Jocariah Prophecies

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.. it appears, once again, that i have been proven correct ... as everything i have said has come to pass.

December 25, You will recive a gift from a friend or family member. :D

I shall now actully come up with my own prediction.

June 23rd, a famous rock singer will pass away.
You heard it hear first folks.
Jocariah said:
December 11th, 2004

Specifically, this event of December 11th, 2004 will be linked - irrevocably - to the conflict taking place within the Middle East at this point in time - at this point in our history.

Prophecies are dealt out for a reason. Simply knowing the future is of little use. Better to live in the present – fully invested, as it were – than to always be seeking the events of the future.

Nevertheless, this prophecy is given for a reason – whether that reason is known to me or not – all the same, it exists.

What I see is an act of violence inflicted upon people who through no fault of their own are brought upon the world stage at this point in time.

What I see is a script, a scheme as it were, being played out upon this world stage.

What I see is tumult.


Well . . . . I'm waiting . . . .
Oh well, that's good....
I don't like so much hearing prophets - specially when they are correct.... :p
Good thing he was incorrect...

I guess I should ignore all the prophecies that I've heard.... :D
Too much wait! :D

I don't care! And I don't think anyone does....:D
I don't mean to be mean with you Jocariah... it's just that people are not generally very interested in prophecies. This stuff will either happen or not. We have no control over it. So why should we worry about those things?
LensmanZ313 said:
Well . . . . I'm waiting . . . .

My proof is with the events themselves - they have transpired according to my words, why then must i constantly repeat myself. The events within Israel on the 11th of December, took place as I predicted - what else can I say.

...if this proof is not good enough for you, then that is your concern, not mine.

if this one event does not satisfy you, then look toward the other predictions - the time will come soon enough to judge then as well, i imagine.

.. all things are revealed in their own time. patience is always the better road to travel.

seeing things over time helps us to take in the fullness of the experience, of our experience, which is living in the present.

the future takes care of itself, without regard to our intent.

Which events in Israel?
Did you read what I say? You cannot change the future. Why worry about it? If you think so much about the future you are not living in the present...... :-/
Jocariah, yer December 11th prophecy didn't come true. I don't believe ya when ya say Osama will be captured in February, or that the stock market will hit a low in April, or that Israel will be attacked in September.

What will ya say in February when we're still looking for Osama? What will ya say in April when the stock market drifts through unscathed? What will ya say in September when nothing happens in Israel?
What will he say? He'll say he got it right, and maybe even point to some single story that bears similarity to his premonition, if you squint, hop on one leg, and have a forgiving disposition.
Athelwulf said:
Jocariah, yer December 11th prophecy didn't come true. I don't believe ya when ya say Osama will be captured in February, or that the stock market will hit a low in April, or that Israel will be attacked in September.

What will ya say in February when we're still looking for Osama? What will ya say in April when the stock market drifts through unscathed? What will ya say in September when nothing happens in Israel?

If one thinks that my recent prophecy was too ambiguous, then simply wait the ten weeks or so until the next one to determine its validity before you judge it.

Who can judge the validity of a prophecy prior to it being determined whether or not it has come to pass…?

All things are revealed in their own time.
Patience is always the better road to travel.
Seeing things over time helps us to take in the fullness of the experience, of our experience, which is living in the present - the future always takes care of itself, without regard to our intent.

It's not that your prophecy was too vague.
It's that you haven't answered this question...
What Events Took Place?
So we can't even judge whether or not your prophecy was too vague.

What are you claiming your prophecy was applied to?
If an event did take place he would be pointing it out with pride. As one didn't take place he is going to be evasive and cryptic until the next prophecy.
shaman_ said:
If an event did take place he would be pointing it out with pride. As one didn't take place he is going to be evasive and cryptic until the next prophecy.

It appears that you assume, I too would act according to your own motivation and behavior patterns - maybe it is that you assume all others might act according to your behavior patterns, as well.

That would be a shame.

Possibly, others might not share your motivations, or behavior patterns - assuming such a thing can only go about to limit you - and your perspective of others.

If anyone seeks whether my first prophecy came to pass, let them do their homework - finding out what happened on that day - not only in their time zone, but other time zones as well - the world does not revolve around a single time zone, be it the time zone of the UK, the US or the AU.

To each their own.

I don't doubt the intelligence of the participants herein – but rather, the open awareness of perspectives other than their own.

In a word - enlightenment.

Try if you might, to imagine that your world – the world as you have come to see it, to experiernce it – is continuously being coloured by your own perspective - always – at all times – and under all circumstances.

Adding to that, the fact that you are always being sold something – day-in, day-out.

Have you bought into the ‘ideal’ of Christams? What might happen if that ‘ideal’ is not met – if it is not fulfilled this time? How might you react - and why?

Have you wholeheartedly swallowed this exemplar – this paradigm of Christmas?

And lastly, who sold you this ‘ideal’? Who was on the selling end of this transaction?

You see, you don’t even know yourselves – how can you possibly hope to know others – and those other creatures of a higher order - you will never come to understand.

My proof is with the events themselves - they have transpired according to my words, why then must i constantly repeat myself. The events within Israel on the 11th of December, took place as I predicted - what else can I say.

No it didn't - you are lying.
Jocariah said:
.. it appears, once again, that i have been proven correct ... as everything i have said has come to pass.


shit like this cannot be allowed to stand
where is the frikkin moderator?
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