Life soul purpose

Life has a higher meaning and a higher purpose in Christ!

Never the less the truth (the Absolute Truth) prevails!:D
All life has it's purpose, and the human race has a far better meaning to it's existence then to just end up as 'worm-food'!:rolleyes: It's to Glorify God his creator that created mankind in His (GOD's) image! You are not a mutated monkey! You are not of 'primordial-ooze'! You were come from the ground but of GOD's design, and you were "fearfully and wonderfully made!" Be glade you have an higher calling then the animal Kingdom!:cool: God gave you free will, try to use it for the good of mankind and better yet for your Creator!:cool:

Judgement day is coming!:eek: Get ready for your Creator will return!

"Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." (Isaiah 5:20) NIV. You would have all of morality turned upside down for your own fabrications!:eek: :)
But the truth can still set you free!

Jesus cares! Jesus saves! And is the light of the world! [not talking about the sun up in the sky!]

Please go and preach somewhere else.

Your ramblings are sickeningly creepy and obnoxious.

To the Glory of it's Creator GOD!

All life comes from God, and will return unto Him! There is a presents that only the redeemed can since! It is God the all knowing and Almighty! Yes it is written that all was created to the Glory of GOD! HAVE FUN! ENJOY THE CREATION! For time will soon be no more!
Believe it or not!:cool:

Yes very nice I am sure, very nice font and very large of course. So now you are done, then feel free to leave.
I had a wrangle with my boss today and we ended up agreeing that I should resign. (This is cool, I have a much better job to go to). The meeting could have gone either way. I could have blown my top and ended up with no job and no money(my employer, ex employer has the power to freeze bank accounts in this country). The point is it was up to me how to handle it, and I reckon I did alright, considering it's Friday the 13th today.
A guy once said to me, "never burn your bridges". So my current thought on "Life's soul purpose" is to LEARN as much as you can from experiences and put them to some use one day, weather t be for yourself, a friend or a stranger. Sometimes we tap into the universal energy that surrounds us. "The Force" if you like. and it guides us. It usually appears in the form of that little voice that pinoccio wouldn't listen to. Call him/her/it what you want, but our job is to see if we can be still long enough to actually hear Jimmeny Cricket.
Cheers, Novice.
Life Soul Purpose, is to the Gory of GOD the Creator!

I still say life has a much broader and far deeper and far reaching meaning and purpose! Man is far more then an animal that has to just survive and get ahead! And God is not a 'cosmic-force' but a real 'Person'! Man is created in His image to the Glory of GOD! Though we are a 'fallen race', we still can live and grow to the Glory of GOD through Jesus!

I do say, good for you 'Novice'!:cool:
Pragmaten: confused, and earthly, blinded by the W.F.D.

Originally posted by pragmathen


Okay, that last one was a stretch, but you get the point. Then again, based solely on your empty words and nil-thought-provoking comments, I could surmise that after all the fluff has run out of your mouth, you remain as deflated as before you puffed your chest up.

Axons fire within the brain, which is a chemical means of transferring electrical impulses along neurons, which is a means of communicating ideas and words and concepts. Unfortunately, Loone, your axons have been fried, making the gap between each axon that much greater. Your ill-suited action potentials must work that much harder in order to bridge the ever-widening gap between coherent connections.

As <b>tiassa</b> points out: <i>When you enter into the fold of Christ, you leave your intellect at the door</i>. Of course, it requires intellect to realize this point. Since you don't realize this point, a logical conclusion can be reached. Perhaps, if you did, you would understand why someone with a thinking and reasoning and <i>questioning</i> brain would not be welcomed inside the halls of Christ. Mustn't think outside of the box--the outside world is pure concentrated evil which is just waiting for the right time to get inside the chink in your mail and corrupt you everlastingly.

You seem to have a wholly fallacious outlook on non-believers. You seem to think that, if perchance, you were to venture out into the outside world, you would be greeted with miserable wretches chanting, "Ha, now you're here with us. Suffer as we do!" Ah, but we do indeed suffer. We suffer through the rhetoric-spewing troglodytes such as yourself--those that think without applying thought, reason without using logic, and question without searching for answers.

If you were to sit back, once. Just once. And take a broader view of what others were trying to tell you, then perhaps your infantile reactionary words would carry more weight. As it is, you sink back into that hole of ignorance--very comfortable, wouldn't you say? Nice and cosy in there. Climbing outside of the hole would imply that you seek to learn. At the very least, that you seek to understand things from another's point of view. Much too difficult. Better to stay in the hole and the cave. Better to think the shadows on the wall dancing from the light of the fire behind you are real. The outside world is much too bright. The cave has never deceived you, so what if the outside is much clearer.

The cave reaches into your brain and steals whatever remains of your enfeebled axon connections. Wither and die out, they will, through disuse.

It doesn't have to be like that, though. You could try. Just for once. Just to see. Think differently and see where it gets you. Your brain will thank you for it.

Of course, this will undoubtedly enter in one ear and exit through the other, <b>Loone</b>, unperturbed.

:rolleyes: You are in the 'carnal-nature', (mind set) and Sir. Loone is mostly of the Spiritual and supernatural, that is Faith in the Word of GOD and GOD alone!:cool:

And tell Tiassa that I am not sitting down waving my hands and shouting, and carrying on!:rolleyes: But calm, quiet, and some times laughing:D , having a good time! Getting stronger in the Lord Jesus! It is a good work out for a layman like me, and is actually helping me grow in Faith. If you read carefully the Word of GOD you may find the truths that was spoken of!

Have meaning and purpose to life, your life has a greater meaning and purpose then to become ultimately 'worm-food', it is to the Glory of GOD the Creator!:) And far far more then the "survival of the fittest."
The force

Sir Loone. It's obvious you feel security and wellbeing from your faith, but why must it only relate to phrases from the Bible?
If you hadn't seen a picture of jesus would you know what he looks like? Yes, I know you can feel his love and all that, but I get the same feeling from meditating/praying but I don't have a name for it. It's there and it's a wonderful thing but when you start putting pictrures to things like that you get a distorted, ego related thing going on.
Sorry, a bit vague but I wish you'd chill out a bit on the God quotes.
Cheers .

I haven't read all of those replies, except for Cris' first one. I don't personally Jesus, is going to kill or hurt those who don't believe in God. Those who renounce him, well that's another story. What would happen with those caught between worship, and renouncing God I don't know. Purgatory? Maybe, personally this should be in the Religious category.

I also believe in Tiassa's quote that "when you enter the fold of Christ you leave your intellect at the door". And that is the same of all religions. You can't really use science when approaching religious debates because religion and science are primarily separate entities of debate. It would be like using a ruler to measure how much water is in a glass. You could say there are three inches, but it still doesn't work for a multitude of reasons. I think you guys can understand where I'm going, don't want to get to long. Short and sweet is what I prefer, though I don't always stick to my motto.
and nair the twain shall meet!

so... if god created "man" in the image of god.
is it not rite to assume we should all create things to worship us!
as did god...for we are the image and are told to be like him!

god must be twisting in his etherial seat to read all this smallminded crap on how superior self rightiouse christians
subjegate others by social segragation and develop classist systems of church order... all in its name!

yipes.... only a fool can see his own reason, but all can see his accomplishments to others!

groove on all :)
The only reason I don't like to bring religion into threads like this is because they build a wild tangent that flies off the subject. There may be no exact meaning to life.

For me I'm gonna enjoy responsibly, and not hurt anyone in the process.
Re: The force

Originally posted by novice
Sir Loone. It's obvious you feel security and wellbeing from your faith, but why must it only relate to phrases from the Bible?
If you hadn't seen a picture of jesus would you know what he looks like? Yes, I know you can feel his love and all that, but I get the same feeling from meditating/praying but I don't have a name for it. It's there and it's a wonderful thing but when you start putting pictrures to things like that you get a distorted, ego related thing going on.
Sorry, a bit vague but I wish you'd chill out a bit on the God quotes.
Cheers .
Hi, Novice we should not depend on 'feelings' because it is and can be deceptive, I mostly have Faith that my Salvation is secured and that Jesus is my all in all.:)
Quotes from scripture is the Word of GOD against falsehoods and deceptions of the Evil one and the world that rejects what is truth of the Word of GOD. I don't really need to see Him (Jesus) to know that He is who He says He is!:) He has ways of showing me that I am His, and nothing can separate me from the Love of Jesus! I like science and astronomy and I would not be here if not have Faith in GOD and His Word, and some scientific curiosity, if not I would have far less to say if anything at all. Would not be here. But I enjoy reading the posts and learn something and keeps me thinking and reading (meditating) the Word of GOD (the ultimate truth)! Science is wonderful, but it is of mortal men an is 'finite', GOD is 'infinite' and so is His wisdom! This is a spiritual struggle! Man is a 'spiritual being' if they think so are not. Standing on the absolute truth of what I believe in, in GOD's Word the Bible and also examining the world around me and beyond! To the Glory of GOD!:D

Good day. :) And don't believe what is coming on TV on PBS (Public Broadcasting System) (July 24, Tuesday 2001) (at 8 pm or 9 pm central) (USA), about Jesus's grave was fund! It is a Lie from SATAN! Jesus is in Heaven at the right hand of the Father GOD in Heaven!! He has risen form the dead! And lives forever more! And is coming again soon!:eek: :cool:
Better to stay in the hole and the cave. Better to think the shadows on the wall dancing from the light of the fire behind you are real. The outside world is much too bright. The cave has never deceived you, so what if the outside is much clearer.

Hello, I'm new to this forum. But I just want to say that this "Analogy" of the cave" is one of the things I like to use for the existance of God. I think that Atheists might learn from this as their "logic" tells them there is no God just like the cave people believe their shadows are all there is. Just MHO. I don't like to get into arguments about Christ. I do believe in Him.

I will continue to enjoy reading all the posts and learn about all of you on this list. Very interesting reading!

Dear, dear pragmathen ...

The problem with leaving the 'cave' and it's 'shadows' is that you're doubly damned.

Having left the cave and given your eyes time to adjust to the brightness, and seeing the 'real' world ... loneliness draws you back to the cave ... the need to be with your own.

And when you return, you find yourself even more alone ... How can you communicate what you have seen? How can you have them ... even one ... leave the cave to see reality as you now know it exists?

And so, you spend your years hoping that someone else will have the courage to make that terrible trip ... see what you have seen ... and refresh your fading memory.

Thanks for including that metaphor in your post ... I hadn't thought of it for years.
Life's soul purpose

All life in the heavens and the Earth, known and unknown, was created by GOD for His good pleaser! And to the glory of GOD the creator of all that is!
hey all
well i guess this might be my last post to this topic because it seems to be hurtling down the road of mindless babble from the christianly insane!....sir loone
the tomcat persists in pissing! :/
would you pull the pin from a handgrenade to see what happens also?
turn a stone on the beach and destroy the habitat and kill small creatures for your own entertainment?
"what is my point" you might ask (i assume)
why not try to be constructive?
you have successfully distorted this thread to your egocentric personal desires!
is that not a sin in its self?.... blind repetitive preaching.
like the king shouting at the sea...and so he drowned.
try and stay fluid!
to change and evolve is what we all must do to become more god like!
#if a door wont open by kicking it.....? then try something new/different.
EVOLVE> reason discussion patience understanding
Mearly some of the qualities of wise people!

groove on all :)
ps... you have just witnessed my life soul purpose! :D
Life's soul purpose!

Ripleofdeath: Have purpose and meaning to life! :) Know the Truth! And the Truth shell set you free! Reality is one prayer away!All life has purpose and meaning! And the humanrace has the highest! Better to be created in the image of GOD then that of 'monkey'! They still eat monkeys in the far east and elsewhere!:D
And in the neatest way, Sir. Loone ...

They clamp the head to the edge of the table so the body is hanging, lop off the top of the skull, and eat the brains while the critter is still screeching and pissing and shitting.

Just in case you didn't know.
What surprizes me most about the degredation of this discussion is how everyone is replying to the aptly named Sir Loone. People, you are not going to get him to wake up. Let him sleep soundly in his stupor. Ignore him! Conversely, seeing how he has a habit of disrupting potentially decent discussions here and elsewhere, perhaps someone could roll on over to the Christian threads and annoy him right back. Personally, I do not have the luxury of wasting time on such behavior, or myopic people like Sir Loone.

And to Sir Loone, in all sincerity I say to you that I am god.
(and I can discuss that notion with people who are intelligent enough to carry a discussion)