Is the bible the word of god?

or the devil.
And where does it say all that in scripture, which is supposed to be "the word of God", himself?

First was the word? What word?
And the word was God? And who was the author of the word? Humans?

Actually, God calls himself "That".
"I am That, I am", those are words from God himself, according to scripture.
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I've never been interested in chemistry, I put faith in people like you for telling the truth about what I'm not interested in. A bit like you with philosophy, you sound great, but it all comes tumbling down to evolution. We have accepted it as part of the question we are talking about, we don't need any further information. I don't know if that is related to this thread or one of the others.

EDIT: It is interesting dissecting religion then killing it.

EDIT: And the Young Earth vs Evolution may pop up again on our travels, so fill you gun up.
No it all comes down to Origins. Evolution came just after the formation of chemical polymers.

Do you have any clue as to how many chemical experiments the earth has performed during its lifetime?
Would you believe something like: two trillion, quadrillion, quadrillion, quadrillion chemical reactions just on earth.

This is totally outside any notion of divine intervention and no humans are required for natural chemical interactions.
No it all comes down to Origins. Evolution came just after the formation of chemical polymers.
Do you have any clue as to how many chemical experiments the earth has performed during its lifetime?
Would you believe something like: two trillion, quadrillion, quadrillion, quadrillion chemical reactions just on earth.

This is totally outside any notion of divine intervention and no humans are required for natural chemical interactions.

I don't have any idea, how do you?

What do you call this theory?
I don't have any idea, how do you?

What do you call this theory?
Do watch the Hazen lecture!

p.s you can ignore the first 25 minutes. Start watching @ 25:00
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And where does it say all that in scripture, which is supposed to be "the word of God", himself?

First was the word? What word?
And the word was God? And who was the author of the word? Humans?

Actually, God calls himself "That".
"I am That, I am", those are words from God himself, according to scripture.

or the devil.

bible says he who doesn't love doesn't know God because God is LOVE.
Have we a
  • carbon copy
  • doppelganger
  • clone
of Jan?

Well, it is one word more exact than Jan's; "God IS". At least kx000 qualified that; "God is LOVE".

Of course, God is also anger, hate, jealousy, life, death. In fact God is exactly everything what science calls the Universal potentials. Nowhere does it say that God is MORE.
In the Bible it is written that one of the men who tortured Jesus had his RIGHT-EAR cut off by The Lord. Why his right-ear? Does this mean that God is left-handed? :)
The Bible is very probably not the word of God.

There is no scientific evidence that any of the claims of religion are actually true.

Science shows that religion is just like wishful thinking for people who are naturally afraid to die. People are naturally afraid of death so religion provides comforts for them.

But science shows that life is a chemical and physical process so religion isn't actually true.

Even Stephen Hawking was forced to admit that there is no God and that no one directs our fate.