Love and sex


Valued Senior Member
In love do you mate with one or many? I love this that and the other thing. I'm talking love as broad as it can be. But I do love one more than the rest.

EDIT: when you love you keep. And consider you love all good things.
Fungi May Have 30 differrent Sexes

Only one sperm is allowed to penetrate the egg ergo only one sperm is allowed to fertilize the egg.

There exists flatworms of the sea, that have two penis ergo perhaps the possibility to mate with two other flat worms at same time.

EDIT: when you love you keep

the illusion of ownership of the un evolved childs mind

love is not ownership

love is the purpose of will to place another thing above your own value of happiness

if it wants to run wild & free
YOU want it to run wild & free
if it wants to sit at your feet like a dog
YOU want it to sit at your feet like a dog
you want what it wants for its self to be happy
this is the sole core of love being a selfless reality

the vast majority of people, regardless of what religion or no religion they claim to have, completely miss this point.
Their love is an ownership process of selfish greed
seated in the heart of the child they have never matured from
a child in an adults body
Love and sex

Madly complex,
These intellects
Mulling the wrecks
Of love and sex
In this village.

Yet old tillage
Of fecund soil
Harbors the toil,
stain, and recoil
Of young King's spoil.

No log misdone.
Find the whoreson.
Give him Dead's crown,
Parade the clown
To everyone.

--Aerd Vorsunn
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In love do you mate with one or many? I love this that and the other thing. I'm talking love as broad as it can be. But I do love one more than the rest.

EDIT: when you love you keep. And consider you love all good things.

Friends , Best of Friends , always .