Love thy Enemy

usp8riot said:
The prisoners in prison are being kept away from society to teach them a lesson.
The only lesson they learn is how to be a more efficient criminal. Its really a system of protecting society through segregation more than anything else.

Nevertheless, prison is somewhat more compassionate than hell. The hellions are never released after having 'learned their lesson'.
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Yes, of course, it doesn't always teach them a lesson and sometimes makes them stew stronger emotion. I didn't mean it is effective all the time. You and most people, Carcano, have a somewhat different belief than I do. You think hell is for infinity. I don't. God is just. No man can do enough harm in this lifetime as to deserve hell (active punishment) for infinity. Not in my eyes and as unforgiving as God is, then surely He will feel the same. God made us, and knew we were going to sin, and therefore won't be harsh on us. When you have a child, you know it's going to grow up doing wrong sometimes or making mistakes. You don't, or hopefully won't, see your child as a screwup and punishing him the rest of his life for screwing up in his childhood? We are all learning here just as children and being tempted, God knows this, and how much more forgiving would He be then our parents to us? Some of you take religion to extreme sometimes.

When you dedicate yourself to living right and doing right, then take it to extreme, then when something goes wrong, emotions pour out, then you get mad and cross the boundary. That's where balance comes into play. Even too much emotion towards religion is bad. That's why we have wars between denominations and religions, for one. And why some religious are seen as extremists. To be a man of God is not to be extremist.
Carcano said:
The only lesson they learn is how to be a more efficient criminal. Its really a system of protecting society through segregation more than anything else.

Nevertheless, prison is somewhat more compassionate than hell. The hellions are never released after having 'learned their lesson'.

the way you get into hell is by choosing to turn away from god, you do't want to be with god you don't want to be in heaven only leaving you with hell. purigtory is for those who want to learn their lesson
Little_Birdie said:
the way you get into hell is by choosing to turn away from god, you do't want to be with god you don't want to be in heaven only leaving you with hell. purigtory is for those who want to learn their lesson

M*W: So, you've known someone who has returned from hell, who has given you this information? If you don't have empirical evidence, you shouldn't be posting as such. Can you prove there is such a place as heaven and hell? Not! It's blind belief, and it hold's no scientific water.

You're one dumbass, don't you realize that? Christians are dumbasses. Will it ever cease? As long as there are dumbasses preaching the existence of heaven and hell, there will be morons believing this shit. Why don't you people wake the fuck up???
Little_Birdie said:
the way you get into hell is by choosing to turn away from god, you do't want to be with god you don't want to be in heaven only leaving you with hell. purigtory is for those who want to learn their lesson

I'm a multi-millionaire who dons a mask and goes around all day saving peoples lives, giving them food and clothing, medicine when they get sick...

Yet, if I turn away from your god, I go to hell?
So you say little birdie needs to wake up for making unprovable assumptions or logical deductions of his holy text, MW? Nothing is 100% provable other than the present, and still, you could go into some philosophical debates of that. If entire humankind went on 100% proof all the time, what would it be like? You could never go on heresay, even for the tiniest problem. Beyond a reasonable doubt would be discluded in court. I don't believe everything I hear or see so I take every post here as heresay, just by default. If someone hit your child and you didn't see it and no one but him saw it, it is your child's word against the other person's. Would you just let it go and not believe it? I'm sure you wouldn't if you had an ouce of care in you. And that is just as others are. They care of the world and what they read in their holy text makes sense. They feel that is the way to go about treating others. Some of these people don't just believe in doing good but do do good and come here and have their good beliefs persecuted. I'm hoping you will wakeup, MW, to the fact that he could be doing this to share his beliefs and peace with you, not to persecute you or offend you. For the sake of your own self and others. I don't like to see hate in anyone's heart, it's unhealthy. Believe me, I've lived with it for a long time before I found God. But consider this all heresay if you want to get technical.

I'm a multi-millionaire who dons a mask and goes around all day saving peoples lives, giving them food and clothing, medicine when they get sick...
Yet, if I turn away from your god, I go to hell?

God is just Q. No one but you has the same experience but you so no one here can judge you. There is no black and white in true justice. A person's individual life has to be taken into account. God is not law, He is justice. Law is cold, and matter of fact. God judges with atleast as much mercy and forgiveness as you would your child being we are His children.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: So, you've known someone who has returned from hell, who has given you this information? If you don't have empirical evidence, you shouldn't be posting as such. Can you prove there is such a place as heaven and hell? Not! It's blind belief, and it hold's no scientific water.

You're one dumbass, don't you realize that? Christians are dumbasses. Will it ever cease? As long as there are dumbasses preaching the existence of heaven and hell, there will be morons believing this shit. Why don't you people wake the fuck up???

Laughed my arse off. Succinct but to the point.

Religion is a gigantic waste of life. It has to be the most worthless endeavor ever devised by mankind. Is there a parallel universe with an Earth with no religion that I can go to?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: So, you've known someone who has returned from hell, who has given you this information? If you don't have empirical evidence, you shouldn't be posting as such. Can you prove there is such a place as heaven and hell? Not! It's blind belief, and it hold's no scientific water.

You're one dumbass, don't you realize that? Christians are dumbasses. Will it ever cease? As long as there are dumbasses preaching the existence of heaven and hell, there will be morons believing this shit. Why don't you people wake the fuck up???

First of all, thanks kindly for being the stupidest, most idiotic person ive ever met.

Now lets get to business:

If you acctually READ Little Birdies' posts you would notice he is quite the literalist. So PROBABLY he takes the Bible literally. That is his decision... and if you have an opinion against it, thats yours. BUT To attack him and his beliefs and then attack an entire religion is complete idiocy and quite rude.

If you acctually thought about it, he gets his info from the Bible, and from the Bible there is only one person who could possibly tell you who goes to hell and who goes to heaven... and that is God...

Now there is no evidence of God, and there never will be, so dont give me your crap.

Not all Christians agree with him, so stop the stupid generalizations and wake up: PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT BELIEFS THAN YOU, SO STOP WHINING U friggin baby.

Just because i disagree with you doesnt mean I am wrong, nor that you are wrong. Neither of us can be wrong for our answer cannot be proven.

If you're tired of Christians, than stay away from these forums. If you disagree with religion, say religion, not Christianity, new flash: Christianity isnt the only religion...

Now, Medicine Woman, since in the past 60+ posts ive seen you make, You obviously think you know EVERYTHING and anyone who disagrees is simpley wrong... so, show me exactly how every single frame of religion is WRONG... not illogical, not improbably... but proven wrong... until you do so, im not listening to your crap saying "jesus didint exist (no backing required) now be free!!!" cause you might aswell sell ice to the FRIGGIN eskimos!!!!

Now show me, oh wonderous and all-knowing teacher, show me how I am wrong and you are right!!!
(Q) said:
I'm a multi-millionaire who dons a mask and goes around all day saving peoples lives, giving them food and clothing, medicine when they get sick...

Yet, if I turn away from your god, I go to hell?

god is goodness if you are serving good you are serving him if you turn away from goodness you are turning away from him if you want to recongize it or not theologicly speaking
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: So, you've known someone who has returned from hell, who has given you this information? If you don't have empirical evidence, you shouldn't be posting as such. Can you prove there is such a place as heaven and hell? Not! It's blind belief, and it hold's no scientific water.
*I* have gone to hell and back.

(No, I'm still an atheist. What you should have just thought is: What do you mean by hell? It's a state of being, and that's Catholic doctrine.)

You're one dumbass, don't you realize that? Christians are dumbasses. Will it ever cease? As long as there are dumbasses preaching the existence of heaven and hell, there will be morons believing this shit. Why don't you people wake the fuck up???
Most. Intelligent. Post. Evar.

ursol337 norly i<3mw
On the first topic
Satan is the new identity of the fallen angel Lucifer. It is his goal to draw as many souls to Hell as possible. This is in an effort to gain enough power to usurp the Lord God at the End of Days. This would result in Hell on Earth for eternity. Not fun. The best counter action is to love, everything, including the source of all sadness and pain.

On the middle topic
The Theological Virtues “faith, hope, and love” are not necessarily a Christian ethic. Many of my True Atheist and Agnostic friends tout these as the true human values. Many Eastern Philosophers have requested that the theses specific virtues be shown in higher quantity. Shows the amount of research certain people put behind the mouths, or in this case, keyboards

On the new topic
Show respect to your opponents. Or you won’t have any. This is a religion forum. Not a third grade name calling session.
God is goodness
God tells us...
God wants you to...
God is...
God will...
God's word says...
God will save you...
God will burn and torture you...

All of this certainty and authority based on what? All of you religious idiots out there - yes, you are idiots - need help. There is hope for you. If you answer these questions sincerely, you will be on your way to salvation:

Why do you "believe"? Really?

Why do you accept "god" based on a degree of evidence that even on your stupidest day, wouldn't convince you to give even one dollar to the slick salesman at your door?

What do you fear so much that you need a "god" to protect you?

What do you really know about how rationalists and scientists actually view the world?

Why are you afraid to admit that "god" might not exist?

Why do you hide from the overwhelming harm that religion does to societies and individuals?
Provita said:
Jesus teaches us (or atleast Christians) to Love your enemies...

An interesting question an athiest asked me a while ago:

If so, mustn't you also love Satan?

Why not love Satan? How could loving anything or anyone hurt anybody?
usp8riot said:
You and most people, Carcano, have a somewhat different belief than I do.
Its not that we have different beliefs, its that you choose to live in the realm of belief and I don't. I don't want to believe, I want to KNOW.

And in cases where I don't know I'm proud to say so. Its infinitely more integrous to admit an honest ignorance than to create a 'belief'.
Its infinitely more integrous to admit an honest ignorance than to create a 'belief'.

What? So you have infinitely more integrity to say your ignorant than to say you believe? If your integrity is infinite, than you would be more honest than anyone? So you don't live in a realm of belief Carcano? There is nothing you don't know but have a theory/belief about? We can play on words all day, it is still just a pointless waste of time. If you are infinitely more integrous than I, then why do you say I am wrong to theorize or believe something. And don't give me a statement showing you believe, give me a statement that is 100% fact that way we can all believe it, and give me your stance on religion and God if you are infinitely more integrous and have no beliefs than I. We can argue the semantics of belief all day, it is pointless. Which is what seems to go on here sometimes and we shouldn't have to state for each sentence in which we state a belief and is not 100% known. Should I also give a statement that it is my belief I am not sure 100% that my spelling is right, that I haven't misspelled one word yet?
usp8riot said:
So you don't live in a realm of belief Carcano? There is nothing you don't know but have a theory/belief about?
A theory and a belief are two different things usp8riot.

A theory is just a possibility - it is NOT presented as a known fact.

A belief IS presented as a known fact, without being supported by reasons or evidence.

Its interesting to me that Socrates claimed to be ignorant of so many things, and yet was considered to be one of the wisest men in Athens. His wisdom and integrity was in understanding WHY the men of his time were ignorant - he UNDERSTOOD this ignornance and was honest enough to admit it.
So you don't believe in God, Carcano? There is no 'reasons or evidence' to even give you a slight hint there could be a God, a belief? All beliefs I know of are brung to the conclusion by reasons or evidence. No belief I know of is believed 'just 'cause'. There is usually reasons. I don't say there is always reasoning involved in some religions, but reasons, there is a difference. And also, there is no belief I know of that is known fact and I sure don't expect anyone's beliefs to be known fact. So I don't know where that definition came from. Anyhow, no sense in bickering over word games. And yes, of course, I am ignorant in some ways as we are all. No one knows everything. It is ignorant to assume that no one is ignorant or to expect someone to admit they're ignorant when everyone knows we all are. That goes without saying. I am not ignorant of ignorance, I see it plenty around here. I have just stated that so now you will know my posts are heresay and can't be 100% proven. Maybe I should put a disclaimer in my signature if we had them here, stating that this is my beliefs, not 100% proven fact, and is therefore, heresay.
Little_Birdie said:
god is goodness if you are serving good you are serving him if you turn away from goodness you are turning away from him if you want to recongize it or not theologicly speaking

Your god is not goodness, he is cruel and immoral. I do not serve your god, I reject him with every fiber of my being. I only serve mankind.

Do I still go to hell?
For those who are confused and rather worship your menice. Go here

In the end, it's all the same BS. Another mythical deity that don't exist. But it sure as hell serves it's purpose. ;)
