Jesus- the son of god, so what?

Non-Logical-Idea-Guy said:
Oh my god, so I come on this site post a thread and go to sleep hoping that some thiests will give me a mature answer and atheists reply likewise. To be honest, this thread has made me disgusted with myself for being an atheist. i Am AN ATHEIST AND I TRY TO CHALLENGE CHRISTIANITY BUT I TRY TO DO IT IN A DECENT WAY AND THEN THE BLOODY ATHEISTS COME INTO THIS THREAD, AND JUST DENY JESUS EXISTED BLA BLA BLAAA. SO WHY DON'T YOU GUYS STILL NOT BELIEVE BUT IF YOU ARE GOING TO CHALLENGE WHAT YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN ACTUALLY DO IT WITH PROOF OR A DECENT QUESTION WHICH IS WHAT I THINK I HAD! I apologize to you Provita for my fellow atheists ignorance

te whole motif of Jesus as 'Son of God' is an appropriation from the pagan Orphic myth of Dionysos as the'Son of God'

now listen up----rhePREpatiarchal understanding is that Dionysos is son of the GODDESS, as were all te pagan god-men.......tey symbolized an asociation of meaningful corelations, te Sun, how it seemed to te ancients--nd us!!--to sink/die into the 'underworld' and rise/bereborn at dawn, reach its zennith, and so on....Also the cycles of Nature, Also the sacred Fruit/sacrament that also came to be a certain time of year, was harvested/sacrificed. ingested by the Celebrants and then 'resurrected' as teeater lost sense of hirself and was 'possessed' by te 'god of Nature'---in te muh more anceint prepatriarchal astream tis 'god' was te Son/Lover/Consort of the Goddess, the ever living ever dying ever regenerating Son/Lover

what Christians did was to pinch this idea and....HISTORICIZE it.....!!
mae out tat teir 'god-man' was actual human being , who actualy lifed at A time, and ded at A time, etc etc. understanding?

So that is why their myth is abusurd and confusing and un Fruit full....!
Non-Logical-Idea-Guy said:
It is Orthodox Christian teaching that we are all the children of god and he is our father. So, why do the christians worship Jesus? Because he was the son of gid? Well according to them I am "the lords" child so why don't they worship me?

Your theory is no less plausible than any other. For all we know you are the son of God, master of the universe and the creator of all things. None of us have any proof to the contrary.

The reason they don't worship you is because they have no faith in you.
thank you everyone for finally answering mmy thread. duendy ur history thoroughly confused me however I'm sure its correct.Provita you can call me NLIG if you want lol, I would say however, that if Jesus was concieved by god that would surely suggest he was of an animal (or plant :S) form which would surely contradict his divineness.
let me explain is mpore simply......son of 'GOD' is a patriarchal appropriation of muh more anceint belief in son/lover of Goddess--the Eternal Mother

where yo go when yu die, where 'you'/awareness--not not YOU--emerge from in diverse forms

when you look at patriarchal myth there's a transition where suddenly 'gods' give BIRTH...!! must admit that sounds incongruous?
But they wrote it like that o take power away from that very anceint stram of belief and transfer it to an idea of a sky'god and then mono-he-'God'(s).....who has a 'son', now

now, it's interesting to know that the original idea of son/lover of Goddess was that tis son symbolized fertility and ecstatic expression and Nature, al interconnected, and the inspiring sacrament....where in Judao-Christianity for example, 'son' becomes the 'Word'/'Logos'-------and we know that patriarcjy is in the head right?---lost contact with sensual organism in intimate interconnection with environment

see the major difference between the two 'sons'?
Are there any "true" atheists? That is the real question, does anyone 100% truely belive there is no god? I'm talking completly with all of your being believe god does not exist. It's just a question, I'm interested to see the response.

seriously, the reason no one worships you is that no one wrote about you that you were with God and were God in the beginning nor that all things were made by you.
Medicine Woman said:
Jesus is 100% myth.
Well, not 100% myth. It's more of 70% myth surround a 30% historical incident. Most likely, that incident involved a group of a jewish passive-resistance movement, but the whole message of "peaceful cohabitation with the authorities while still resisting the corruption of authority" got washed over by the mythological stuff. The character Jesus and Judas and Peter and such are probably just composite characters taken from several historical figures. Just like most of the stuff in biblical text, it is exaggerated to make a point, much like other fairy tales are. Sadly, stupid people take it at face value, and those people are bible literalists.