Ashura said:
My point was that Norsefire's poll options were partisan and ridiculous.
You should probably learn to relax and stop seeing every conservative as some liberal hating hack.
Don't you realize that liberals are often told they are goody two shoes telling everyone to care about the poor and being general guilt trips. Apart from poorly framing the debate you seem unaware of how the split is actually looked at by conservatives. You are also blurring social and economic conservatives. Neo-conservatives, who have tremendous power in the world, want their freedoms as much as any liberal.What is the problem Tiassa?
"Selfishness" was used to emphasize that liberals find personal liberty more valuable than a society
I think Hitler would have agreed with this.Personal liberty without constraint by common sense, tradition, patriotism, honor, and respect is not beneficial.
I don't see a problem with norsefire's reasoning. I too have never been able to understand how you can be pro abortion and anti death penalty. In my head you have to be pro-death penalty before you can be pro-abortion. It's a linear thing. But yeah, almost invariably those who are pro-abortion are anti-death penalty.
I think it does prove the irrationality of liberal ideals. It's like a test of the logical soundness of liberalism, and it fails. It's fundamentally logically unsound.
I'm pro death penalty and pro abortion. And for what it's worth I think both heinous criminals and unborn fetuses are as innocent as one another.
I don't think anyone has any control over who they become, it's not about punishment, it's about pruning the hedge of humanity. Unwanted babies and unwanted adults are both fair game.
Which would you say you are MORE?
Liberal- personal liberty and selfishness are the most important things
Conservative- A respectable society, common sense, faith, patriotism, tradition, honor, respect
I don't know if this belongs here exactly, but oh well, here it is. question is, liberals don't mind killing innocent, unborn babies (abortion), and yet they are against the death penalty for criminals?:shrug:
And anything else liberal-related or conservative, bring it here!
And I'll add a poll
It doesn't matter if a Nobel Peace Prize winner constructs/leads/starts off the topic, liberals vs. conservatives NEVER leads to an informative and respectful debate.I'm sure this topic, being so rationally constructed, will lead to an informative and respectful debate.
It must be so easy to sit up on your pedistal and preach, especially when you have no idea how difficult a choice like that can be.
The "choice" comes BEFORE you have sex and bring someone else into the picture. Protected or not, If you can't deal with perenthood, don't have intercourse.
These days, women will abort if they don't like the gender of the child and though "IT TAKES TWO" it only takes one person to end it. Messed up.
And before all the "who carries it for 9 months?" crap starts, that is one of the things that should be thought of before you open your legs.
spoken like a cranky person with a penis
Certainly there must be some level of respect to personal rights, but if all are doing as they please, when they please, how they please, the society lacks an identity, lacks a culture, a tradition, and even interaction. There is nothing bringing the people together, and too much offending them or driving them apart. Without respect to tradition, patriotism, faith, honor, and respect, personal liberty is pointless.
Certainly there must be some level of respect to tradition and the rule of law, but if people are absolutely bound by the constraints of law and tradition with no leeway to deviate, then society lacks freedom, will lack a vibrant culture and even creativity. Imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.