Israeli/Hamas disregard for human life.

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"Again we have Muslims cutting the throat of another Muslims for fun and profit. "

Bernie Madoff.

And what blood did He spill?, and is He paying for His indiscretions? it seems to me that the Law is making Him pay, because He broke the Law.
because you dont read Arabic or because the Israelis carry out revenge attacks killing them?
I can read Arabic, you mean I don't read Palestinian newspapers and that's because I don't need to. I told you before I had some real life moments with Palestinian population.

And btw your "revenge attacks" mark only shows how much you don't understand this ongoing conflict, and the way the IDF is operating in the occupied territories.

The real intentions of the people who keep bashing Arabs and Muslims are becoming more and more clear...
Don't mind that comment, I simply got tired of S.A.M's denial and her unwillingness to face facts.
And what blood did He spill?, and is He paying for His indiscretions? it seems to me that the Law is making Him pay, because He broke the Law.

Does he represent all Jews everywhere for the past 5000 and next 5000 years? Are all Jews money grubbers who will cut the throats of others, including other Jews for money?
Does he represent all Jews everywhere for the past 5000 and next 5000 years? Are all Jews money grubbers who will cut the throats of others, including other Jews for money?


Again we have Muslims cutting the throat of another Muslims for fun and profit.

I bet if you searched through history you'd find more instances of Jews cutting thr throat of other Jews for profit and fun. Right down to Bernie Madoff.

So do you think of all Jews as cutthroat money grubbers? If not, why not?

What does Timur, a descendent of the Mongols and probably Genghis himself, have to do with Palestinians?
I find it more disturbing for an axe murderer to be welcomed back into the general population then I do about the crime itself.

Then again, the KKK can burn down a church full of kids and then return to their normal pathetic lives.

Why is the ME situation considered worse? What's the psychology?
Same reason why Americans welcome home troops who rape murder and torture I suppose.
Same reason why Americans welcome home troops who rape murder and torture I suppose.

I thought I'd try and ward off your anti-American counterpunch by throwing in one of my own but you still managed to zip one in there. You're becoming too one-dimensional SAM.

I think the entire ME is suffering from a gigantic case of PTSS (people the world over call it HATE). Perhaps an UN army consisting entirely of psychiatrists and grief counselors would be more beneficial. Every head over there is totally messed and if it isn't, then give it a couple minutes.
I can read Arabic, you mean I don't read Palestinian newspapers and that's because I don't need to. I told you before I had some real life moments with Palestinian population.

And btw your "revenge attacks" mark only shows how much you don't understand this ongoing conflict, and the way the IDF is operating in the occupied territories.

You mean, like the revenge attacks carried out by Israelis soldiers after that lynching in Ramallah?
Still starving.

The top United Nations aid official in the Gaza Strip urged Israel on Friday to ease restrictions on the flow of goods into the conflict-torn territory, saying they were "devastating" for the people.

"It's wholly and totally inadequate," John Ging, head of the UN Relief and Works Agency in Gaza, said about the amount of goods Israel permits into the territory, where some 1.5 million Palestinians live.

"It's having a very devastating impact on the physical circumstances and also the mindset of people on the ground," he said.

The UN is to blame for this. They created Israel and subjected the Palestinians to 60 years of terror and oppression.

Why not give the Jews some European state? Some American state? Let them deal with this shit.
You mean, like the revenge attacks carried out by Israelis soldiers after that lynching in Ramallah?

I think you are confused, this was an act of one - maybe two:,7340,L-3396790,00.html

The case in question occured in October 2000, after the Ramallah lynch, in which a mob murdered and mutilated the bodies of two reserve IDF soldiers who unintentionally entered Ramallah.

Milner and his friend Danny Tikman had gone to the army base where the latter was stationed. Tikman took an M-16 rifle and a magazine with 29 bullets from the armory and they drove to Jaffa street in Haifa with an intent to harm Arabs, to revenge the lynch. Milner was driving the car.

When they reached a stretch with some restaurants, Tikman opened the window of the vehicle and started shooting towards the restaurants. As a result, four people were injured, one of them severely. The bullets also caused damage to six businesses and a couple of cars.

Tikman was convicted and sentenced to 14 years imprisonment. His appeal was rejected by the Supreme Court two years ago

Nonetheless, the court did convict Milner of assisting Tikman and sentenced him to three years imprisonment. As he has already been incarcerated for three and a half years, he is scheduled to be released immediately.

Just to let you know, I admit they were Jews and they tried to kill arabs to revenge the lynch. I also condemn the attack itself towards innocent people.
Now I have to ask you, Arsalan, do you think it was a Palestinian who killed that boy from the West Bank?
I think you are confused, this was an act of one - maybe two:,7340,L-3396790,00.html

Just to let you know, I admit they were Jews and they tried to kill arabs to revenge the lynch. I also condemn the attack itself towards innocent people.
Now I have to ask you, Arsalan, do you think it was a Palestinian who killed that boy from the West Bank?

Thats the difference between you and me: whenever someone commits a crime, I dont call them anything but a criminal or a suspected criminal
Thats the difference between you and me: whenever someone commits a crime, I dont call them anything but a criminal or a suspected criminal

So I'll rephrase my question: Do you think the suspect who allegedly killed the 13 years old boy using an axe was driven by national or even religious hatred?
So I'll rephrase my question: Do you think the suspect who allegedly killed the 13 years old boy using an axe was driven by national or even religious hatred?

I dont know. Sam put some good points forward. At the moment all we can do is guess. But the reason you are asking me is so you can portray either the Palestinians, Arabs and or Muslims in a bad light. Anyone that studies crime does not do it to label a whole group by the crime committed by a certain individual.
I dont know. Sam put some good points forward. At the moment all we can do is guess.
Sam did not provide me with any kind of information what so ever, she made assumptions and generalizations about Jewish settlers instead of giving me straight answers. Her only point was to pass this case forward, ignoring the evidence.

But the reason you are asking me is so you can portray either the Palestinians, Arabs and or Muslims in a bad light.
If it was a Palestinian who did this, and the official Palestinian government cheers for it, then I don't need to. They put themselves in a bad light.

Anyone that studies crime does not do it to label a whole group by the crime committed by a certain individual.
Even if that same individual belongs to a terrorist group, supported by the government? I don't think you realise it.
What do you think of the blockade of essentials by Israel's IDF?

Does that make the IDF a terrorist group supported by the government?
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