Islamic Extremism.

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What is Islamic Extremism?

I was looking at a Newsweek article and it started out like this: Capitalism is the key to fighting Muslim extremists. The biggest punch to "Islamic Extremism" comes from a growing Muslim middle class.

So? What exactly is "Islamic Extremism"?

It is like the Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu.....extremists .
An extremist by any religion is just another extremist .
It is like the Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu.....extremists .
An extremist by any religion is just another extremist .

And of course, given the quote, extreme capitalists........

I was looking at a Newsweek article and it started out like this: Capitalism is the key to fighting Muslim extremists.

Physician heal thyself.
What significant group in any Western (or Eastern or Southern, etc.) nation does not allow for significant collateral casualities of innocent civilians?

Haha... just kidding :p

Yeah, most people insert some sort of rational for why it's OK to murder people once in a while. I seem to remember someone here justifying Mohammad killing Meccan's because ... well because they were polytheists and Arabs :eek:

It's something that I personally don't think should be embedded into a superstition. Superstitions aren't really needed for defending people any more. There's police to do that. As well as the State. We don't need to have "Crusades" and the idea of killing people because God loves when infidels are killed is an outdated meme. It should be discarded.

One other way to look at this. People will ALWAYS kill to defend themselves. ALWAYS. So the only reason to put such an idea in a book (in this case the Qur'an) was to justify offensive war. That's plainly obvious. Unless we think that's a good thing we should not have it mixed in with the superstition.

Removing this meme is one more tooth pulled from the mouth of crack pot religious fundamentalists - in this case Islamic Extremists.
No... it could be medias attempt to continuously use the same word over and over again so that the public is fully drenched in fear when they hear those words by the imagery it creates- allowing governments to enter wars on the back of fear- or to use the concept to get elected to office like G.W Bush did to get elected in 2004.

So, to you, it's all just propaganda to make the public hate Islam? It's as if Islam itself hasn't the gumption to make it in it's own accord as the number one most dangerous religion on the planet?

Islamic extremists are simply those who take Islamic doctrines as they were written. It states to kill infidels where you find them, so that's what they're doing. No problem.

Religious ideologies are based on text... and text has interpretive freedom.

Really? So, in other words, it doesn't matter that the texts are supposed to be the word of a god, your free to interpret them as you please, to suit whatever agenda you wish to conceive?

Still don't see why Islam is the most dangerous cult on the planet?
One other way to look at this. People will ALWAYS kill to defend themselves. ALWAYS.
And they will always use defense as an excuse to take resources.
So the only reason to put such an idea in a book (in this case the Qur'an) was to justify offensive war. That's plainly obvious. Unless we think that's a good thing we should not have it mixed in with the superstition.
I am with you, though I would tend to broaden superstition to include things like the democratic and republican platforms, trickle down economics, communism, 'free trade' and so on.
So, to you, it's all just propaganda to make the public hate Islam? It's as if Islam itself hasn't the gumption to make it in it's own accord as the number one most dangerous religion on the planet?

Islamic extremists are simply those who take Islamic doctrines as they were written. It states to kill infidels where you find them, so that's what they're doing. No problem.

Really? So, in other words, it doesn't matter that the texts are supposed to be the word of a god, your free to interpret them as you please, to suit whatever agenda you wish to conceive?

Still don't see why Islam is the most dangerous cult on the planet?
Right now the most DANGEROUS religions are Christianity and Judaism because they are the only ones with colonies and killing INNOCENT people like mosquitoes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Somalia.....etc.
Are you kidding yourself or are you politically blind ???!!!.
Which sect of Christianity has an army? I think I know what you mean, but the US is a secular nation, and we accidently kill people in the pursuit of ending Islamic terrorists who are responsible for mass killing in the name of their religion.
Which sect of Christianity has an army? I think I know what you mean, but the US is a secular nation, and we accidently kill people in the pursuit of ending Islamic terrorists who are responsible for mass killing in the name of their religion.
Christians TERRORISTS are killing INNOCENT Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Jewish TERRORISTS are killing INNOCENT Palestinians in Palestine . Lying about the truth dose not make the truth runs away .
The history of Christinians is wars, blood and tyranny . Just read the present and the past . Thanks to the propaganda the future will be no better .
America is not a Christian nation, I don't know what you are talking about.
The US is a Christian nation .
There is no such thing as a secular state in the US or NATO .
In Christmas we see all kinds of governments institutions with huge Christmas trees, Santa parades....etc .
From New York to Paris, from London to stockholm.....etc the same religious hoax .
Right now the most DANGEROUS religions are Christianity and Judaism because they are the only ones with colonies and killing INNOCENT people like mosquitoes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Somalia.....etc.

Judaism, Christianity AND Islam are all from the Abrahamic cult. This cult has done wonders in crushing the potential and achievements humans could have had but will probably never see come to fruition. We've been subjugated to centuries of mental and physical abuse, brainwashed to the point our societies are dysfunctional and deluded, constantly trying to feed the ever hungry Abrahamic faith machine from the very offspring of it's own creation.

We've come to ignore all logic and sensibilities towards mankind's future in favor of our time here, a mere stepping stone to the afterlife.

Alfred Neuman said it best:

The history of Christinians is wars, blood and tyranny . Just read the present and the past .

As was the Islamic history and is the present. You guys are all one big miserable, dysfunctional family.
In Christmas we see all kinds of governments institutions with huge Christmas trees, Santa parades....etc
From New York to Paris, from London to stockholm.....etc the same religious hoax .

Christmas trees and Santa parades have nothing to do with Christianity.

Besides, Santa was an atheist. :)
America is not a Christian nation, I don't know what you are talking about.
Iraq was not an Islamic nation until Saddaam decided it might get him some support from his neighbors. He viewed the religion as a potential threat. The US however did have a Christian president who felt that God has appointed him to lead the US in the troubled post 9/11 times.
You are delusional.

You know the truth but you kid yourself and others .
People are neither blind nor dumb .
They see reality all the time .
The US is a Christian nation according to the linguistic definitions of these words . saying otherwise is a pure lie and a pure deception .
Christmas trees and Santa parades have nothing to do with Christianity.

Besides, Santa was an atheist. :)
They have something to do with dirty rectums and stinky vaginas.....hahaha.
The US is a Christian nation and anyone who can not see that is not worth debating .
You know the truth but you kid yourself and others .
People are neither blind nor dumb .
They see reality all the time .
The US is a Christian nation according to the linguistic definitions of these words . saying otherwise is a pure lie and a pure deception .

I do know the truth, something that will continue to elude you until you grow up.
You are delusional.

If you two could slide back from the ad homs, I think you might see it is not so simple as the US is not a Christian state. Especially if one is calling any Arab-dominant country, for example, a Muslim state.
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