James R: The S.A.M Issue

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if i, crunchy cat, the final arbiter, dont get answers, then by jove, this thread will be cessed! damn you all!
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The real question of course is what will happen to the thread now. Will the thread get cessed or will it live on.

i am sure you do not care either way
i mean, look at the effort you put into the report
look at the effort you took to comprehend a 180 post count thread

you now pat yourself in the back
well done troll

"i got a whim........."

"damn straight!"

i am sure you do not care either way...

Perhaps I do and parhaps I don't.

i mean, look at the effort you put into the report
look at the effort you took to comprehend a 180 post count thread

Assumptions my dear Gustav. The report is but a consequence of your own doing and you have no insight into anything beyond.

you now pat yourself in the back
well done troll

I have followed up on things SAM has posted on Israel/Palestine and have come across pretty good sources on the topic that try and show both sides during the normal course of research. I have never had that happen when following up on something of her detractors.
I notice that ALL of the comments in support of SAM in this thread all express agreement in one form or another with her political views, or come from people whose political sympathies lie close to SAMs (as their posting records confirm).

lets touch on this because i know it is a theory you bandied over the years to dismiss valid arguments by writing it off as bias

i'll make it as simple as i can

lets take the health care debate as an example of the polarization of the liberal and conservative pov's.

a particular aspect of it.
health insurance for all.

a "given" in most civilized societies is an obligation to guarantee a basic set of standards that allow people to live and die in dignity. it is the moral thing to do and it transcends petty politics. it deals with the human condition irrespective of ideology

giving everyone health insurance is known as the public option

liberals are for it
conservatives are not

anyone against the public option also means that they object to the "given"

now sam as a liberal supports the public option
i as another liberal supports sam on this

there is however, an underlying condition to both our liberal outlooks that exists despite and irrespective of our shared political affiliations

the humanitarian bent. an urge to do the right thing by our fellow humans

you james, dismiss my support of sam as a prejudice stemming from shared political ideologies and cavalierly refuses to look deeper into what other reasons i might have that might possibly motivate me to do so. a subtle, sophisticated and nuanced stand is obviously not your forte

why do i support sam? it is because it is the right frikkin thing to do. the cause is righteous and justified

now, lets revisit the your pet theory again

I notice that ALL of the comments in support of SAM in this thread all express agreement in one form or another with her political views, or come from people whose political sympathies lie close to SAMs (as their posting records confirm).

i see
i am just a dick with ulterior motives (jewish death panel proponent?)
you dismiss me and move on to.........

the pet theory....

I notice that ALL of the comments in support of SAM in this thread all express agreement in one form or another with her political views, or come from people whose political sympathies lie close to SAMs (as their posting records confirm).

....and a cursory and utterly disingenuous, dismissal of his rebuttals

Add to this Tiassa's long posts claiming that all of SAM's provocations can be justified as valid issues to raise. Tiassa has never been a fan of America's foreign policy regarding Israel/Palestine; there's no secret about that.

do you even comprehend that there could be a right or wrong side to an argument? do you think just because an issue is not resolved, a just and logically sound solution cannot exist in theory?

The problem is that SAM doesn't "show both sides". She shows one side, consistently. She selects sources that only show one side. But I have already said all of this.


As one of SAMs staunch supporters, I've come to think that your motives in starting this thread were less than pure.
you james, dismiss my support of sam as a prejudice stemming from shared political ideologies and cavalierly refuses to look deeper into what other reasons i might have that might possibly motivate me to do so. a subtle, sophisticated and nuanced stand is obviously not your forte

Actually, I haven't commented on what I think your motives are at all. I don't think it's shared political ideology in your case. But far be it from me to speculate. Apparently, nuanced stands are not my forte.

do you even comprehend that there could be a right or wrong side to an argument?

No, gustav. How could right and wrong exist? I'm baffled. :rolleyes:

do you think just because an issue is not resolved, a just and logically sound solution cannot exist in theory?

Go back and read my first post on the Israel/Palestine situation in this thread.

Here, I'll link it for you, since you must have missed it the first time:

ok :)

Actually, I haven't commented on what I think your motives are at all. I don't think it's shared political ideology in your case. But far be it from me to speculate. Apparently, nuanced stands are not my forte.

within the context of the fake scenario, james
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