Johnny Gosch

Beer w/Straw

Transcendental Ignorance!
Valued Senior Member
The Johnny Gosch (conspiracy) thing started before I was born. About how he was picked, used and sold by some powerful politicians in some pedophile, mafia style ring aided by his father. The local law enforcement and some FBI were in on it as well, declaring Johnny a run away and trying to coax his mother into stop searching for her son.

Is/was it a conspiracy? I've only listened to a two hour interview his mother gave:
No one commented.

Might be a conspiracy that [unacceptable language removed].
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The Johnny Gosch (conspiracy) thing started before I was born. About how he was picked, used and sold by some powerful politicians in some pedophile, mafia style ring aided by his father. The local law enforcement and some FBI were in on it as well, declaring Johnny a run away and trying to coax his mother into stop searching for her son.

Is/was it a conspiracy? I've only listened to a two hour interview his mother gave:

I think it's one of the most convoluted stories I've ever encountered. Which makes me think C.I.A. involvement. This kid is taken, the police and the F.B.I. want nothing to do with it, which is odd, then there is the Franklin Cover up, where the Republicans are supposedly trafficking children as sex slaves and possibly sacrifices, which isn't so far fetched when you realize that rich powerful white men have been doing that for hundreds of years, you have Johnny appearing on the front page of the Washington Post behind Poppy Bush, then later you have the now adult Gosch's early morning visit to his mother, where he is identified by a scar on his cheek and a birthmark on his chest, and the same man, apparently, appearing in the White house press room with a press pass, under a pseudonym with the same initials, ie, JG, who turns out to be a homosexual porn star under still another pseudonym with the same initials, J.G.

To this add Hunter Thompson's suicide, allegedly due to his fear that the Franklin case having been exposed in the Washington Post would incriminate him for having shot and killed a boy, which was witnessed by the same man who says he helped kidnap Johnny and was at the White house on two different occasions for pedophile parties. Gunderson, a retired F.B.I. agent who was suspisiously murdered, poisoned, if I recall, and some other man, a photographer who attended the same parties, with photographic evidence, who's plane was blown up out of the sky.

To complicate things, the photos often depicting a gagged and bound Johnny Gosch are actually pictures of two boys who, willingly on a dare to establish whether or not they could escape, had the pictures taken, and were reported to the local police and found not to have been suspect.

I think it's one of the most convoluted stories I've ever encountered. Which makes me think C.I.A. involvement. This kid is taken, the police and the F.B.I. want nothing to do with it, which is odd, then there is the Franklin Cover up, where the Republicans are supposedly trafficking children as sex slaves and possibly sacrifices, which isn't so far fetched when you realize that rich powerful white men have been doing that for hundreds of years, you have Johnny appearing on the front page of the Washington Post behind Poppy Bush, then later you have the now adult Gosch's early morning visit to his mother, where he is identified by a scar on his cheek and a birthmark on his chest, and the same man, apparently, appearing in the White house press room with a press pass, under a pseudonym with the same initials, ie, JG, who turns out to be a homosexual porn star under still another pseudonym with the same initials, J.G.

To this add Hunter Thompson's suicide, allegedly due to his fear that the Franklin case having been exposed in the Washington Post would incriminate him for having shot and killed a boy, which was witnessed by the same man who says he helped kidnap Johnny and was at the White house on two different occasions for pedophile parties. Gunderson, a retired F.B.I. agent who was suspisiously murdered, poisoned, if I recall, and some other man, a photographer who attended the same parties, with photographic evidence, who's plane was blown up out of the sky.

To complicate things, the photos often depicting a gagged and bound Johnny Gosch are actually pictures of two boys who, willingly on a dare to establish whether or not they could escape, had the pictures taken, and were reported to the local police and found not to have been suspect.

How old are you?
Well, this conspiracy would have started before an internet revolution.

Most conspiracies have, as the link you offered in the OP indicated, there was a renewed interest when "The case received publicity in 2006 when his mother claimed to have found photographs on her doorstep depicting Gosch in captivity." and again when the reporter appeared.

As to how old I am, I'm 3 years older than Johnny, I was a paper boy about the same time he was.
Most conspiracies have, as the link you offered in the OP indicated, there was a renewed interest when "The case received publicity in 2006 when his mother claimed to have found photographs on her doorstep depicting Gosch in captivity." and again when the reporter appeared.

As to how old I am, I'm 3 years older than Johnny, I was a paper boy about the same time he was.
You did say it was convoluted and that I took as an insult. You can argue that I'm naive and stupid all you want, but is it you that can't keep pace with technology?

Are you denying that it happened??
You did say it was convoluted and that I took as an insult. You can argue that I'm naive and stupid all you want, but is it you that can't keep pace with technology?

Are you denying that it happened??

Wow. Did you misread my posts. The story being convoluted has nothing to do with you, nor any degree of stupidity, naivety, you may or may not possess, nor my own ability or lack thereof in keeping up with technology. There was nothing insulting about my response. I am not denying that it happened I'm just saying that the story has many facets, some leading to possible truths and some to dead ends. The C.I.A. will often obfuscate events in that way to throw people off track. They will put out fake documentaries with truths mixed with half truths and out right lies etc.
The Johnny Gosch (conspiracy) thing started before I was born.

Writer Blake Hunt↱ gives the sad tale a review for Medium, and, frankly, it sounds like a spectacular human tragedy.

The lurid saga is presented in full in the 2014 documentary, Who Took Johnny, as compelling and spellbinding a documentary as you'll ever see. The film centers on Johnny's mother, Noreen, moving from extensive newsreel footage in the days and weeks following her son's abduction, to interviews in the present, with the aggrieved mother reflecting on the various whipsaw twist and turns the case has taken. Though Noreen more or less functions as the narrator, shepherding the storyline along its disorienting, convoluted chronology, the film will wander off on its own to places you never hoped to go, to meet people you never wanted to meet, and it does so with all with the dizzying inertia of an indescribably sinister conspiracy that will tantalize even the most skeptic viewer.

Watching Who Took Johnny is a nauseating exercise in connecting dots within a maze of other dots. It is best viewed alone, with the lights off, and requires the wearing of sturdy a tin-foil hat, which will be uncomfortable precisely because it fits so comfortably.

Unfortunately, sobering reality returns once you flip the lights back on. Indeed, once light is shone under the rock you knew better than to turn over but did so anyway because morbid curiosity is always so deliciously indulged, you find little more than the usual fetid micro-ecology of insects and parasites.

The film's dirty secret is that there is no conspiracy, and we'll probably never know who took Johnny. Still, the what-if's nag and gnaw. What if any of this is true? This is the only question required to sustain a fanatical following of internet sleuths who will likely never lay the mystery to rest, and Noreen Gosch is as responsible for this increasingly crackpot faction as anyone, breathing new, illusory life into the cold case every few years. Who Took Johnny gives voice once more to her often unfounded, sometimes legitimately nutty claims. It does so under a facade of objectivity, the kind implicitly earned by and associated with documentary filmmakers. It never implies you, the viewer, should be ready to suspend disbelief. But you should.

It is, in other words, hard to believe just how deeply down the rabbit hole this sad story has tumbled.


Hunt, Blake. "Who Took Johnny: The Temptation of Conspiracy and the Power of Denial". Medium. 5 June 2016. 11 July 2017.
I'd like to apologize for my conduct in this thread.

The fact I'm not banned, however, could be an indication that I could exercise some self control.