What are you talking about? The world population is growing and is projected to continue to grow through 2100.As the population diminishes,
Jeeves:I don't think Sculptor is concerned about a decline in world population.
I think he's reacting to this recent news item .
If this is a continuing trend, the US will fall ever farther behind in the population race and rely increasingly on immigration to supply the raw humanpower for everything from crop harvesting to riot policing to tax paying.
Sculptor might be worried that he is going to live another 800 years, and will have to be cared for by immigrants during his declining decades.If not that, than what did prompt your concern? In most newsworthy situations you hear about these days, the problem - the overwhelming, tragic, insurmountable problem - seems to be far too many people, never too few.
Is low fertility rate a cause for concern?
As the population diminishes, is the fertility rate likely to increase, or continue to decline?
My guess would be different. He hoped, I think, to elicit a storm of indignant responses to what he thought was his incendiary comment about the population "declining", from the hand-wringing, milquetoast, pinko libtards he thinks infest the forum.Sculptor might be worried that he is going to live another 800 years, and will have to be cared for by immigrants during his declining decades.
Seriously, though, population is an increasingly urgent and pressing problem, with climate change and its concomitant wars and displacement. As the habitable Earth-surface shrinks and food supplies go into global decline or catastrophic collapse; as fresh water dries up and salt water rises, children will become an increasingly heavy burden. There are already far too many children being emotionally and socially crippled in refugee, migrant and containment camps - we're raising a generation of potentially rootless, truthless, futureless gangs.
The lower classes of Europe and North America are simply following the example of their own middle class. If the women of the Other World follow suit in their turn, loosening the grip of patriarchal cultures, they might not have quite so horrible a time coming.
Is low fertility rate a cause for concern?
As the population diminishes, is the fertility rate likely to increase, or continue to decline?
Why? How many billions of humans do you want?
Is low fertility rate a cause for concern?
Why? How many billions of humans do you want?
Yeah, if only 'naturally' were an option anymore!personally i am happy with a decline in population due to the slow down of over population
which would be equal to a global population decline in birth rate by around 15% to 20%
Yeah, if only 'naturally' were an option anymore!
We missed that boat by three or four decades.
The catastrophic extinction event hurtling down the turnpike won't be so nice.