There are no torture centers either. Because the banning and torturing is done at an overseas level.
Running rampant all the way to India, in fact:
"Torture is widespread and has routinely been practised at police stations in India. Unchallenged and unopposed, it has become a 'normal' and 'legitimate' practice all over."
People whose views are unpopular don't write books they get bombed with their children as terrorists.
"The treatment that these victims were subjected to included various
forms of physical and mental torture. Mrs. Jayalakshmi was reportedly
beaten in the presence of her child. Many of the individuals brought
in for questioning were forced to strip naked. They were punched,
kicked, and slapped by police officers. Police officers stamped on
the victims' bodies with boot-clad feet. The victims were beaten with
lathis and nearly strangled. They were threatened at gunpoint. Some
victims were handcuffed and gagged. One victim, Mr. S. Vedanayagam,
was suspended from a tree by a long chain and beaten. Officers
urinated on the faces of some of the detainees when they requested
water, and forced them to drink the urine. The officers forced some
of the men to fondle or suck the penis of the other detainees or
officers. The detainees were verbally abused and their families
threatened. They were told not to report their treatment to any human
rights organisation and some were told not to seek medical treatment
at a hospital."