Is Religious Bigotry off the table?

For example, if you survey 8000 people about whether they think blasphemy laws are a good idea or not, and 84% of them say "yes" and 16% say "no", then you'd expect that if you took another 8000-person random sample from the same population and re-did the survey, then the "yes" results would be in the range 82-86% with about 95% probability for the second sample.

In other words, a sample of 8000 people is a fairly good sample of a population of 1.5 billion (or whatever), provided that it is truly randomly selected.

Yes. But what Michael did was take a response from a poll asking Muslims from several countries about Islam in politics and from a sample of 8000 across all those countries, came out with a response that the majority (90%) accepted and agreed with blasphemy laws and that Mrs Bibi should be killed. You'll excuse me if I do not agree with his assessment.

As for the sample itself, we do not know how many were questioned in each country and whether the sample size could be seen to be a proportionate and random selection of Muslim citizens from each country. We also do not know which area these Muslims were from. Are they in areas that are more supportive of stricter Islamic rule (if you look at Indonesia for example, smaller and more religious communities on the outlying islands may be more supportive of religious laws than residents of Denpasar for example). Pakistan is another example.. Those living in urban centres may be less inclined to push stricter religious laws than those living in outer country regions or villagers. A random sample would or should include those from different areas. We do not know how random the respondents of this survey happen to be or how many were from each country.
As for the sample itself, we do not know how many were questioned in each country and whether the sample size could be seen to be a proportionate and random selection of Muslim citizens from each country. We also do not know which area these Muslims were from. Are they in areas that are more supportive of stricter Islamic rule (if you look at Indonesia for example, smaller and more religious communities on the outlying islands may be more supportive of religious laws than residents of Denpasar for example). Pakistan is another example.. Those living in urban centres may be less inclined to push stricter religious laws than those living in outer country regions or villagers. A random sample would or should include those from different areas. We do not know how random the respondents of this survey happen to be or how many were from each country.

Only because, apparently, "we" haven't bothered to read the actual report, which goes into great detail about exactly these questions. Here is the full report:

In particular, you will be interested in the methodological appendix beginning on page 21. The first summary table lists the sample size for each country, the dates of interviews, the margin of error, the method of interview, and the regional distribution of interviewees. The following pages contain more detailed information about the particulars of each country, including how different regions are weighted, and also a good-faith disclosure of possible issues that might lead to biased results. They also include tables of raw data for you to look at.

This is all coming from the Pew Research Center, which is an above-the-board, respected, reputable, non-ideological public opinion survey center. You are going out on a long limb in suggesting that their output is garbage, and doubly so considering that you are attempting to do so by implying that they haven't provided relevant details that you've simply not bothered to search for.

OK, lets work out the statistics

Turkey: 74 mil x 0.05 = 3.7
Egypt: 78 mil x 0.84 = 65.5
Jordan: 6.4 mil x 0.86 = 5.5
Lebanon: 4.2 x 0.06 = 0.25
Indonesia: 238 mil x 0.30 = 71.4
Pakistan: 170 mil x 0.76 = 129.2
Nigeria: 152 mil x 0.51 = 77.5

That works out to be 353.1 million Muslims.

AFAIK PewPolls are reputable. IMO these data line up with the widespread Religious Apartheid that's legally enforced across the Middle East and South Asia. Namely, the Blasphemy Laws.
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I will tell you why they focus on Muslim laws instead of the Vatican and Native Australian holy grounds. It is because the Native-American "Holy teepeee shrine" things, the Aboriginal holy lands, and the Vatican are not a Threat to them.

They see Islam as a real threat that is spreading and changing the world as we speak, they are scared because they are set in their ways and are the truly intolerant ones. Islam to them is a direct threat and they are trying to fight it by attacking them.

Look at the media aswell they constantly try to brainwash the west into thinking Islam is terrible and Muslims are to be feared. But our younger Generations are not being fooled by it within the Capitol cities where we live among Muslims everyday. these guys are no better than Diss-information spreading shills.

Ps Didn't know you listen to Wu Tang ^_^

TTYTT it's not surprising at all. Teach children to think that ONLY their Deity is real, ONLY their religious book is Perfect and ONLY their Prophet is True and you will end up with bigoted adults in, say, 18 years. It's that simple to me. After all, the exact same thing occurred in Christian Europe 600 years ago - - and for pretty much the exact same three intolerance (substitute Messiah for Prophet and they're mirror images).

Only by addressing the issue of religious bigotry are we able to see it for what it is and maybe move past it.
TTYTT it's not surprising at all. Teach children to think that ONLY their Deity is real, ONLY their religious book is Perfect and ONLY their Prophet is True and you will end up with bigoted adults in, say, 18 years. It's that simple to me. After all, the exact same thing occurred in Christian Europe 600 years ago - - and for pretty much the exact same three intolerance (substitute Messiah for Prophet and they're mirror images).

Only by addressing the issue of religious bigotry are we able to see it for what it is and maybe move past it.

There is no difference between the Muslim God, Jewish God, Catholic God, the Christian God, the native American God etc etc. They just follow different prophets (The one for their time) and now information is at the fingertips of all nations they all decide which ones to follow for some reason.

The Jews are an exception they have a specific law to adhere too and musn't stray from it. Muslims embrace all of the prophets and are not just fixated on one Idol.

Have you truly studied Religion? or have you just studied whats on fox news or articles "about religion" from other people who have skimmed over a segment of one culture?.

OK, then what about the Mormon Prophet and the Mormon God? How about the multiple Gods the Japanese worship - do they exist? Is the Book of Mormon equal to the Qur'an? They were both written by "Prophets" and considered perfect final revelations.

Imagine there were 300+ million Whites who supported Blacks remaining as Slaves. Suppose Racial Apartheid Laws existed whereby free Blacks were restricted from certain lines of employment (like the Armed services) or taxed different, weren't allowed to run for Civic posts and couldn't Vote. Wouldn't you hope someone woke up and said Apartheid is wrong? Wouldn't you seek out the underlying issues? Wouldn't you hope that by educating the next generation that race doesn't exist racism would dissipate (even if it is partially genetic)? Wouldn't you be dismayed when a Black person was sentenced to hang for saying: F*K off to a White person? If a White said a Black touching their water was akin to spitting in it - what would you think?
OK, then what about the Mormon Prophet and the Mormon God? How about the multiple Gods the Japanese worship?

Is the Book of Mormon equal to the Qur'an? I mean, they were both written by "Prophets" and considered perfect final revelations.

Imagine there were 300+ million Whites who said: Any Black should be Slaves. Suppose they had Racial Apartheid Laws that restricted free Blacks from certain lines of employment (like the Armed services) or taxed different, weren't allowed to run for Civic posts and couldn't vote. Wouldn't you hope someone woke up and said Apartheid is wrong? Wouldn't you seek out the underlying issues? Wouldn't you hope that by educating the next generation that race doesn't exist racism would dissipate (even if it is partially genetic)? Wouldn't you be dismayed when a Black person was sentenced to hang for saying: F*K off to a White person?

Polytheists and pantheism are/is different to the main abrahamic religions that most of the worlds population is made up of.

Whats the difference with the mormon god though? if you had read the book of mormon you would know it was trying to copy the abrahamic religious tradition.

You said "Imagine there were 300+ million Whites who said: Any Black should be Slaves"

There was do you not remember Black slavery that only just ended?. and nobody is hung for slander of another living person. You know the laws of the lands, and Slandering a prophet and god is not allowed there, so don;t do it. Can;t you restrain yourself from cursing at things?.

Your obsessed with this stuff and i bet none of this even effects you, you just hate islam and i know you havent read the whole quran to even judge it.

Bells: good thing you know Chi so well. Otherwise I'd start to be worried.
Polytheists and pantheism are/is different to the main abrahamic religions that most of the worlds population is made up of.
Yes, I agree, their Gods and Goddess exist in a different religious paradigm. My question is:
Is polytheistic Shinto Faith equally valid as Islam?

** Think about the term: "Abrahamic". Why would someone say: The God of Abraham IF all of the Gods and Goddesses of the world were from the same source? I mean, the God of Abraham is the God of everyone. All the other deities - they're all the same God. So? Why say: God of Abraham? Just say God. Which, if we are to take your platitude of "They just follow different prophets (The one for their time)" to mean Prophets were sent to Japan and founded the Shinto faith, prophets were sent to Native America and founded their faith, prophets were sent to Easter Island and Hawaii and founded their faiths. See, the way I see it, when people say "Abrahamic" or "The God of Abraham" the seem to forget the implicit idea that when this religion arose, there were many other Gods and Goddesses in existence. The "Abraham God" being just one of them.

But, just to be clear, you are saying that the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith Jr. was a real Prophet from God? Prophet Joseph Smith Jr. was in real communication with Allah and the Book of Mormon is divine revelation? I just want to make sure I understand you correctly.

Slandering a prophet and god is not allowed there, so don;t do it. Can;t you restrain yourself from cursing at things?.
Apparently for most Muslims, as was evidenced in the statistic analysis, Apostasy IS a slander. THAT is a problem for me.

Have you truly studied Religion? or have you just studied whats on fox news or articles "about religion" from other people who have skimmed over a segment of one culture?
I don't watch Fox news and don't have cable (if it's on cable - I don't watch TV so I wouldn't know). I do watch Youtube, I suppose I might have seen a Fox clip?

I find it interesting that I was asked to provide evidence most Muslims are Religiously Bigoted. I find evidence in the form of Blasphemy Law. That's overlooked. I then find a very recent poll done by Pew Polls (a reputable organization) that did a representative survey of Muslims from South East Asia, the sub-content, the Middle East, North ME, North Africa and Africa, some moderate nations, some conservative. The data showed that approximately 50% of Muslims support Death to Apostate Kaffir. Now, one would think that this would be of interest. But it's not. Instead people bury their head in the sand, question the poll statistics, blame the Joos, blame the "Colonists", blame America, blame anyone and anything but the root of the problem, make excuse, after excuse, after excuse and don't deal with the issue.

One wonders: WHY? Is religious Bigotry Off the Table?
I mean, my Gods, supporting DEATH for Apostasy?
Isn't that something WE (as Kaffir Apostates) might want to take an interest in? Especially considering the legal ramifications of the Blasphemy Laws (which every single so-called Islamic Nation has. Including the "moderate" Indonesians who just pasted a new Blasphemy Law in 2010).

We're talking about calling for Death! Are we living in the Middle Ages? I mean, kill someone.... for their personal superstition?!?!:confused:
It's ludicrous.
Yet, here we are, nearly 50% of Muslims support out-right Death, well, you can be damn sure there's at least half that again that support a more lenient punishment (I'd like to say twice that, but you can't double 50%) and obviously would be bigoted towards Apostate Kaffir (such as not shaking their hand). If you want to know why so many people in the world have a distaste for Islam, don't blame Fox news, they didn't run the poll, don't blame Whitey (just as many Asians and other Africans feel the same) instead think about the implications of those statistics.

How did a certain segment of the human population come think this it's just to murder another human for differences in superstitious ideas?
I find this to be interesting.
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There is no difference between the Muslim God, Jewish God, Catholic God, the Christian God, the native American God etc etc. They just follow different prophets (The one for their time) and now information is at the fingertips of all nations they all decide which ones to follow for some reason.

The Jews are an exception they have a specific law to adhere too and musn't stray from it. Muslims embrace all of the prophets and are not just fixated on one Idol.

Have you truly studied Religion? or have you just studied whats on fox news or articles "about religion" from other people who have skimmed over a segment of one culture?.

god dammit really for fucks sake people Catholics are Christians. the roman catholic church is the oldest christian church with the possible exception of the Greek orthodox one. seperating the two is stupid and an attempt take away from the church a part of its history.