Magical Realist
Valued Senior Member
You accuse me, have the decency to stand tall and take responsibility and propose a solution.
How long have you been on the Internet?
You accuse me, have the decency to stand tall and take responsibility and propose a solution.
And no. I'm not going to pretend to diagnose this poster based on a few words he posted online. I'm leaving that up to real doctors he should go see himself.
How long have you been on the Internet?
What does this have to do with anything on this thread or to OP? Do you even know what trolling means? It is to purposely divert a discussion from what OP intended it for. Why arent you dicussing the OP and thread discussion? Why are you focusing on me?
I made my point clearly enough. That's really all I have to say.
Unless that poster is you.Do I have a problem with posters here ad homing other posters as mentally ill? You bet your ass I do.
You should check yourself in the mental ward.
That symptomizes a malfunctioning brain, not a properly functioning brain. You need to get checked out. It could lead to an accident.
Both logical recommendations to your claims of hallucinating. You yourselves recommended the OP poster see a doctor. That's all I suggested..I didn't attempt to diagnose you.
You hypocrite...
Is that a symptom of schizophrenia too doc?
No you do not exhibit any of the symptoms. You are just dishonest, which is a perfectly normal thing for humans to have, but not a favorable trait.
a realization perhaps?I try to observe what I am thinking or doing at the time. And it usually coincides with thinking a true thought, something that feels true to me. I've started logging dates and times and
Don't go stumbling down the road of telepathy, I took that route and yeesh. Lots of people who hear voices and think they're telepathy don't have a good time doing it to say the least( NIN, Metallica, the strokes). It is still curious to me why I sometimes hear a whistling in the right ear over the left. In my left ear I have tinnitus all the time and write off any variations in it to movements of the inner ear muscles and the facial muscles around your ear. Why i have tinnitus in my right ear at all when it flares up is curious to me. Are those nerve endings vibrating or something? It does seem to flare up in conjunction with thought and stress. Last time I noticed it was a couple weeks ago when a customer came in the store. I didn't feel like serving anyone so my right ear flared up with tinnitus. I grabbed control of it and noticed I could create it voluntarily.Right/left ear: left ear (for me) means incoming message, and right ear means I've been heard. I don't know this is true for everyone else.