Is there an historical and living Jesus?

And we are simply trying to tell you that he could not have been made up. You just cannot create a person out of nowhere.
Shakespeare? Socrates? Hercules? Mr Hide?

There is equal (actually maybe more) evidence for Hercules as there is for Jesus.

If you have some contemporary evidence for Jesus, post it, if not then accept he is most likely a fictitious character based on many other people.
There is evidence for a lot of people that were just like Jesus. Jesus is probably a composite of the lot of them.

fine, so Jesus existed, it is a group of revolutionary people. :)

it explains why he could come back to life,
one of the member get crucified and another came back :p
And we are simply trying to tell you that he could not have been made up. You just cannot create a person out of nowhere.

Better still, give an example of one fictional character who has, in the course of history, been believed as real.

Perhaps, when you cannot you will see how stupid this is. That is all we are saying.
Thats rich, coming from a believer, lol
It's most definitely stupid that, you think fantasies are real.

Jason. (Greek myths),
Thor (Norse myth),
Hence why we say the Jesus myth
All the places of the world, throughout history have had at one time, there heroes and gods, you could pick any one of them to answer your question, all were thought of as real at one time, some still are. lol

John99 said:
"You just cannot create a person out of nowhere."
"Thats rich, coming from a believer, lol"
You dont know what you are talking about, do you?

I said:
Better still, give an example of one fictional character who has, in the course of history, been believed as real.

Michael failed and you have failed. "LOL"
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You don't know what you are talking about, do you?

I said:
give an example of one fictional character who has, in the course of history, been believed as real.

Michael failed and you have failed. "LOL"
don't see how, or do you actually believe that the people I've mentioned, who are quite clearly fictional. Weren't ever thought of as real, people still believe in Jesus.
people still believe in Thor.
Most likely there was a historical person whom the attributes of Jesus are attributed. It's just common sense because a made up person would never stand up to scrutiny.
That's the point. Jesus does not stand up to scrutiny. The only reason he has been accepted as a historical figure for so long is that the Christians had veto power over Western culture. Now that that power is mercifully waning, so is the believability of Jesus.
Especially early on. I am referring to when the religion was created people would most likely say "where is this guy, how come he never shows up?"
Unless you have some startling new evidence, nothing was written about Jesus until after the alleged time of his death. We have no reason to believe that anyone spoke about him or believed in him during the time he is alleged to have been alive, so there was nothing to be skeptical about.
Jesus was probably real. . . .
You're begging the question that started this thread. Upon what evidence do you base that assertion? Please present it to us. That's the purpose of this thread, so please cooperate.
It is not generally accepted by non-religious scholars that there was no historical Jesus.
This is no longer true, although it was for the first half of my life. The last shred of evidence for Jesus as a real historical figure was the writings of the Roman historian Josephus. Modern forensic analysis has demolished the credibility of those portions of his writings. They are blatant forgeries.

So again, unless you have some new evidence that will stun the community of non-religious scholars, you are wrong about this.
You are pissed off at the religious and Christians and I can think of many reasons for you to be, but that is beside the point. Medicine Woman' hypothesis has little merit. She could, coincidentally, be correct, but her assertion is weakly supported.
There's no inherent negative correlation between being pissed off at somebody and that person actually being wrong. MW may be pissed off at Christianity (and I'm not sure she is, at least not one-tenth as much as I am), but that doesn't autmatically mean that it can't be pure bullshit.
The idea that some religious scholars confirmed his non-existence is a joke.
You are way behind the information curve on this. Besides, no scholar would use terminology like "confirming his non-existence." This sounds like something a religionist made up to cast aspersions on atheists.
No matter what, there is plenty of evidentiary support of Jesus' existance.
You're going to have to do better than that on a science website, even if this is the religion board and we relax some of the rules. Please cite some of this evidence for us. The assertion on the table is that there is NO such evidence. If you know of some, you're going to have to do more than say so.
He was a man.
Please provide evidence for this assertion.
Snakelord, We have a bitter woman (M*W) trying to convince people that a few modern authors, who know virtually nothing about that time except for what they read, know if someone was alive over 2,000 years ago.
It's rather a lot of modern writers. The consensus on this issue has completely turned around in the past fifteen or twenty years, since the debunking of the Josephus forgeries. Besides, what does anyone know about events 2000 years ago except what they have read? Scholarship under these circumstances becomes an exercise in forensics, and Jesus fails the test.
And we are simply trying to tell you that he could not have been made up. You just cannot create a person out of nowhere.
What is your reasoning for this remarkable statement? Con artists and politicians have been fooling people since the dawn of civilization.
Better still, give an example of one fictional character who has, in the course of history, been believed as real.
As an American I'm somewhat familiar only with the legends of England, the country even those of us without a drop of British blood regard as our spiritual ancestral home. So I'll limit myself to that folklore and I immediately come up with two examples: King Arthur and Robin Hood.

But this is a fallacious question. If someone is believed as real, then how are we to discern that he is false and everyone who believes in him is wrong?

Here we have a perfect laboratory experiment. There is absolutely zero satisfactory scholarly evidence for the existence of Jesus as an actual person. Yet right here on SciForums, a website one would assume to attract scientists and other scholars, people who have nothing to add to that missing pile of evidence are insisting that he was real, and getting really angry and insulting when we ask for at least a modicum of respect for the scientific method in their argument.

We're asking for evidence. The apologists for religion keep tossing around statements to the effect that "there is lots of evidence." Yet no one has actually provided any.

The last shred of evidence for Jesus as a real historical figure was the writings of the Roman historian Josephus. Modern forensic analysis has demolished the credibility of those portions of his writings. They are blatant forgeries.
Forensic analysis...indicating forgery???

Yes there is evidence of interpolations to the Josephus' record of Jesus. However there are two references, one is a shorter reference to james
"the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ"
to which most scholars afirm as accurate. This is the passage most debated as a later interpolation:

"About this time came Jesus, a wise man, if indeed it is appropriate to call him a man. For he was a performer of paradoxical feats, a teacher of people who accept the unusual with pleasure, and he won over many of the Jews and also many Greeks. He was the Christ. When Pilate, upon the accusation of the first men amongst us, condemned him to be crucified, those who had formerly loved him did not cease to follow him, for he appeared to them on the third day, living again, as the divine prophets foretold, along with a myriad of other marvellous things concerning him. And the tribe of the Christians, so named after him, has not disappeared to this day"

However many scholars believe that Josephus originally mentioned Jesus although not in such an extravegant way. The major reason to believe this is an Arabic version of the text from the Historian Agapius which is much more conservative:

"At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. And his conduct was good, and (he) was known to be virtuous and many people from among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. And those who had become his disciples did not desert his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive; accordingly, he was perhaps the Messiah concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders."

I think this points that Josephus did mention a historic Jesus.

Also, I hope Im not redundant to most of you, but there are a few other extra-biblical references to Jesus dating after 100: Pliny the Younger (mentioned Christ and Christians 112 ad), Tacitus (mentioned christus and followers 116 ad), Suetonius (mentions Chrestus and jewish following somewhere between 70-140 ad)

And there is an interesting mention of Jesus in the Talmud "On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald went forth and cried, 'He is going forth to be stoned because he has practised sorcery and enticed Israel to apostacy." dating before 200

As to the authenticity of the Gospels, there is much to discuss on this subject which could end up taking a lengthy amount of time. Well I looked for a comprehensive text online concerning the authenticity of the gospels and came up short, forgive me. However I have read a couple books on the subject that make quite a case: Josh McDowells "Evidence that Demands a Verdict", and for the historicity of Christ Josh McDowell wrote "More than a Carpenter"

This is just some of the most interesting evidence that I scraped up, but theres really a lot more out there (controversial as it may be)
Back then the kings were gods.

Gilgamesh' father was a human.

Better still, give an example of one fictional character who has, in the course of history, been believed as real.

There are countless - ironically enough generally being those characters regarded as gods or demi-gods. We could list all manner of characters, gods or not gods: Gilgamesh and Enkidu, Noah, Adam and Eve and so on and so forth. The list just goes on.

So again, unless you have some new evidence that will stun the community of non-religious scholars, you are wrong about this.

I would just like to point out and make it clear for the record that I am not the one that made the statement that has now twice incorrectly been attributed to me. It's all M*W's fault. :D It wasn't "originally posted by SnakeLord" at all. Thanks.
However there are two references, one is a shorter reference to james
"the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ"
to which most scholars afirm as accurate.
This short passage is also quoted by Origen who died circa 254 AD.

He does not mention the longer passage, nor does any other early Christian writer.
As to the authenticity of the Gospels, there is much to discuss on this subject which could end up taking a lengthy amount of time. Well I looked for a comprehensive text online concerning the authenticity of the gospels and came up short, forgive me. However I have read a couple books on the subject that make quite a case: Josh McDowells "Evidence that Demands a Verdict", and for the historicity of Christ Josh McDowell wrote "More than a Carpenter"
Would you agree that the earliest and simplest gospel Mark is likely the most accurate...if indeed there was a historical Jesus?
Audible, no offence intended but for the vast majority of the population Iasion is not an authority, nor do his scribbles here hold the same kind of value that they may to you.

Your just trying too hard.

Give an example of one fictional character who has, in the course of history, been believed as real. Not real to children but thought to be an actual being yet never lived at all.

So far we have:

Mr Hide (Hyde)

Obviously all feeble attempts at an answer. You should read the post by Noone special, there is a lot to learn out there.
John 99 forgive me, but I think your line of reasoning is an unfruitful one. There have been religious figures in the past believed to be real by entire civilizations for years. The primitive aztecs believed the craziest things, like that the gods turned humans into birds to escape a worldwide volcano. It could be argued that we are being just as primitive as them.... Accept for the fact that the case of Jesus is more unique

You see, Jesus was believed to be real from an earlier time, and the gospels are accompanied by writings of early christians who believed in a historical Christ.

Secondly, the imperical evidence (which is so passionately debated) would set the Jesus account apart from Gilgamesh, Hercules, Thor ect.

I mean to say, we don't have letters from followers of Gilgamesh dating 30 years after his death. (although I admit, that I do think there is truth in the myth of Gilgamesh, there are acounts of enormous floods and a survivor in the mythology of many ancienct religions. The collective accounts point to a faint memory of a real event [coughnoah'sflood])
There have been religious figures in the past believed to be real by entire civilizations for years.

That is true and some of them were real people and some were just up there in the heavens with chariots and lightening bolts. The divide between truth (actual people) and complete fiction, even if you do believe in the one riding the Chariot in the sky has always been clearly defined.

This amounts to revisionist history but i really see no reason to have history rewritten by a few shoe makers.
I mean to say, we don't have letters from followers of Gilgamesh dating 30 years after his death. (although I admit, that I do think there is truth in the myth of Gilgamesh, there are acounts of enormous floods and a survivor in the mythology of many ancienct religions. The collective accounts point to a faint memory of a real event [coughnoah'sflood])

Some were based on actual people with mythology built around them and some were complete fantasy. Another aspect that does not get much, if any, consideration at all is that people are story tellers. And thousands of years ago people were writing stuff that popped into their heads on cave walls but if someone should find this image thousands of years later and what have they found? To them they found a GOD, worshipped by the masses. Meanwhile what they really found was someones fantasy, most likely bored and trying to entertain children.
Existence of these entity:
Thor, why not?
Shakespeare, why not?
Socrates, why not?
Hercules, why not?
Mr Hide (Hyde), why not?

I want to know if your answer to the question why not?
in other word : why do you think these entity did no exist?

would be applicable to Jesus.

If not then the argument is no more. You have to find people where it seems evident that they do not exist and that the argument for their non-existence should be applicable to Jesus

because it is not because someone believe that winnie the poh existed that it follows that Jesus did not existed ( I understand that it is not because many people believe in jesus that he existed)

In other word the argument of non existence should rely on similar case of mistaken belief.

and an argument for the existence should be some text of different origin talking about jesus
Ronan, I am not a biblical scholar (nor have i even read the Bible) but there are sound, logical reasons for my conclusion, which i may elaborate on later.

Thor, why not? Probably not
Shakespeare, why not? YES
Socrates, why not? YES
Hercules, why not? Probably not
Mr Hide (Hyde), why not? Probably not

The difference is if we add 'based on'\ loosely based on or inspred by. IOW was Mr. Hyde based on an actual person with creative liscense added to create a story? It is very possible. Here we are talking about something a little different though.

If the question is? Was there an actual being over 2k years ago claiming to be JC then the answer is obviously yes. What else you believe in addition to that is up to you.
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Would you agree that the earliest and simplest gospel Mark is likely the most accurate...if indeed there was a historical Jesus?
M*W: Of course, Mark didn't actually write the book of Mark. In fact, no historical person has identified a person named Mark who has been credited for writing the gospel of the same name. My personal belief is derived from scholars of recently published books regarding the Romans authoring not only the gospels but maybe even the entire NT (i.e. the Pauline Epistles, Revelations, etc.), who are Francesco Carlotta and Joseph Atwill. (See my previous bibliography on this subject).

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote (FAQ) of the Day:

(Quoted for John99 who is still remains on IGNORE).

"Question: How do you know you're God?"

"Answer: When I pray to him, I find I'm talking to myself." ~ Peter O'Toole

M*W's Anti-Bitterness Comments (ABCs) of the Day:

"Be not like him who sits by his fireside and watches the fire go out, then blows vainly upon the dead ashes. Do not give up hope or yield to despair because of that which is past, for to bewail the irretrievable is the worst of human frailties." ~ Kahlil Gibran, 1883-1931, Lebanese Poet, Artist and Mystic