuttal here)
How is that logical? seriously?!
That is anything but logical, that is the perfect opposite of logical, good work.
"humans have more value than animals" that statement wreaks of opinion. Opinions aren't logical. Logically it would be safe to say every species is equally as valuable. Then it would be safe to say an individual human is not as valuable as an individual mountain gorilla because there are more humans than mountain gorilla's. Thats logical.

You don't think your view on logic in this instance might be a little swayed by the fact YOU ARE A HUMAN?
Do you think a super logical dolphin would agree that humans are the most valuable animals on the planet?
Wow, you've almost made me angry with your ignorance. You really should have left the word "logically" our of your post because clearly the true meaning of the word logical doesn't come into any of your ideas.

The title of this thread restricts me from saying how I feel. I don't think it is wrong to kill an animal for food at all. Coincidently, the hugest problem I have with the world in general is the fact that humans assume they are legitimately the most valuable animal on the planet. They don't just admit they like humans most or anything like that, as fractal_choice just displayed they think the "logical conclusion" to come to after observing the world is that humans actually are the most valuable, even is deciphered objectively. This of course is the hugest pile of stinking shit imaginable.
Eat a burger, I do, but at the same time I realise that the cow I'm eating is no less valuable than me and it would certainly not be a bigger tragedy if a lion was eating me instead. It would be exactly the same thing.
It all comes down to deflating your ego a few hundred lbs per square inch to a more practical pressure.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic

"humans have more value than animals" that statement wreaks of opinion. Opinions aren't logical. Logically it would be safe to say every species is equally as valuable. Then it would be safe to say an individual human is not as valuable as an individual mountain gorilla because there are more humans than mountain gorilla's. Thats logical.

How do you feel about birds Dr. Lou that eats other animals like worms. How do you feel about lions that eat buffalo? Bears eat fish and small animals. Do you accept the scientific classification of some animals as carnivores, others as omnivores, and others as herbervores. Humans are clearly omivores due to their digestive system, able to eat both meat and vegetables.

Hell, if lions can eat us, noone would be stopping them and crying respect humans.
Yes, we stop lions from killing Humans because Humans have more value to us. I don't know about you guys, but when I see Eco-nerds crying about how many Elephants are dying, I look at how many African villages have been denied a food source by new regulations. It's kinda funny, actually. The media will show you dead elephants everywhere and people cry and scream they be protected. You show them graphic pictures of human mass deaths from starvation, and they vomit or change the channel because they don't want to see it. And then, they scream to protect elephants.
Originally posted by Flores
How do you feel about birds Dr. Lou that eats other animals like worms. How do you feel about lions that eat buffalo? Bears eat fish and small animals. Do you accept the scientific classification of some animals as carnivores, others as omnivores, and others as herbervores. Humans are clearly omivores due to their digestive system, able to eat both meat and vegetables.
I made a special point to say I do NOT think eating animals is wrong. I think disrespectfully eating animals is wrong. Realise you are eating a living being that didn't want to become food any more than you do.
And realise that if you or someone you know are ever getting chewed on by a lion than no "crime" is being committed. Its just another day on earth. It is no different than if you were at a restaurant eating a steak. I think its fine if you eat a steak, but I also think it is equally as fine if a lion eats you. Understand?
Xevious you make me sick.
There are some animals where there is simply no argument over their right to life. Elephants are one of them. They grieve the passing of their loved ones even more than we do, they can actually die of grief if a member of their family passes away. How then are we more important? Even on a humanistic level they beat us out.
Starving children in africa live in the same conditions elephants do, but elephants get off their asses and go and find food and water. Some elephants need to travel for three days in order to get a drink. But they do it, and there are no funds set up to dig them wells or anything like that. These people in africa aren't experiencing some horrible new strange famine. Thats what life is in that area, its a struggle for all involved.
But if we were to let them work through it themselves they would and they would come out stronger, but no we are prolonging the pain and suffering by helping them, and its because of shortsighted morons like yourself.
Species hit hard times, that is what made human beings so intelligent, the weeding out of the less intelligent individuals. Famine strickened africans could become something great but we are hindering their progress by feeding them, saving those at deaths door and forcing them to live on in pain and give birth to more so they too can experience pain. Many orphaned baby elephants have starved but this is why the elephants today can make it through. We are stopping the humans from bettering themselves.
Making more starving orphaned baby elephants by shooting their mothers for starving africans to eat won't help anything you maniac, in fact it will be damaging to both the humans and the elephants, good work, killing 2 beneficial birds with one stone:rolleyes:
Perhaps if you could relate to the crying faces of the orphaned baby elephants as you can with the humans you would think twice before suggesting such a stupid thing.
Just because you can't see yourself in their eyes makes them less important?
Thats pathetic...
How is that logical? seriously?!

IF you are serious - go and kill yourself so that a few more animals don't die. In this way, you will show that you have no more value than an animal.

That's logic. If you don't reply, then you have made a statement. If not, you are arguing for the sake of it, and have no leg to stand on.
No seriously, I can't work with you, it seems obvious to me that you haven't read anything I have said, you prefer to use the phrases you had already formed in your head long ago to retort the general subject.
You would see how irrelevent the question "why don't you kill yourself?" is if you had taken in any of my posts but you clearly haven't so I'm not wasting my time.
Ok, take the word logical out. Whatever. The fact is you value your own life more than an animals life. You said yourself you eat them. You don't eat yourself or fellow humans. Therefore you place more value on your self (human) than other animals.

Am I missing something other than being ignorant enough to view things from a human perspective?

A human is more complex than most other life forms. In my opinion, this makes us more valuable than other animals.
I would eat people if I could, I would feed them to my dogs with no more thought than I would an animal. It just so happens you can't get human flavoured dog food or human burgers.

What do you mean by complex exactly?
I would eat people if I could, I would feed them to my dogs with no more thought than I would an animal. It just so happens you can't get human flavoured dog food or human burgers.

LOL :)

Actually you can feed humans to your dog. Kill your child and mince it up and feed it to you dog.

By complex I mean that our brains are at a more highly evolved level than most other animals.
Originally posted by fractal_choice
By complex I mean that our brains are at a more highly evolved level than most other animals.
Oh well thats just not true. I'm glad I could educate. Now that you are no longer misinformed I hope to see you showing the other animals some respect.
Are you telling me that you would play eeny miny mo with a rodent + human over who gets the last parachute on board a doomed airliner?
No I would give it to the rat straight away because the stupid human chose to get on the airliner, the rat didn't.
Sometime society has to kill a few to survive. Every now and then there is a monster such as Hitler or Stalin. Best to just shoot them.
"humans have more value than animals" that statement wreaks of opinion. Opinions aren't logical.
"Opinions aren't logical". That statement wreaks of opinion. Opinions aren't logical (as you said yourself).

Logically it would be safe to say every species is equally as valuable.
That's your opinion. Opinions aren't logical (as you said yourself).

You don't think your view on logic in this instance might be a little swayed by the fact YOU ARE A HUMAN?
Yep. As I said in a previous post, you should side with your own species.

Wow, you've almost made me angry with your ignorance.
You're just angry because not everyone shares your tree-hugging mindset.

Species hit hard times, that is what made human beings so intelligent, the weeding out of the less intelligent individuals.
The weeding out of people who didn't care about the members of their OWN species.
You sicken ME. You think that just because a human is not intelligent, they should be weeded out?
What makes you think that the people in Afghanistan don't have more right to life than elephants?

Okay, Lou, I'll try and explain this to. Do you love your mother and father? Yes, you do, they are related to you. What about your children (if you have any)? Sure you do. What about your brothers and sisters? Sure, they get on our nerves sometimes, but we love them.

I see every human being as a remote brother/sister. They are all related to me. We are all the same. Race, religion and culture are all bullshit. When you dig down deep, every human being on this Earth is the same. That is why we are classified as one species.
Elephants are related to me, but not nearly as much as my fellow human beings.

but no we are prolonging the pain and suffering by helping them, and its because of shortsighted morons like yourself.
Maybe we are compassionate, and not heartless bastards like some others I could mention. Maybe we have our priorities right.

How are we prolonging their suffering by raising funds to build them wells, buy them tools, and giving their children education?

We are allowing them to help themselves.
Give a man a fish, and he feeds for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will feed for a lifetime.

Just because you can't see yourself in their eyes makes them less important?
Thats pathetic...
That's quite normal...
Originally posted by mountainhare
Most of these kids are adopted or placed in foster homes. But even in the best civilization, we can't find homes for every kid.
you actually know that for a fact do you? most of these kids are adopted? You don't know that. and just the fact that kids are on the street in the first place is enough to indicate that 'civilization' is not such a great thing.

What a load of bs. If you work hard, you become rich. Bill Gates started off poor.
Bill Gates started off poor? I believe he actually came from a rich family and already had a shiteload of assest before he started.
If you work hard, you become rich... so far from the truth. Have you read Brian Friel's 'Freedom of the City'? there is a character called Michael in it who belongs to a class of poverty. He believes that if you work hard and stay in line you will come out of poverty. His character is a naive one. He believes in the goodness of humankind, much like you seem to. Unfortunately, that goodness is a rarity. Hard work is not the only factor that leads to richness. You have no idea of the number of people I know that are my age, don't work in school or have dropped out but are kept comfortable by their rich parents. I work ten times as hard as they do, but I'm nowhere near rich. And do you really believe that those poor people in Cambodia working for Nike aren't working hard? There's more to living comfortably than hard work.

In our fine civilization, everyone has the chance to go to school, get a job, and achieve their goals. Only lazy, gullible, pathetic idiots get 'poorer'. Sure, our civilization ain't perfect. We aren't 'gods'. But we live in a democracy, where you have a right to free speech, and the right to have access to basic essentials. Such as food, water, and medicine.
not sure what near-utopia you live in, but please, give me directions to be there and I'll be there tomorrow morning.
I don't know a single place on earth where everyone has an equal chance to go to school, get a job and achieve their goals.

The schools you attend and the quality of the education has more to do with money than you may think, meaning, if you have no money, you can't get a good education.

Job? In the multicultural nation of Australia, you don't see one too many non-westerners in leadership postitions. I don't see an Indian becoming prime-minister of Australia/America/England/Switerland and many other 'civilized' western nations anytime soon.

So the poor Cambodian Nike workers is lazy? Gullible maybe... but then its not like Nike are going to tell them that they're getting paid ridiculous wages.

Democracy? Now there's a word that gets thrown around a bit too much.

I'm not trying to make you see that we live in a doomed world. It just seems to me that you are like too many of the worlds people who believe what they are shown. There's a lot more to how the world works that you know and I'm not going to pretend to understand it all. Make an effort to get informed. Todays world is darker than the TV says. Don't be fooled.

Humans are a successful species.
Humans are not a successful species. Humans are a destructive species.

We occupy almost every location on the Earth.
Hmm. The oceans, making the majority of the Earth is not occupied by a single human. It is however occupied by many many marine species, many of which have not even been identified.

We have invented machines, landed on the moon, and have discovered how the world works.
Invented machines that didn't need inventing! What a fantastic feat! It like giving an indepth discussion into the application of the calculus in an english exam, difficult but useless.

We can comprehend our past on future. No other animal can do that.
What on earth are you talking about? Are you saying that animals don't remember? That animals can't plan for the future? But they can!

We have tamed every animal on the Earth.

:bugeye: What am I supposed to say to that?

We are even winning the war against disease. And one day we will conquer death.
My god you're deluded! Winning the war against disease? We will never win the 'war' against disease! If by successful species you mean ability to dominate over other organisms, then pathogens would be the sure winners of that!
Going back to your claim of humans occupying most of earth... perhaps you're unaware of how many pathogens begin to infect human society. Most pathogens exist already, just that where they exist naturally, they do no or little harm. These places are often forests, and other locations that humans don't occupy. When humans go on being 'successful' and begin to occupy these habitats, the pathogens enter them. The human then goes and interacts with other humans, and so the pathogen spreads. This isn't the only way new diseases arise but it is the case for many. And this all fits in with ecosystems. Human's aren't meant to be in those habitats, so when they do enter them, they die. But instead of accepting this, humans go on being destructive and break the laws of nature. tsk tsk tsk.

It is treasonous for you to hate your own species so much.
Never said I hated humans. I love many humans actually and don't hate a single one.

Let me guess. You live in Afghanistan?
Not sure what you're saying here.

It does nothing to affect my life, or the lives of my fellow species members.
Insignificant if they can be removed from the ecosystem and this does not cause the breakdown or degeneration of that ecosystem. Tell me, how does removing a cow from a HUMAN MADE ecosystem affect it? Come on. Humans made the ecosystem with which we farm cows. We can remove cows from the ecosystem to no effect. They are insignificant.
You don't know that at all. Ecosystems are not simple, they are very complicated.

So? What's your point? Just because I have emotions means I'm not allowed to die?
When did I say that? You're allowed to die. So am I, so is everybody. anyway, I was responding to your hollow claim that animals don't suffer. What were you on when you said that?
I feel sorry for you here. It would seem you are fighting an uphill battle. I wish you the best of luck, reguardless of the side you are taking. You're making a much better case than mountainhare. Sad too, 'cause I'm all for killing of "innocent animals".

You too Dr. Lou. I might have to come over here just to give the pro-killing a chance in hell.
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