Is this science?

Self delusion can be kind of fun, huh?;)
@origin - this is your statement, it is posted long time before mine. Now after seeing the definition, it is without doubt that I'm not delusional, but I will conitnue to agree with your conclusion that I'm delusional only in conversations with you, because otherwise we will contradict each other and that will block the rest of the discussion. And of course I know your brain, it produces endorphins every time you call me like that, try to get to know me better and you will see that the better you will know me, the less endorphins it produces, the less you will care if I'm delusional or not. I guarantee you that!

@Dywyddyr - the brain works on proofs, the point is that you have to prove that each statement is true or false, otherwise they are true or false by default for other people. To prove all those statements will cost you your entire life.. and time is a cost you cannot afford.

The same way you ask yourself "what's the point?" the same way I ask myself, what's the point of the accusation of @origin since he didn't red the journal, he have no information about me. He just red between the lines and took the words he liked, twisting them..

Let's say I will meet 10.000 people, each making a different accusation or statement about me. That means I'll have to spend the rest of my life proving each of them that are wrong or right. That's what I wrote the journal, so you can start with it.. if you want to understand what is it about..

(!)You are scientists, read the smokin' journal to have a complete background of information about what I'm talking about and state a scientific explanation, statement or even accusation, but not just read between the lines like kinder garden kids who want to fool the teacher by not putting too much effort to learn the lesson.(!)
@Dywyddyr - the brain works on proofs

the point is that you have to prove that each statement is true or false
How does this work with your statement:
I skipped this rule of proofing

The same way you ask yourself "what's the point?" the same way I ask myself, what's the point of the accusation of @origin since he didn't red the journal, he have no information about me. He just red between the lines and took the words he liked, twisting them.
Re-read his comment. :rolleyes:
It seems to me here that you are either intentionally taking the sentence out of context or applying your own interpretations of the overall context.

In context the original statement could be considered sarcastic.

P.S. Missing the sarcasim in the post may say more about the reader than the poster!

I am intentially taking the sentence out of context. I find the statements made by liviu so completely absurd that there can be no rational response - so I am responding irrationally.

PS After my most irrational response he stated we were friends - I seriously have no idea if that particular comment was sarcastic.
I am intentially taking the sentence out of context. I find the statements made by liviu so completely absurd that there can be no rational response - so I am responding irrationally.

PS After my most irrational response he stated we were friends - I seriously have no idea if that particular comment was sarcastic.

Noted. I came late to the discussion and some of the subtle aspects eluded me.
Noted. I came late to the discussion and some of the subtle aspects eluded me.

Well, I am just being a jerk and just kinda poking him.

I frequently think to myself that I should be less jerk about this stuff and just respond reasonably or in a case like this thread not at all. Perhaps I will grow up, before alzheimers sends me back the other way.:shrug:
@OnlyMe - it's ok, origin is a big man, he knows what he is saying. I'm just pushing him to say what he want to say using the right words, other wise wrong words or ideas can become viral and that's never a good sign.

@origin - "pokin' me" is a friendly action, that's why I called you friend(no sarcasm here, even though I'm usually sarcastic). In a real life, face to face discussion you will understand me instantly and what is it I'm talking and take back your words from here, but in the virtual world communication has a different level, without mimic, gesture and tonality, in your case the messages lost more than 80% from their value.

@river - in case that you've missed the previous conversations or you didn't read the journal, here is your answer:

after I studied a long time people in various environments I started to imagine new situations with each human I got to know, let's take any human for example: I imagined him with different hair colors, different heights, doing different things, having different problems. But I didn't just imagined that, I also tested in reality those things. Each iteration of this imaginations I named it a "pattern".

Sometimes, meeting some of the people I imagined made me feel and think the same way they felt in that place and time, and I mistaken that with "telepathy". Anyway, in the journal I wrote more details just to increase the chance of being understood corectlly.

My question was, generating in my mind all these situations that are actually becoming reality more and more can be called science? If yes, maybe they might be usefully to someone. Because the way that you think and the way that I can think is totally different: I can think simultaneously in 4 ways (using only one element, many, all elements or none) even with contradictory information. That's not an easy thing to do and that's why I believe that the way I trained my mind to think might be useful to someone.

Here is an example. You show me an apple and you ask me what do I see at that apple. Here is how my mind works: first I will split my mind in four temporary zones, one that will create only one apple exactly like the on you showed me, one zone that will create more apples like it, one zone that will create all variations of that apple (bigger in size, different color, etc) and one zone that will not see the apple. After that I will start mixing random information with each zone and I will answer you something like: "I see a tooth". You will probably laugh at that answer, but, one day you will broke a tooth in an apple and if I will see that, I will think and feel exactly like you, because I already imagined that.

I'm an engineer, at my daily job I use rational and mathematical thinking, it is when I don't control my mind and let a random thought come in to my mind that creates a new potential event/situation that will surely become real one day. I called it omnix because I don't know how to name it and I was curious if it can be called science..
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In a real life, face to face discussion you will understand me instantly and what is it I'm talking and take back your words from here
Unsupported supposition.

@river - in case that you've missed the previous conversations or you didn't read the journal
Could you please link to this journal, or tell me which post has the link in it? I can't find it.

after I studied a long time people in various environments I started to imagine new situations with each human I got to know, let's take any human for example: I imagined him with different hair colors, different heights, doing different things, having different problems. But I didn't just imagined that, I also tested in reality those things. Each iteration of this imaginations I named it a "pattern".
So what?

My question was, generating in my mind all these situations that are actually becoming reality more and more can be called science?

I can think simultaneously in 4 ways (using only one element, many, all elements or none) even with contradictory information.
Unsupported claim.

I will think and feel exactly like you, because I already imagined that.
Imagination is not reality.

I'm an engineer, at my daily job I use rational and mathematical thinking
And you appear to have abandoned both with this thread.

let a random thought come in to my mind that creates a new potential event/situation that will surely become real one day.
Another unsupported supposition.

I called it omnix because I don't know how to name it and I was curious if it can be called science..
No, it can't be called a science.
@Dywyddyr - I thought you found it online, but in case you didn't found it, you can read it here (I don't have the permission for posting links, so you will have to manually copy the address in your browser). Only after you will read it, you have the right to say that what I was telling here is unsupported.

@spidergoat - in case you are still reading this topic, I will be very interested in your opinion about the journal, because you were the closest to the truth till now.
@Dywyddyr - I thought you found it online, but in case you didn't found it, you can read it here
All I get is a blank document.

Only after you will read it, you have the right to say that what I was telling here is unsupported.
That would be incorrect. You haven't supported anything here. As you made those claims/ suppositions.
I openly acknowledge that this is a frivolous post, but it does have elements of humor and references to science. Moderators may remove it if it seems totally inappropriate. :D
(Flipping to graveyard schedule always 'weirds' me out. :eek:)

@Dywyddyr - it's just a journal about my personal life, sorry you had to read this rubbish thing, but only now I can please you and admit your superior intelligence.

@scheherazade - your post has a lot of truth, I am actually repeating the same thing and expect a different result. In the journal I already predicted how people will react and say about me, and now I'm actually expecting a different result. It's certainly insanity :)

Take Dywyddyr for example, he's a very intelligent man, he can and he will accomplish big things with his intelligence, comparing his accomplishments to mines they will be so big that I will look like a flee - and that will, rightful, make him feel important. But he will never accomplish great things, because he lacks emotions and emotions are crucial in achieving great accomplishments.

And that is my biggest dream, my insanity - expecting from robotic people like him a natural human reaction. That means expecting the impossible. Even now his reaction is predictive, he will have only one behavior - proving his superior intelligence, and just like any important man he will not even bother to write more than 170 words to a nobody like me. That's a pattern..

@quantum_wave - on a 10 years interval I surfed over 1 billion sites from different countries(thanks to all online translation tools), just reading and reading information. A sad conclusion, at least for me, is that people repeats information. There is actual a very small amount of original information. So, just like the lobster theory, there is a huge chance that the theory or information already existed before..

Every human cycle, every generation, because we don't born knowing already the information of our predecessors, most of our life we will repeat a lot of information that already existed before us. Not even scientific information escape from this.
Dialing it down, if I may, I would say that once upon a time science and philosophy were one and the same, as was religion. Today we think differently, but in some ways the ancients had some profound moments. The body of work we call science is mind boggling in scope and rate of change. But: explain the mind as an emanation of the brain. Explain red. Funny. Irate. Stinky. etc. You can't, and you would be crazy to try. On the other hand crazy is what seems to be at the core of all science. Lightspeed? What is that? What is entanglement? And so on.

Maybe brain injury is not as bad as it's cracked up to be.
Originally posted by liviu

Every human cycle, every generation, because we don't born knowing already the information of our predecessors, most of our life we will repeat a lot of information that already existed before us. Not even scientific information escape from this.

With each successive generation, the body of shared human experience that we call 'knowledge' grows larger. Change is ongoing, and as we acquire new experience and understanding of the world, our solar system and beyond, some of our earlier suppositions will prove to be erroneous, and things that we may not yet even speculate upon could come to pass.

I have annoyed several by not stating my preference for many of the conventional theories to date, as it is my nature to entertain all possibilities until the improbable and the impossible winnow themselves from the verifiable.

To date, the only verifiable constant I observe is change, and then some mock me for stating the obvious, lol.

What should I care?

Enjoy the moment, for it is transient, and we are all part of the verifiable state of transition, in my opinion.

I'm glad you saw the humor in Tree Lobsters. :)
@Dywyddyr - it's just a journal about my personal life, sorry you had to read this rubbish thing, but only now I can please you and admit your superior intelligence.
Not one jot of it is science.
You persist in claiming, in that journal, that your personal experience is evidence.
This is simply not true.

Take Dywyddyr for example, he's a very intelligent man, he can and he will accomplish big things with his intelligence, comparing his accomplishments to mines they will be so big that I will look like a flee - and that will, rightful, make him feel important. But he will never accomplish great things, because he lacks emotions and emotions are crucial in achieving great accomplishments.
Stupid assumption.
Yet another claim without evidence.

And that is my biggest dream, my insanity - expecting from robotic people like him a natural human reaction. That means expecting the impossible. Even now his reaction is predictive, he will have only one behavior - proving his superior intelligence, and just like any important man he will not even bother to write more than 170 words to a nobody like me. That's a pattern.
Yes, the ever-reliable fall back of the crank. "Oh, I'm misunderstood by lesser beings. They just can't recognise my genius!" Coupled with snide ad homs.
At no stage have I claimed to be "important" or of "superior intelligence". I have, however, pointed out numerous times that you have no evidence for your claims. And all you do is attack me rather than provide such evidence. How smart is that?
@quantum_wave - on a 10 years interval I surfed over 1 billion sites from different countries(thanks to all online translation tools), just reading and reading information.
Let's see:
10 years (ignoring leap years) = 3650 days. = 315360000 seconds.
1 billion (assuming American and not British billion) sites = 0.315 seconds per site (excluding sleeping/ eating/ working/ etc).
How much information do you expect to get from "reading and reading" for less than 1/3 of a second?
Oh wait... you wouldn't be bullshitting (again), would you?

Plus, of course, the other slight problem with your claim:
According to the recent survey, till December 2010 around 266,848,493 websites are available on world wide web.
There's only a ~quarter billion sites available.
Ho hum...