Late Night Idea on Cow Mutilations

I think from what I've read previously cattle mutilations always have a dead cow missing soft tissue areas, however soft tissue is the easiest for other creatures to eat from, notibly buzzards since they can't rip and tear with the same ferociousness as a carnivore.

The mutilations that people suggested were alien are those where "Particular" organs are missing which involves some form of incision to remove. I think judging by the released data of the information on mutilation investigations conducted the conclusion was down to "cult activity", it also ties in with certain factors of older pagan religions using sacrifices in Central America.

There is also the extreme possibility that Animal blood is finding it's way into the blood bank system, since in the US blood is money. (I suppose you can say it's unsupported but I'm guessing Animal blood could be cut with human blood to increase quantity and get past genetic testing.)
Stryderunknown said:
I think judging by the released data of the information on mutilation investigations conducted the conclusion was down to "cult activity", it also ties in with certain factors of older pagan religions using sacrifices in Central America.

If humans are responsible then why has there never been anyone arrested in any of these cases. We are talking about thousands of cases with no one having been convicted or even accused of this. It would make this the most successful crime carried out on a wide scale in modern history.
coolmacguy said:
It doesn't work that way.

You're wrong. It [legitimate findings published in real journals] works precisely that way.

coolmacguy said:
Many things have been "found." The mainstream doesn't care. They will accept anything from an official government source without question.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Science is often at odds with the government. I can give you a source for that if you want me to back that statement.

coolmacguy said:
The FBI conducted an investigation into cattle mutilations and concluded they were all caused by natural predators. That was a ridiculous conclusion that does not support the evidence in these cases.

I read a similar, if not the same, FBI report. The natural predator hypothesis/conclusion was spot on. It was completely supported by the evidence. What isn't supported by the evidence is ridiculous claims of bovine alien abduction.
SkinWalker said:
Nothing could be further from the truth. Science is often at odds with the government. I can give you a source for that if you want me to back that statement.

Not about things relating to this subject.

SkinWalker said:
I read a similar, if not the same, FBI report. The natural predator hypothesis/conclusion was spot on. It was completely supported by the evidence. What isn't supported by the evidence is ridiculous claims of bovine alien abduction.

Natural predators does not remotely support the evidence in the best documented cases of animal mutilation. Maybe the FBI investigated only cases where natural predators clearly were the cause so it could conclude that. Either way, natural predators is not the answer and that is crystal clear to anyone that examines analyses of these cases.
i hear they happen in other places to, but im with u i dont see what's so special about cows.
spuriousmonkey said:
Do these cow mutilations occur anywhere else than in the US?

Most definitely. They have been reported all over the world. And most have the same general characteristics regardless of location.
How come I have never heard of them occuring in holland where they have almost more cows than people?

I would venture to guess that aliens are not stupid. Why not go for the highest density of cows and the best quality cows?


1. there are no aliens
2. there are no aliens who are interested in cows
3. there are aliens who are interested in cows, but not interested in mutilating cows.
well if they didnt want 2 make it obviouse they wouldn't go after cows in holland. to many people would notice.
spuriousmonkey said:
ok...i assumed that they were invisible since there had been so many reports but no sightings.

There have been many reports of anomalous aircraft near mutilation sites.