That can work both ways insofar as there comes a point when moderators stop taking certain members' critiques of the community, administration, and staff seriously. Take the present situation, for instance. Your own personal jihad against fact has bled your credibility to death. Run away, throw stones; run away, throw stones.
So now we're back to your credibility. That is:
Post #54, in which you claim to be "waiting for a moderator or any member to cite a single instance in which adoucette lied" comes
after a specific case was detailed. Your general claim does not address the detail of
why the evidence on record is insufficient. There are two general reasons for this: Perhaps you didn't see it, or maybe you're rejecting it but for some reason don't wish to explain why.
Reminded that your statement was incorrect at the time of its posting, you
reiterate your assertion and explain:
"Based on the evidence and argument presented to date no one has demonstrated to me that adoucette has lied. I am perfectly willing to accept he has lied if someone will show me an instance. Perhaps the one you claim to be a lie is such a case, but you'll have to explain that to me in detail, as requested."
It is
pointed out that you have not specifically addressed the details already on record. But
why would you ask for a reiteration of details on the record? Did you not see them? That's possible; it is also possible that you simply don't want to try to make your case.
In response to the point about details on the record, you ask, "Address what detail?"
And claim, "It is not practical to go through every word, sentence, paragraph and post and say 'No, this doesn't look like a lie to me.'"
And then you demand: "Why can't you just point me to the precise instant which you believe constitues a lie. As it is it is looking more and more as if you will not do so, because there is no such instance."
Now, it is true that the appearance of dissonance appears in your arguments. To the one, "It is not practical to go through every word, sentence, paragraph and post", while, to the other, "it is looking more and more as if you will not [provide the evidence], because there is no such instance".
See, the thing is that if you just didn't see the point on record, we all chuckle about statements intended to be definitive or authoritative that really aren't, and then we move on. If, however, you're playing that stupid game where one insists on disagreeing without attempting to make the argument, well, that's a bit more difficult a conundrum to resolve.
Your explanation for not seeing the issue the first time around is that you need me to point it out to you. Okay, fine. So you didn't see it the first time around.
That is what I needed to know. It tells
me what I'm dealing with in your inquiry.
But when that explanation is
reiterated for your analysis, what do you do? You
pitch a fit, demand a retraction, and then stomp off in a huff. ("
Tell you what, forget the retraction. Enough really is enough.")
It seems like it would have just been easier for you to address the point at the outset. Indeed, to borrow a phrase, it is looking more and more as if you will not do so.
I would only note, of enough really being enough, that it's fine with me if the solution is to stop giving your critiques of our community and staff any serious consideration. You wouldn't be the first. Either way, that outcome is up to you.