Is the universe finite?

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IAJ said:
JR said:
Wait! Do you mean finite in time, or in space?

Many have reiterated and contradicted themselves, opting for a partial pregnancy scenario. Because they realized the implications of a finite universe and saw red! There is no science which can rationalize an 'ABSOLUTELY' finite realm emerging ...[snip]

Can't you answer a simple question? Stop waffling and answer.

So which is more conducive of an expanding realm - that there was a BEGINNING [Genesis] - or that it is infinite in some places?!

It doesn't matter what is "more conducive". Obviously, since the universe is infinite and expanding, we need to deal with the facts, not your wishful thinking about what you think is "conducive".

FYI, a finite realm cannot contain an infinite intity. You can't fit a 3 metter into a 2 meter.

No problem, since the universe is not finite.

the universe is getting denser, not rarer.

No it isn't. That's just factually wrong.

The universe has not stopped expanding or growing. The expansion is not from a pushing out factor because there was no 'where' to push out to when the BB occured, or is alledged to have occured.

Well, you're the expert. Where did you do your astrophysics degree?

The axe falls in total dismisal of ToE when we consider that the time factor has no impact on an 'on-going' process of evolution!

We've been through this before. Failing memory again?
I still have a problem with the concept of an infinite universe. Since the universe has a clear cut point in time when it began, and expands at a finite, though rapid rate, then it must be finite in volume.

Is this 'infinity' a concept that includes time?
That is : the universe is finite in volume right now, but will expand for eternity, hence is infinite in space and time together?
(Insert title here)

IamJoseph said:

Why be so confidently condescending: no one has admitted being wrong in all points thus far with my debates - more or less they have displayed only religious mode defences by jumping to other defenses when pivotal factors are offered as counters, with no acknowledgement they can be incorrect or that my provisions are plausable.

There are certain things, sir, that I don't like to say directly. But, for your sake—since ... I don't know; you don't get the hint? you're not aware?—I'll go ahead and say it.

My sense of obligation arises from the fact that I am the moderator of this subforum. Thus, I feel some obligation to afford you the opportunity to start making sense before I pull out my green hat and close this thread as a superstitious, nonsensical waste of the Science & Society subforum.

Please say why you are unaware of this - yet casting dismissive assertions?

I am asking you to explain what you mean, and demonstrate the validity of the assertions in a reasonably academic context:

Medicine's first seperation of the occult, listing the introduction of incurable deseases, their ID, treatment, quarantine of infectious deseases [note the burning criteria] and contagious deseases [note the isolation criteria].

I would suggest that defiling God's sanctity is hardly scientific. Even your citation from Leviticus 13 is concerned with cleanliness in the eyes of God. To wit: Whence comes the diagnosis of leprosy that Leviticus acknowledges?

The term tsara`ath (צרעת) in the old testament refers to "leprosy" in people, and "a mildew or mold" in buildings. That is, Lv. 13 considers leprosy—a bacterial disease—a mold; that is, it considers leprosy an entirely separate taxonomical kingdom from what it really is. This is reflective of a very basic observation: It looks kind of moldy; it must be a mold. (A mold is of kingdom fungi; leprosy is of kingdom bacteria.)

A brief story to illusrate my point: I once knew a family that, despite being Lutheran believed in witchcraft. Why? Because they saw it work. I can't tell you where Nanny Heider learned to use a banana peel; it's not a part of the Germanic witchcraft tradition. But one day Ginny burned her arm trying to catch the fucking iron. And Nanny Heider wrapped the burn, including a banana peel. In something like three days, there was no evidence of the burn. To the one, that suggests to me the burn wasn't as bad as initially assessed. To the other, I have no idea under the sun why the banana peel worked. That is, there should have been some evidence of the burn, but there was not.

It's not medicine in any sense that we presently recognize. It certainly isn't science. But it is a remembrance of coinciding factors and outcomes.

Religion—and especially the Abramic tradition—includes what I call "pre-science". I have, somewhere in my library, a photostat reproduction of a nineteenth-century compendium of folk remedies. It's actually pretty good. For instance, it has a remedy for sinus congestion that includes a heavy dose of cayenne. Now, it doesn't cure a cold, but I know damn well from experience that a strong shot of Scofield heat will do wonders for the sinuses. Tradition recognizes the correlation. Science seeks the mechanism by which a certain cause brings about a certain, predictable effect.

(I adore such remedies because, in most cases in my life, that is sufficient. Antihistamines, for instance, suppress the body's natural response to a pathogen, and thus have some negative effects. If I can treat my symptoms while allowing my body its natural responses, I will. That's why I use Celestial Seasonings Lemon Zinger tea with honey for a sore throat instead of Robotussin—my childhood medication, which works like the goddamn Devil—and straight peppermint-leaf tea for sinus issues. And, to be certain, peppermint tea beats the hell out of smearing Vaporub all over my chest.)

What you're referring to in Leviticus is the equivalent of witchcraft and shamanism. It's not science, and it's not proper medicine.

When exactly did a universe maker become a myth concerning a universe?

When it is believed without testable validation—and despite an inability to pursue such confirmation—it falls into the realm of the subjective. It is theological, spiritual, and explanatory; it falls squarely within the realm of myth.

And this particular myth contradicts itself, to boot.

So coming back to the beginning, I would urge you to please support your assertions with something scientific and useful. At the very least, I can recognize your motive for posting this in S&S instead of AE&C, but its presence here does not excuse you from the obligations of scientific consideration.


Heartlight's Search God's Word. "Tsara`ath". (n.d.) September 2, 2010.

Wikipedia. "Leprosy". September 3, 2010. September 2, 2010.
The seed factor is immovable by the scientific premise. There is no alternative to it. Bite the bullet - or put up.

IamJoseph thinks he is saying something profound when he talks about the "seed factor", which is really just his way of talking about sperm and ova.

It's like he believes that science doesn't know about sexual reproduction.
I still have a problem with the concept of an infinite universe. Since the universe has a clear cut point in time when it began, and expands at a finite, though rapid rate, then it must be finite in volume.

No. The universe started with infinite volume, then expanded.

That is : the universe is finite in volume right now, but will expand for eternity, hence is infinite in space and time together?

No. It's (probably) infinite right now.
IamJoseph thinks he is saying something profound when he talks about the "seed factor", which is really just his way of talking about sperm and ova.

It's like he believes that science doesn't know about sexual reproduction.

As I said before, the seed factor is not my invention - it happens to be the pivotal factor mentioneed in the texts. Non-profound is the omission syndrome.
No. The universe started with infinite volume, then expanded.

That's not emperically based: 'started' and "infinite volume" are self contradictory terms. An infinite cannot be contained in a finite realm, which also says at one time there was no volume, space or expansion.
No. The universe started with infinite volume, then expanded.

No. It's (probably) infinite right now.

How does it all wrk 'IF' the universe is 'absolutely' finite - have you ever considered this side of the coin or is this a blasphemous and heritical question?
As I said before, the seed factor is not my invention ...

I don't believe the word "factor" is found anywhere in Genesis. Therefore...

And, like I said, science knows about sexual reproduction.

That's not emperically based: 'started' and "infinite volume" are self contradictory terms.

Apparently not, according to the available scientific evidence. Like I said.

An infinite cannot be contained in a finite realm, which also says at one time there was no volume, space or expansion.

No problem, since there is no finite realm. Like I said.
I still have a problem with the concept of an infinite universe. Since the universe has a clear cut point in time when it began, and expands at a finite, though rapid rate, then it must be finite in volume.

Is this 'infinity' a concept that includes time?
That is : the universe is finite in volume right now, but will expand for eternity, hence is infinite in space and time together?

I believe Genesis is talking about an 'ABSOLUTELY' finite universe, and must be scientifically examined with that preamble. Basically, this says anything which exists in this universe did not exist at one time. No exceptions. It is the most feared premise for neo science today.
I don't believe the word "factor" is found anywhere in Genesis. Therefore...

And, like I said, science knows about sexual reproduction.

Skuds are also not found in genesis. There is no sexual repro without the seed - I have not used the strange term 'factor' for your benefit.

Apparently not, according to the available scientific evidence. Like I said.

No problem, since there is no finite realm. Like I said.

Be very afraid - run fast.
blah blah blah...

the answer is no...

even if we are in some kind of finite bubble... it has to be surrounded by something.
I believe Genesis is talking about an 'ABSOLUTELY' finite universe, and must be scientifically examined with that preamble. Basically, this says anything which exists in this universe did not exist at one time. No exceptions. It is the most feared premise for neo science today.

No. Because that's exactly what the big bang theory says: anything that exists in this universe did not exist at one time.

So, we agree at last!

Are we done?

Skuds are also not found in genesis.

What's a skud? That seems like a severe oversight by the writers of Genesis, don't you think? It sounds really important. Why didn't they include skuds?

I think you should get out there and protest that Genesis should be re-written to include the all-important skuds - whatever they are.

There is no sexual repro without the seed...

Yeah. That's sex education 101. When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much...

I have not used the strange term 'factor' for your benefit.

No. Neither did Genesis. Like I said.

James R said:

IamJoseph thinks he is saying something profound when he talks about the "seed factor", which is really just his way of talking about sperm and ova.

In truth, I disagree. I think he's trying to sound original for reiterating the idea of the demiurge. But since he's using a vocabulary that only he understands, I'm not certain.
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Not only that, but Joseph ignores embarrassing questions. Like why did Genesis say seed plants existed before stars?
There are certain things, sir, that I don't like to say directly. But, for your sake—since ... I don't know; you don't get the hint? you're not aware?—I'll go ahead and say it.

My sense of obligation arises from the fact that I am the moderator of this subforum. Thus, I feel some obligation to afford you the opportunity to start making sense before I pull out my green hat and close this thread as a superstitious, nonsensical waste of the Science & Society subforum.

You have the buttons.

I am asking you to explain what you mean, and demonstrate the validity of the assertions in a reasonably academic context:

I would suggest that defiling God's sanctity is hardly scientific. Even your citation from Leviticus 13 is concerned with cleanliness in the eyes of God. To wit: Whence comes the diagnosis of leprosy that Leviticus acknowledges?

Your comprehension is unreasonable to the extreme. Impure/unclean in ancientspeak means corrupted. One must speak in the language of the people. FYI, your assessment about understanding the used term cleanliness is attrocious: we derive at this conclusion being disfunctional by the remedy given as quarantine and burning of all possessions. Do some clear thinking before casting me as your scapegoat: witchcrafts don't administer such prescriptions!

The term tsara`ath (צרעת) in the old testament refers to "leprosy" in people, and "a mildew or mold" in buildings. That is, Lv. 13 considers leprosy—a bacterial disease—a mold; that is, it considers leprosy an entirely separate taxonomical kingdom from what it really is. This is reflective of a very basic observation: It looks kind of moldy; it must be a mold. (A mold is of kingdom fungi; leprosy is of kingdom bacteria.)

Leprosy is a recently coined term, which translated the Hebrew word as such. Basically, the text I posted introduced the premise of a malignancy [more than a chronic condition] in a manner any confusion is not possible. You have totally disregarded the amazing texts and reduced it to your own version of gibberish. But you cannot show another text of equal validity.

A brief story to illusrate my point: I once knew a family that, despite being Lutheran believed in witchcraft. Why? Because they saw it work. I can't tell you where Nanny Heider learned to use a banana peel; it's not a part of the Germanic witchcraft tradition. But one day Ginny burned her arm trying to catch the fucking iron. And Nanny Heider wrapped the burn, including a banana peel. In something like three days, there was no evidence of the burn. To the one, that suggests to me the burn wasn't as bad as initially assessed. To the other, I have no idea under the sun why the banana peel worked. That is, there should have been some evidence of the burn, but there was not.

Your story is not about witchraft or a Lutheran but of yourself in your equating what is clearly the antithesis of witchcraft. Do witches examine under your skin, test it after 7 days, then decide if you must be under quarantine - or do medical professionals perform such processes? Is there a doctor in the house!

It's not medicine in any sense that we presently recognize. It certainly isn't science. But it is a remembrance of coinciding factors and outcomes.

It is only the introduction of medicine as a science.

Religion—and especially the Abramic tradition—includes what I call "pre-science". I have, somewhere in my library, a photostat reproduction of a nineteenth-century compendium of folk remedies. It's actually pretty good. For instance, it has a remedy for sinus congestion that includes a heavy dose of cayenne. Now, it doesn't cure a cold, but I know damn well from experience that a strong shot of Scofield heat will do wonders for the sinuses. Tradition recognizes the correlation. Science seeks the mechanism by which a certain cause brings about a certain, predictable effect.

FYI, the Abraham thread occupies the majority of the science Nobels - by a margin which is not possible to catch up with. There is no science without first noting if the universe is finite and that laws come before the action. Science is based on laws. That the universe had a beginning - is the primodial law - even if the word FACTOR is not included!

Why did you even ask me to prove my assertions - to enlighten me that the first pointer of contagious deseases is witchcraft? First you boldly said the term seed does not appear in the text - then you enlightened me how the term FACTOR does not appear. :bugeye: :D

So coming back to the beginning, I would urge you to please support your assertions with something scientific and useful. At the very least, I can recognize your motive for posting this in S&S instead of AE&C, but its presence here does not excuse you from the obligations of scientific consideration.

What I posted is science per se. What you have said is gibberish.
Not only that, but Joseph ignores embarrassing questions. Like why did Genesis say seed plants existed before stars?

LOL! I did respond to this question before - and it just went over the cookoo's head. No response:

Genesis is correct vegetation can precede the sun's luminosity focusing on earth. How so!? A careful reading of the text says something remarkable yet unrecognised adequately. Genesis says the first and original constructs of life forms were completed but they were not alive. The life became 'alive' [living; animated] when they were ignited - by cycles of rain, water levels, sunlight, etc. Here, Genesis also says life is a result of critical pre-requisite and anticipatory facts - totally disregarded by ToE, and toally in contradiction with science.

Analogy: a completed car does not move till ignited [with the car key] - and ignition is not possible unless the car is first completed. Align this with life forms and Genesis comes out the winner by a country mile.

Genesis: Rainfall does not begin till a mist rises and is ignited by other factors - and this only 'after' the components and proponents of the construct is complete. 100% manifest science - totally disregarded in ToE.

Genesis: The sun does not give off light till it reaches a certain matured phase and it becomes activated; many stars do not reach this phase. And this is only possible when the essence of light is first at hand. 100% science - totally disregarded in Genesis - with its lousy excuse Genesis is not talking about origins - but this is not about origins as much as a factor in the process. Hello?!

Here, Genesis aligns with the workings of all things manifest and observable - when we do not shut our eyes and minds subsequent only to factors insisted on by ToE [a belief syndrome!]. Here, Genesis also says the variance of life form species emerged as singular ancestors of groupings and then spread in diverse sub-groups, subsequent to a directive program embedded in the seed factor - as opposed lions and tigers are one group/branch impacted by the environment and nothing to do with the seed data. Seen from this view, without pre-conceptions of ToE, Genesis is logical, aligns with what is manifest and plausable from a scientific POV - with no alternative means possible or ever witnessed.

In fact I see no alternative it could not happen the way described by genesis. The number of varied life styles, if accounted comprehensively, does not allow a time factor which allows all life to stem from one - even via diverse branchings. Consider all the known and unknown life forms in the oceans, whereby we are discovering new life in deeper sea beds all around the globe as we seak - now, not millions of years ago. Here, the plausability that octupuses and sharks emerged via two seperate heirachy heads is far greater than the ToE version. The axe falls in total dismisal of ToE when we consider that the time factor has no impact on an 'on-going' process of evolution!

Ah... no. That's wrong too.

alright it takes billions and billions of light-years to encompass the universe. and im sure from the point of any star in a far galaxy. it looks similar to what we see. probably different constellations.

I mean unless you think we are in the center of the universe.

with that much unreachable potential you might as well say infinite..
Don't expect everyone else to speak your language

IamJoseph said:

LOL! I did respond to this question before - and it just went over the cookoo's head.

No, sir. You simply presume that whenever you say something, people know what you're referring to. To wit:

"Genesis is correct vegetation can precede the sun's luminosity focusing on earth. How so!? A careful reading of the text says something remarkable yet unrecognised adequately. Genesis says the first and original constructs of life forms were completed but they were not alive. The life became 'alive' [living; animated] when they were ignited - by cycles of rain, water levels, sunlight, etc. Here, Genesis also says life is a result of critical pre-requisite and anticipatory facts - totally disregarded by ToE, and toally in contradiction with science."​

What, exactly, are you referring to, and how do you draw such conclusions according to Genesis?
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