Is Jesus Michael the Archangel?

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But first Saquist, could you respond to this evidence i showed:

''And Jesus[SAW] satan fall from heaven like lightning whilst Michael was THE ONE who cast Thee Out.
I think the Word of God is "Alive and Exerts Force." as the scriptures say. Their are many people who've translated the bible however some lend better to comprehension that others.

Usually when there is a question of meaning such as this it is good to see many different translations. The King James Version while sturdy just for being God's word...I do not find it lending to comprehension in many different levels because Old English is notoriously difficult for modern enlish speakers to understand.

That said. I don't believe in the Trinity, that is that God came down in human form. As a result humans are not more special than angels. Infact I recall one bible character doing an act of whorship to an angel and that angel said "Do not bow down before me, we are brothers."

And I believe that true. I'll log on tomorrow. Have a Good Night.
I see no reason why a science forum should host a discussion on which religious cult is blasphemous and which is not.

I think its time the religion sub-forum of a science forum started focusing more on the intersection of science and religion and the scientific examination of religion rather than arguing about the merits of one religion vs. another. Certainly the amount preaching in this thread alone strains the limits of reasonable expectations on a science board.

This thread became one of "preaching" and, per the forum rules (#7), the thread is closed. Opening a new thread with the same topic will earn an infraction for overriding a moderator decision. If you have questions or concerns or if you can want to make a compelling case to keep the thread open, PM me.
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