is the whistling in your ears a subconscious language?

And no. I'm not going to pretend to diagnose this poster based on a few words he posted online. I'm leaving that up to real doctors he should go see himself.

He already said he is not going to see any doctors. He simply does not take to anything we say here, read his actual replies.
How long have you been on the Internet?

What does this have to do with anything on this thread or to OP? Do you even know what trolling means? It is to purposely divert a discussion from what OP intended it for. Why arent you dicussing the OP and thread discussion? Why are you focusing on me?
What does this have to do with anything on this thread or to OP? Do you even know what trolling means? It is to purposely divert a discussion from what OP intended it for. Why arent you dicussing the OP and thread discussion? Why are you focusing on me?

I made my point clearly enough. That's really all I have to say.
I made my point clearly enough. That's really all I have to say.

Now lets think this together as two intellectual individuals who care for the OP.

1) Should we delete our discussion from here, including what you say is offensive to him about my diagnosis of schizophrenia?

2) If not, what do you propose?
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Both logical recommendations to your claims of hallucinating. You yourselves recommended the OP poster see a doctor. That's all I suggested..I didn't attempt to diagnose you.
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No you do not exhibit any of the symptoms. You are just dishonest, which is a perfectly normal thing for humans to have, but not a favorable trait.

At least I don't call people schizophrenic because they have ringing in their ears. What kind of favorable trait is that?
Let it be noted... coming into the thread with the intent to derail it and accuse another member of actions that are demonstrably false is generally a poor idea...
I found this thread by googling for one of many spiritual phenomena I've been experiencing: seeing blue sparkles at night, feeling/big small at the same time in meditation (and also when I was a child), and hearing these tones ("whistles" as OP calls them). I'd like to comment on the original intention of this thread.

I wanted to share this audio file I found that is a very good imitation of a type of tones I have heard:
I think it's eerily accurate. I don't always experience the silence before the tone, although I used to a lot.

I've been wanting to discuss them with others, and ponder what it means, why it happens when it happens, and what other observe when it happens. Here's what I observe:
  • Right/left ear: left ear (for me) means incoming message, and right ear means I've been heard. I don't know this is true for everyone else.
  • The tones have such amazing variety of texture in tonal quality. For example, it can feel right next to me, or far away. The pitch can be high or low, volume is on a spectrum. Sometimes it's piercing and other times it's soft/gentle.
  • Sometimes they sound like those hearing test beeps from elementary school.
  • Sometimes they're accompanied by an energy shift, like an adrenaline rush, or a head rush from standing up too quickly (even though I am standing still).
  • I try to observe what I am thinking or doing at the time. And it usually coincides with thinking a true thought, something that feels true to me. I've started logging dates and times and
I'd like to hear what other people observe about this!
There is an old Sanskrit saying "The true teacher can be found in the tone"... This is but one interpretation btw. I for the life of me can not remember how to spell the original Sanskrit.
Phonetically it sounds like :
Satta guru, shabdi di-arn yiv-on muckti

To aid your search I would suggest you research various aspects of truth and the realization of such found in Buddhism and Hinduism ( Brahma ).

However, consider that most often profound truths can be devastating to the mental tapestry and appear to gain a life and momentum of their own. Psychological and lifestyle disruption is highly likely. So proper training, grounding and discipline is highly recommended before you strive too hard.

Also often these truth events can start to occur spontaneously just before puberty, during and immediately afterwards, a part of the general awakening towards adult hood and lead a person onto serious mental health issues if not managed properly.

Just my thoughts
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Right/left ear: left ear (for me) means incoming message, and right ear means I've been heard. I don't know this is true for everyone else.
Don't go stumbling down the road of telepathy, I took that route and yeesh. Lots of people who hear voices and think they're telepathy don't have a good time doing it to say the least( NIN, Metallica, the strokes). It is still curious to me why I sometimes hear a whistling in the right ear over the left. In my left ear I have tinnitus all the time and write off any variations in it to movements of the inner ear muscles and the facial muscles around your ear. Why i have tinnitus in my right ear at all when it flares up is curious to me. Are those nerve endings vibrating or something? It does seem to flare up in conjunction with thought and stress. Last time I noticed it was a couple weeks ago when a customer came in the store. I didn't feel like serving anyone so my right ear flared up with tinnitus. I grabbed control of it and noticed I could create it voluntarily.

For fun lately I've been summoning voices by putting on headphones with loud clean white noise, and voluntarily singing songs into the white noise with just my ears. The fishy thing is the voices have to allow you to do this or it won't work. They'll say something like "get the EFF outta here" when i start a song or trying to voluntarily control them. So they have to agree with you and you have to get them to go along with it. It helps me oddly to summon angels to cause the voices to be wowed, which is an odd tactic but they do respond back when I do this in a way that an angel of advanced knowledge seems to have caused some change.

I have a theory that weak vibrations in the vestibular system cause this and that putting a gyroscope microphone made of quartz in the ear, you may be able to amplify those weak vibrations out a gyroscope speaker that can make them audible to other people and sort of act as a radio for the vesibular because you can read into the white noise and tell jokes and things as well as sing.

It is well understood that the voices a person can hear are not audible to others in the room or around that person. As for the whistling I'm still a little bit curious about that myself.
Along with damage to the inner ear, various infections and inflammations, and so forth, high blood pressure can cause whistling and other noises in the ear.

As high blood pressure has few early symptoms, that can be a timely warning.