lluminati torture of their ex-icon Britney Spears, the failed Madoona II, explained

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lluminati torture of their ex-icon Britney Spears, the failed Madonna replacement, explained long ago... (1)
The latest chapter: Britney Spears in hospital, may lose child visits
(1) Illuminati icons - case studies - Britney Spears: the failed replacement for Madonna, 2/17/2007
From http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?messageid=346376
To understand why is she failed replacement for Madonna, start by thinking "children". I mean illuminati children agenda...

Illuminati icons - case studies - Popes and Divas: from good John Paul II to Hitler Youth Benedict XVI; from silicone Pamela Anderson to millionaire Paris Hilton
Preliminary must read about illuminati icons: creating and selling them: see first post in

Reply from poster Kyoon, the only so far to echo the Truth explained first and only by End Times Prophet:
Is she failed replacement for Madonna by becoming a mother, the wrong message for an illuminati icon to be propagating at this time ?
Answer from Matt Marriott:
Correct. Also she married as a mother. Another wrong message Now contrast this with "Madonna", who excelled in that script.

(2) If you did not get what an Illuminati Icon is, then learn the basics:

(3) Note the same technique as in the "Paris Hilton jailed" script, i.e. to satisfy non-thinking people's sense of justice.
But this time the torture is not staged, it is for real. Start here:
Larry King live, Paris Hilton, drugs agenda and illuminati icons - "rich socialite jailed" script
and read this after
Paris Hilton "I'm too beautiful for jail" vs. OJ Simpson "He is too rich and famous for jail"
Britney and her sister are useless freakshows. They don't deserve to have any children. They should have stayed the "nice little Christian girls" they were before they became skank ho's. :(
Is she failed replacement for Madonna by becoming a mother, the wrong message for an illuminati icon to be propagating at this time?
Correct. Also she married as a mother. Another wrong message Now contrast this with "Madonna", who excelled in that script.
Yes, the "rich socialite" agenda. But the problem was too many illuminati sects.
(Deliberately withholding CUBIC KNOWLEDGE)
No human "entity" exists.
Cube is opposite perfection.
Singularity is death worship.
Now very slowly, move your head so your right ear moves in the direction of your right shoulder, and then so your left ear moves in the direction of your left shoulder. Repeat several times.
I think you would agree with some of what MattMarr says. He's anti-abortion, and I think he believes in a rapture of some sort.
Britney is the only big female music star who got married and had children recently that I know of. Her looking like a nutter makes what she does look nutty. Wonder why the single actresses don't get bad things said about them and their ways while Britney and her sister do.
Britney is the only big female music star who got married and had children recently that I know of. Her looking like a nutter makes what she does look nutty. Wonder why the single actresses don't get bad things said about them and their ways while Britney and her sister do.

She's not an actress - she's a singer.

And as to the rest, do you suppose it just might have something to do with the fact that the others don't act quite a stupid about their personal lives in public the way she does??? Gee, I wonder. :rolleyes:
Global Genocide: From Terri Schindler (aka Schiavo) 2005 to Britney Spears 2008

Britney Spears was first tortured for being the failed "Madonna" replacement (1), and after used in the "terrorize parents" agenda (2), being denied the right to see her children.
Finally she was locked and will probably be murdered, to advance the same agenda as in the case of the satanic ritual murder of Terri Schiavo in 2005. (3)

Increase Acceptance Level at work: from legalizing murderig of disabled, no matter who would oppose it (in that case even if the parents oppose it....to now locking (as first step to murdering) whoever is declared Mentally Ill, no matter who is declared so.

(1) Explained worldwide first and so far only by ET Prophet

(2) Cuban child Elian, 2000: only one explained how the illuminati used it to advance the "deny custody to parents" agenda, using the same dissociation mind control techniques they had used with the arrest of chilean ex President Augusto Pinochet, in 1998. Guess who...
Archived first Jun 21, 2000:

(3) Explained worldwide first by ET Prophet. This lead the illuminati to slightly modify the script: instead of murdering Terri on Good Friday 2005, they continued to torture her for a few more days, with hundreds of CIA psy-ops posts to "prove" ET Prophet prediction to be wrong.
You can see the link "Why Terri Schiavo will die tomorrow, the day Jesus Christ died (stop the satanic ritual murder!!!)"
Posted by Truth666
On Smoky Backroom 03/24/2005 2:10:42 PM PST · 6,103 replies ·- http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-backroom/1370047/posts

In case it was deleted: Archived first time by webarchive five days later, March 29, 2005:
I have to wonder if MattMarr has ever had a sane thought in his entire life...

MattMar is some sort of AI software that collects data from everywhere coupled with phrases like "government conspiracy" and than bursts it all out on forums across the net. MattMar never was a child, he was never a boy, never felt the sun's warmth or mother's touch...the only thing there is for Matt is buzzing of the servers to which his internet data is gathered to.
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