My claim is not that I can balance on a ball, my claim is that the star elephant is not balancing on the ball the proper way.
I thought you just said, "That wasn't a criticism". Sure sounds like one to me. Can you say deluded?
My claim is not that I can balance on a ball, my claim is that the star elephant is not balancing on the ball the proper way.
I thought you just said, "That wasn't a criticism". Sure sounds like one to me. Can you say deluded?
And dishonest is repeatedly misrepresenting people and mainstream models, such as relativity, because you haven't taken the time or put in the effort to properly understand what it is they are saying. This is why I said what I said. You don't know how to do the mathematics of relativity, even on a level expected of freshmen students, so you're unable to properly understand what it is Lorentz transforms have to say about the specifics of things like light spheres. But rather than find out how they work so you can be confident you're raising valid complaints you refuse (and, more than likely, you're incapable of grasping it anyway) and instead build strawmen.Deluded is thinking a center of a light sphere can travel in space!
And dishonest is repeatedly misrepresenting people and mainstream models, such as relativity, because you haven't taken the time or put in the effort to properly understand what it is they are saying.
Sorry Maxilla, I've only just bothered to look at my PMs. I have some weird aversion to reading them, something I picked up in uni when I stopped reading my emails. It's a personality quirk....
No, but I can say 180 out. Deluded is when you think something is going in when it is really going out. Your science is backwards, and when you finally realize it and admit it then you will have taken the first step to correcting the problem.
Deluded is thinking gravity is an attraction!
Deluded is thinking a center of a light sphere can travel in space!
Deluded is thinking a center of a light sphere can travel in space!
Does the center of a light sphere travel in space?
Which doesn't happen. Rather your attempts to take shots at special relativity eventually lead to a closed thread because you have shown you are incapable of honest discussion. For example, not once EVER have I seen you demonstrate any sort of working understanding of special relativity on even the 'basic' level of this post. That's what I'd consider a minimal level of working capabilities to understand the basics of special relativity's internals. When you refuse to answer direct questions, when you repeatedly misrepresent science and people discussing relativity with you, when you show you have no interest in finding out what relativity actually says then do people say "enough!" and close down your threads. Each time there's the faint hope this time will be different, you'll actually learn something but eventually each time it becomes apparent you won't.Dishonesty is closing my threads and banning me for showing you the errors of your ways!
And your complete ignorance of what relativity actually involves leads you to the 'blissful' misconception that you have identified a flaw in it. Like I said, the best way to find problems in scientific models is to learn them. The people who know the most issues with science are scientists.Ignorance is bliss!
And when or if that day comes it will not be because of people like you asserting things, mistaken things, about special relativity while showing you know nothing about what relativity is really about but rather it will come from people following the scientific method, showing a good understanding of the models and experimental data and then laying out in clear and methodical fashion a sequence of evidence and reason which leads a rational mind to conclude there is a demonstrable problem with the model. Hence why the best course of action is for you to learn, actually learn, what relativity says because then you are in the best position to explain clearly any flaws you perceive in it. If you cannot even grasp what a change of coordinates is then you've got no hope.The truth will surface one day as it will be impossible to hold it back any longer, as the force on the lie will increase until such point that the lie will not be able to maintain, and it will succumb to the truth, which is absolute!
Let's make this more direct. Do you understand this post? If not then where do you not understand it? I'll walk you through it in more detail so you can hopefully understand it. If you do understand it would you be willing to do an example yourself? I'd give you a 1st year homework problem, something which is supposed to take someone fresh out of high school less than 15 minutes, and we'd see if you can. After all, it is easy to say "I understand X" or "I know more about X than person Y", it is necessary to justify such things. Take Prof Layman for instance, he asserts he grasps special relativity better than Einstein did, yet he cannot even understand how to change coordinates. Do you?
"Your world" does not correspond to the one we all share, and this is where delusion comes into play, hence how "your mind works".
Wrong! My world is the DEFINITION of distance and time. When you can show an error in my diagram then we can discuss, but until then you are just flapping your lips.
And this is exactly the reaction we would expect of the delusional when their "world" is threatened. You have been corrected many times, so there is no reason to believe that repeated efforts will have any better results. Perhaps meds.
Wrong! My world is the DEFINITION of distance and time. When you can show an error in my diagram then we can discuss, but until then you are just flapping your lips.
I showed you what was wrong with that diagram years ago. That didn't stop you persisting with your fantasy-world claims.
James, NOBODY has ever shown me one single error in that diagram. Humor me, where is the mistake again?
Here's the thread you would most like to forget, Motor Daddy. It's the one I always remind you of.
It contains the correct diagrams, right next to your wrong ones, accompanied by a detailed explanation by me of why they are different and why the relativistic diagrams are correct and yours are wrong.
I have no intention of repeating myself yet again.
Wow, the denial is strong with this one.