But is that not a false equation?
If we turn that around we get; "Nothing = A - A", and that is not true because it assumes the existence of a value; "A".
I think I am kind of having this discussion on another forum if I am understanding this right.
A-A=less A
A+A=more A
Other forum poster wrote "If something has no precedent, never existed before, it came from nothing.
If it’s always existed (the only other option), motion cannot occur.
Something without precedent. Without precedent is always something from nothing. (It’s never existed before and now it does)
If it’s always existed, it can’t transition to another state."
Without precedent? Eternal Existence doesn’t need precedent, it is and it becomes, both simultaneously.
The antecedent, Existence, is eternally actualized as a one of a kind, not needing what you are misconstruing as precedent. Everything is an imperfect one of a kind being generated/created by an intelligent energy non-stop and under the umbrella of Existence we souls are imperfect, choosing imperfectly, from imperfect options.
Other forum poster "If something has never existed before, it comes from nothing.
If something always exists, it is static (it never moves)."
You are acting as if something has to be identical to something else to exist, why?
Does a lump of clay have to be a finished statue first before it can become, be molded, into a finished statue?
Think of intelligent energy as a huge amount of clay, being molded.
Here everything, every moment is a one-of-a-kind made out of changing patterns of atoms, all made of atoms here, just like my example of everything being made of clay.