Garbonzo, let me make it clear. The silly insinuation which I referred to was your ..
Notice that none of the regular members on this forum have replied to you guys after showing this evidence.
This is a spurious presumption.
That sentence by itself doesn't presume anything, but may have connotations to go along with it. The point being, though, is that I did not specially presume anything. The undertones were that, yes, maybe these things do have some significance to them, because members on a science forum have not even tried debunking them yet. I'm not saying this proves aliens came to Earth or anything. Like I said, it could be time travel, a lost human civilization, etc. Any number of things that all have equal weight. :thumbsup:
And they still haven't replied to you or I's evidence (which I am claiming to be so)!
Yes, the pics of the ancient Indian flying machines are interesting. But IMO, you fly off into the fantastic rather quickly .. ET's, lost city of Atlanis ..
I simply think that if there is anything to them, it's evidence of mankinds achievments in the distant past, which we know little or nothing about.
When I reference Atlantis, I am specifically referring to your suggestion of "mankind's achievements in the distant past". Hasn't there just been ruins discovered under the ocean which I saw on the world news? I haven't looked into it however, and I'm not saying it's the Atlantis referred to in history, but a sort of Atlantis, which can mean now, just a lost city. Such as a Frisbee can mean a flying disc, or Jell-O can mean gelatin deserts.
I don't believe such advancements like helicopters can be developed in a known historical city and we have absolutely no evidence for it overflowing from the texts. If it was mankind that made these things in the past, I believe it would have to be a lost civilization we know next to nothing about, who came and visited other civilizations we do know about periodically.
I am no more "flying off into the fantastic" than you are. This is all speculation that cannot be proved and all have the same weight like I said. We are trying to fit an explanation for these evidences.