Mac's Final Relativity Thread

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The problem frankly is that he said contridictary things as well. He also said each can claim to be at rest and the other has the veloicty and becomes dilated. That is what produced the twin paradox.

I already showed how to get the same answer by calculating things from either twin's POV. Since the spacefaring twin accelerates and reverses direction at some point, there is no frame in which they can always be taken to be resting for the entire trip. Einstein never said such a reciprocity existed. Now if the spacefaring twin doesn't reverse direction, but just keeps going, he will correctly determine that Earth's twin's clock is ticking slower than his, whereas the Earth twin correctly concludes the opposite. No contradiction here, since light signals from each twin won't arrive in time to force compensatory corrections. But again, since one of the twins is reversing direction, this kills the reciprocity because they can only be considered inertial during the two separate legs of the trip. Do your homework and show me where Einstein claimed there was reciprocity in the twins paradox, because I say you either rely on bogus sources, or else you made it up yourself.

And yes I have no intention of going back and re-reading lengthy papers trying to find a purported statement that might or might not be there but might well just be your mis-interpretation or wishful thinking of what was actually said. It is incumbent upon you to post the specific quote you feel proves your position. Then it could be accepted or rejected. I will not do your leg work.

Here's the quote from Einstein's paper. Link was already given in last post so I shall not repost it, as there's no valid reason my link should have been ignored in the first place.

From this there ensues the following peculiar consequence. If at the points A and B of K there are stationary clocks which, viewed in the stationary system, are synchronous; and if the clock at A is moved with the velocity $$v$$ along the line AB to B, then on its arrival at B the two clocks no longer synchronize, but the clock moved from A to B lags behind the other which has remained at B by $$\frac{1}{2}tv^2/c^2$$ (up to magnitudes of fourth and higher order), $$t$$ being the time occupied in the journey from A to B.

There you have it. Set up a beacon in space at rest relative to Earth, and synchronize its clock with Earth's clock as seen in Earth's rest frame. If the spacefaring twin accelerates and journeys out to the space beacon, the trip time he measures will be less than what Earth and beacon measure. Same thing for the return trip. From what orifice do you get this claim that Einstein said reciprocity applies to the twins paradox?

Actually no. I have already said I had no real interest in seeing an alternative calculation but for you to do so if you wished. I'll need to go back and review the ground rules I posted for making the challenge because I don't see any here.

Well as far as our own mutual dialogue goes, I asked you to substantiate your ECI claims before you asked anything of me. Since I asked you first, you're the one complaining that most scientists ignore your ideas, and you're challenging a paradigm that has existed for more than 100 years, I think we should first put the ECI issue to rest and then I promise to address your subsequent challenge.

Plain and simply, if you treat the Earth-based clock as being at rest for each separate instance in time, and use only the relative velocities, positions and times that it measures from its own POV, an observer moving with this clock will correctly determine that the time difference between the orbiting and surface clocks, in the absence of gravity, is -7.2us/day, not -5.8us/day as you claim. This determination is made entirely using Special Relativity and relative measurements, with no reference to GR or gravity whatsoever. The reason you are getting -5.8us/day is because you are incorrectly applying the rules of SR. Either you can agree to look at my calculation and show me where the flaw in my reasoning lies, or I will be unable to take you seriously when you claim to understand SR and know how to apply it.

You can't keep making claims about ECI to support your arguments, without ultimately backing them up when someone asks to see your math or offers to post a correction to your claims. Otherwise it's just trolling, not a proper scientific debate. Address this issue first and I promise I will deal with your subsequent challenge. In fact, if you just promise to look at my GPS calculations once I post them, and to either offer a criticism of the math or else to drop your ECI claims altogether, I will even agree to answer your challenge at the same time.

Before I consider the counter-challenge you propose, I also need to know two things. 1) Who judges what the correct answer is, and how? 2) If the origin of the third coordinate system is at (x,y,z,t)=(0,0,0,0), then at what positions and times do each of the two clocks start registering ticks, as seen in this frame?
Finally correct.
Again finally correct.
Good that you agree with both method (1) & (2) as you often use (1) and (2) is directly from your instructions in post 93. I.e. in post 1170, I did NOT use or assume anything of standard SR you do not use or accept.
... I think you are eluding to the fact that the computed time dilation using the "correct MacM method" disagrees with a velocity prediction using SR's velocity addition.
Yes. (But "velocity addition" was not used. & Not agreeing your SR is correct, so I added quote marks to that.)
In which case I agree it will not match but then that should be expected since the time dilation predicted by velocity addition is not supported by empirical data.
No velocity addition was used. Read post 1170 again if you still think it was and tell where it was used.

The whole point of post 1170 was the speed of frame T can be calculated by your approved method (1) getting the result S1 and also calculated by your approved method (2) getting the result S2 which is not the same as S1, yet there can only be one correct value for the speed of T.

The math problem you do not seem to understand is that you have "over determined the solution" to get two conflicting answers, values of speed of T wrt R. I.e.

When speed of T is calculated by (1)'s approach (T has "actual velocity" wrt R) you get S1.

When speed of T is calculated by (2)'s approach: Your post 93 method which used the already known speed of A wrt R to get speed of T (via the standard SR equation you accept as both A&T have "actual velocity" wrt R) and speed of T is adjusted in your approach (2) to make the tick ratio A:T = 2:3 then you get the speed of T as S2.

Velocity addition is not used anywhere in the post 1170 proof that your version of SR is self contradictory.

The only thing even vaguely related is that by your instruction in post 93 method (2) the separately computed time dilations wrt their CRF (Common Rest Frame) are subtracted. Addition was never used anywhere. Read again post 1170, and try to find some error in its logic or math. (At least speak about things that are actually used in post 1170 proof of self conflict within "MacM SR." – I.e. tell specifically where you think there is error.)

The fundamental cause of your self contradiction is your idea that by method (2), the time dilation must be separately calculated for both A & T wrt their CRF instead of by their relative velocity. I.e. the very heart of "MacM SR" is that the current conditions are not sufficient to calculate the time dilation between two frames, both of which are moving wrt a rest frame. You postulate that their history is critical. (To calculate their mutual time dilation one must go back into their history* to find their CRF.)

Standard SR does not drag in ancient history.* Your doing so and basing time dilation in method (2) on speed wrt the CRF is where you "over determine the solution."

*Perhaps more than 10 billion years to know what is happening now!
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It can be clearly seen that if the distance between "A" and "B" is reduced to 1/2 that
traveling at the same speed, the traveling twin completes the trip in 1/2 the accumulated
time. But nothing about the clock changes. Both twin clocks MUST tick precisely at the
same rate and accumulate time equally such that upon the traveling twins return the
resting twin's clock will also display 5 hours and no time dilation can have occured.

This is inconsistant with empirical data and falsifies the assertion in Special Relativity.
that time dilates in one frame view while distance contracts in the other.
Except that isn't what relativity says. You have, as I said, created a strawman. Find me a book on relativity which says that, rather than you claiming that is what relativity says. The simplest way to see you are wrong is to draw a space-time diagram. Draw the worldline of the moving person with respect to the at 'at rest' person's frame and then apply a Lorentz transform to the axes. The (x',t') axes will, in the 'at rest' persons frame, form an angle of less than 90 degrees and the worldline of the moving person will cross the t' axis at a smaller value of t' than the value of t where it crosses the t axis. QED. Thanks for playing, better luck next time.

Self-serving rhetoric and false negative innuendo.Your math and physics skills have nothing to do with resolving the above situation. It involves 3rd grade arithmatic and common sense.
I hope you realise how hypocritical the highlighted text is. And while I didn't need any of my maths and physics skills to come up with the demonstration you are incorrect the fact I have them means at least I know what I'm talking about.

It requires that for the first time as an educated man you be honest with yourself and not waive the right to think for yourself and just recite SR theory as the answer. You must think about what SR wants you to accept as a scientific person.
Oh please, you are not being honest with yourself. You refuse to accept that perhaps someone, somewhere, knows a little bit more about a theory you've never done, never studied, have no experience with, than you. I'm sure I'm decades younger than you but my working experience with basic calculus is clearly more than yourself and my experience with how to go about extracting physical predictions from both the quantitative calculus and the qualitative implications of a physics model greatly exceed yours too.

You only assume my experience is irrelevant. I suggest that if you can't properly refute my charge then my experience must be superior to your own.
I keep asking you to tell me what, in your electical engineering work, is relevant to this. And it took me about 11 seconds to come up with a simple pictorial way (so you don't even need to know any calculus) to illustrate why you are wrong and 7 of that was working out $$\gamma=2$$ implies $$v = \sqrt{3}/2$$, not that its relevant.

I have NO idea what you are talking about here
Yes, algebra and quantitative stuff does seem a little too much for you.

But whatever it is NONE of my views or opinions have come from somebodyelse much less from some forum.
So where precisely are you getting the idea that relativity says :

1. Relative motion is a sufficient condition for measuring different periods of time.
2. Person A moving relative to inertial Person B such that $$\gamma=2$$ over a return trip over some distance which B sees as L implies the same measured periods of time.

It seems to me those form the core of your complaints about special relativity and yet neither of them are claims of special relativity. Your lack of actual knowledge about SR and your unwillingness to be honest enough to spend time learning enough SR to know what it says means you're attacking strawmen of your own making.

Since I don't even know what you are saying how could I quote a book that says it. What the hell do you mean by "Relative motion always gives different measured time periods"?
Give references for any and all cases where you say "Relativity says...." because it seems you're implying it says things it does not.

And what I mean is it seems that you're claiming relativity says the following :

Persons A and B sync their clocks and undergo some motion such that they are in relative motion for some period of time. They meet up and compare clocks. They find they measure different periods of time.

Is this what you think relativity says? If not, clarify. If so, provide a reference.

Irrelevant however
If you don't understand SR then how can you be sure you are not attacking a strawman you've made?

I do not mean to imply any commonality here but I must remind you that when Einstein published Special Relativity he was a lowly clerk in the Swiss Patent Office.
With a degree and PhD in physics and whose work allowed him to read all the latest journals and keep in regular correspondence with the people at the forefront of physics research of the day. He had much more education in physics than me and I'm in a bloody physics department.

You are looking at it. If you can't properly refute it I'd say I've done rather well.
You do know what practical means, right?

As noted many times now the issue is not about some unique knowledge about relativity but about applying basic physical realities without turning a blind eye to discrepancies produced by the ludricrus arbitrary merger of time & space into time-space.
Nice attempt to avoid admitting I'm not lying about myself.

ATotally not true. You post your mathematical proof refuting the above diagrams. I don't mean post SR mathematics because reciting a theory does not prove a theory. You must demonstrate via your exceptional math abilities that somehow clocks in CASE 2 above tick asynchronously such that they match SR's assertions.
This is just your way of saying you won't accept any mathematics which shows you are not getting your claims about SR right, because you'll just say "Oh you're just repeating rhetoric!", as if you getting it wrong and needing to be corrected is my fault.

No SR is an arbitrary mathematical construct based on misunderstood observations. SR is a concept of flat space-time where Einstein himself say does not exist in the universe. That it is only true in absence of gravity. Since gravity prevails everywhere SR is no valid anywhere.
*sigh* The fact you've never done any relativity means you're simply stating your misconceptions as fact. Here's some mathematics which I'm certain you won't understand and will thus ignore but which demonstrate curved space-time possesses the Lorentz symmetries of special relativity.

$$\eta_{ab}$$ is SR metric. $$g_{\mu\nu}$$ is curved metric. Define a vierbien (also known as a tetrad) $$e^{a}_{\mu}$$ by $$e^{a}_{\mu}e^{b}_{\nu}\eta_{ab} = g_{\mu\nu}$$. From this you can build spin connections and couple spinors to gravity (See Green, Schwarz & Witten Chapter 12) but you can also show g has Lorentz symmetry. $$\Lambda^{a}_{b}$$ is a Lorentz transformation which has defining property $$\Lambda^{c}_{a}\Lambda^{d}_{b}\eta_{cd} = \eta_{ab}$$, so use this on g, $$ g_{\mu\nu} = e^{a}_{\mu}e^{b}_{\nu}\eta_{ab} =e^{a}_{\mu}e^{b}_{\nu} \Lambda^{c}_{a}\Lambda^{d}_{b}\eta_{cd} = e'^{a}_{\mu}e'^{b}_{\nu}\eta_{ab} = g_{\mu\nu}$$. All information about the curved space-time metric g is encoded in e, which possesses Lorentz invariance. QED. again.

Useable certainly if as Einstein said gravity is sufficently weak so as to be able to ingore it. But ignoring it doesn't make it not there and it does not make SR valid. It merely makes SR have utility as long as you NEVER think of it as being physically valid. Hence it must be treated with very careful gloves and not applied in any unlimited manner.
Again, your utter lack of hands on experience makes this attempt by you to seem like you know how to use SR very stupid. For instance, quantum field theory is the combination of quantum mechanics and special relativity. Quantum field theories for the 3 non-gravitational forces have been massively successful.

And besides, all physics theories/models are 'approximate'. Cars and planes are built on 'effective theories' (look up what that means), which are not exactly correct but none-the-less are deemed 'valid'. The theory of fluids, used in aerospace, is Navier-Stokes equations. They aren't quantum theories, they don't include a multitude of additional effects but they are very useful. You claim to have done work for NASA. They'll use Newtonian gravity to launch a rocket into space, despite knowing GR is better, because the calculations are easier and the end result close enough. Furthermore, because gravity is often very weak but not ignorable, you use special relativity's flat metric as a background about which to do your perturbative theory. This is another enormous area of research, where special relativity, general relativity and quantum mechanics can all be put together to result in some extremely accurate models of nature. Not that you'd know, you're too dishonest a person to have an open and enquiring mind.
I already showed how to get the same answer by calculating things from either twin's POV. Since the spacefaring twin accelerates and reverses direction at some point, there is no frame in which they can always be taken to be resting for the entire trip. Einstein never said such a reciprocity existed. Now if the spacefaring twin doesn't reverse direction, but just keeps going, he will correctly determine that Earth's twin's clock is ticking slower than his, whereas the Earth twin correctly concludes the opposite. No contradiction here,

No arguement here either, other than to suggest the reciprocity is physically real is nonsense and not supported by empirical data. It is as I have labled it an "Illusion of Motion" measurement.

It is no different than putting on those red glasses and then claiming the entire universe is tinted red.

Further I caution you on relying on mere mathmatics and not sound physics.

since light signals from each twin won't arrive in time to force compensatory corrections. But again, since one of the twins is reversing direction, this kills the reciprocity because they can only be considered inertial during the two separate legs of the trip. Do your homework and show me where Einstein claimed there was reciprocity in the twins paradox, because I say you either rely on bogus sources, or else you made it up yourself.

HA. Now "I" fabricated the Twin Paradox??? Einstein didn't, others did, and they based it on what Einstein had claimed in SR.

Here's the quote from Einstein's paper. Link was already given in last post so I shall not repost it, as there's no valid reason my link should have been ignored in the first place.

Your link was not ignored but does not function. I was going to also pull out his statements about given two inertial systems with relative velocity each can declare itself to be at rest and the other has all velocity.

That is the statement that generated the twins paradox. So at best Einstein babbled and contridicted himself which is not a sound bases to believe in his work.

Why on earth would he knowingly violate his own stipulation that it is the moving frame that dilates by introducing reciprocity?

I suggest in fact that it is likely he did not expect other to be so stupid as to think that reciprocity was physical reality and that is why she states "Sees" the other time dilated. He was saying and meant "Perception" and not physical reality.

There you have it. Set up a beacon in space at rest relative to Earth, and synchronize its clock with Earth's clock as seen in Earth's rest frame. If the spacefaring twin accelerates and journeys out to the space beacon, the trip time he measures will be less than what Earth and beacon measure. Same thing for the return trip. From what orifice do you get this claim that Einstein said reciprocity applies to the twins paradox?

What just do you think the twins paradox is???? I did not create it. It is based upon reciprocity. How can you suggest I created it or the reciprocity in it when it came into existance long before I was born and it is based on precisely the condition of reciproicty advocated in SR.

You get an 'E' for effort but you fail to divert the facts in this case.

Well as far as our own mutual dialogue goes, I asked you to substantiate your ECI claims before you asked anything of me. Since I asked you first, you're the one complaining that most scientists ignore your ideas, and you're challenging a paradigm that has existed for more than 100 years, I think we should first put the ECI issue to rest and then I promise to address your subsequent challenge.

The ECI issue has been put to rest. Not sure what you are thinking. The ECI is a "Preferred" frame because it prohibits reciprocity. You cannot from orbit claim the ECI has the velocity of orbit and reverse relavistic affects making earth surface clock time dilated. That is what preferred means. It does not mean the only frame or frames from which one might be able to compute the same result. It means just what it means the ECI frame is a preferred frame.

Your problem is you cannot think outside the SR box and want to make preferred mean what it might mean in SR. SR may be hot stuff in your world but there is a whole other world out here and words have specific meanings here as well. So move on or show that you can produce reciprocity using the ECI frame.

Plain and simply, if you treat the Earth-based clock as being at rest for each separate instance in time, and use only the relative velocities, positions and times that it measures from its own POV, an observer moving with this clock will correctly determine that the time difference between the orbiting and surface clocks, in the absence of gravity, is -7.2us/day, not -5.8us/day as you claim.

I claimed what I claimed with full disclosure of the process used and even stipulated that it was not a valid process. You cannot now assert I claimed -5.8us/day as being valid.

I claimed -7.2us/day being valid and stated how it was calculated using the ECI. I did not, and hve not claimed it was the only method possible to achieve the same result. I only climed and pointed out that SR was not used because they used a preferred frame whare reciproicty was prohibited.

This determination is made entirely using Special Relativity and relative measurements, with no reference to GR or gravity whatsoever. The reason you are getting -5.8us/day is because you are incorrectly applying the rules of SR.

You need to read what I wrote. I stated it was an incorrect proceedure. I have also stated that the surface rotating frame is not an inertial frame. It is non-inertial due to the gravity affect and if you do not include gravity you will not get a correct net result.

As you know (or I think you should know) all surface clocks at sea level tick the same at any latitud from the poles to the equator due to the collective GR and rotational velocity affect.

Either you can agree to look at my calculation and show me where the flaw in my reasoning lies, or I will be unable to take you seriously when you claim to understand SR and know how to apply it.

What do you not understand about I have absolutely no interst in your calculation. I am intersted in seeing you refute my claim of falsification. If you cannot then your calculation is absolutely meaningless.

You can't keep making claims about ECI to support your arguments, without ultimately backing them up when someone asks to see your math or offers to post a correction to your claims. Otherwise it's just trolling, not a proper scientific debate. Address this issue first and I promise I will deal with your subsequent challenge. In fact, if you just promise to look at my GPS calculations once I post them, and to either offer a criticism of the math or else to drop your ECI claims altogether, I will even agree to answer your challenge at the same time.

I have backed up all my claims. You are attempting to extrapolate my words to have more meanings or claims which I have not made. I have no interest in chasing around false statements making corrections. This is all getting off topic..

Before I consider the counter-challenge you propose, I also need to know two things.

1) Who judges what the correct answer is, and how?

2) If the origin of the third coordinate system is at (x,y,z,t)=(0,0,0,0), then at what positions and times do each of the two clocks start registering ticks, as seen in this frame?

Ah. You have asked the crucial question haven't you. Unless you can synchrozine the clocks relative velocity tells you nothing. The point is you have no knowledge of acceleration history or your velocity component that contributes to their apparent relative velocities.

You can construct a synchronization schedule and produce some mathematical results but you have no empirical data to prove them. Your efforts are nothing more than trying to prove a theory by reciting the theory. That doesn't cut it.
Good that you agree with both method (1) & (2) as you often use (1) and (2) is directly from your instructions in post 93. I.e. in post 1170, I did NOT use or assume anything of standard SR you do not use or accept. Yes. (But "velocity addition" was not used. & Not agreeing your SR is correct, so I added quote marks to that.)No velocity addition was used. Read post 1170 again if you still think it was and tell where it was used.

Before wasting anymore time on this garbage let me clarify your error. From your prior post of the scenario:

Originally Posted by BillyT but spread out by MacM to be a bit more readable:"There are three frames: A, T, and R where R is your rest frame from which
A & T accelerated away prior to gaining their current inertial states.

Thus, both A & T have what you call actual velocity but A is leaving R faster
than T is.

The speed of A wrt R is such that the time dilation tick ratio is
1:2. (or 2: 4 which will be more convenient later so I may state it that


There exists* some ONE speed of T wrt R such that the A:T tick
ratio is 2:3 or to summarize the tick ratios thus far:


A:R = 2:4 and A:T = 2:3

This stipulation requires that "T" have a relative velocity to A such that T is
0.745356 as fast or 0.447c to R. That gives T a tick ratio of 3.577 to R.

which can compactly be written A:T:R = 2:3:4. I will even put into words for you
(and if still confused by the above, ignore those words and just start with
these bold words):

For every 4 ticks of clocks in R there are 3 ticks of clocks in T and 2 ticks of clock in A.

Note that the speed of T wrt R is chosen to make A:T = 2:3 and that there is only one such speed.

NOTE: That according to SR from R's frame the relative velocity between A & T is 0.8256c not 0.6c + 0.447c = 1.0047c. That means tick ratio between A & T is:

From T's frame
A = 1.69
T = 3.00

From A's Frame
T = 1.69
A = 3.00

So unless you properly write the scenario and properly lable all tick rates to include velocity addition versions and try to reverse those values to claim velocities you get results inconsistant with theory.

You have tried to either confuse us and post BS or you yourself are confused.

My proceedures are based on empirical data and are valid. You are mis-applying them in scenarios of your own creations which involve velocity addition and are attempting to use those changes in relative velocity to claim my proceedures are at fault. I suggest instead that you be honest and compute things correctly for all views.

But I hasten to add I am not interested in your claims which involve SR mathematics because my claim is that I am falsifying SR by my diagrams. Hence your math is meaningless unless you can properly refute my diagrams.

Except that isn't what relativity says. You have, as I said, created a strawman. Find me a book on relativity which says that, rather than you claiming that is what relativity says. The simplest way to see you are wrong is to draw a space-time diagram. Draw the worldline of the moving person with respect to the at 'at rest' person's frame and then apply a Lorentz transform to the axes. The (x',t') axes will, in the 'at rest' persons frame, form an angle of less than 90 degrees and the worldline of the moving person will cross the t' axis at a smaller value of t' than the value of t where it crosses the t axis. QED. Thanks for playing, better luck next time.

Well FYI: I'm not playing, you are. You attempt to recite theory to prove the theory. That doesn't cut it.

I am using sound basic physics which show the assertions and process of SR violates basic physics and is not physically real. You need to hang up your "I'm more educated" hat and address teh simple basic fact presented.

If you cannot overturn v = d/t as a sound physics principle, even in SR, then your case is lost.

It doesn't matter how many other complex mathematics you throw out there, or assertion made in written text or claims made.

They are SR mathematics and SR is being shown falsified at the most rudimentary level.

So they are meaningless unless you can justify violating basic physics.

Better Luck Next Time.

James R said:
Please set out the steps in your reasoning that you think proves that SR somehow gives results inconsistent with "real time physics".

MacM said:
Unfortunately for you your state of denial doesn't change the reality in the diagrams and soundness of the principles in the text. [snip irrelevancies]

Still waiting.
still at it!
Is there an award for longest running thread?

macm 1149
Spatial distance contraction is part of the explanation according to relativity and I PROVE that if spatial contraction were physically real no time dilation occurs; hence I falsify SR.

Not according to SR, but to popular interpretations that look for a literal (and
fictitious, not according to the rules of physics) meaning. The theory itself only states a transformation of spatial coordinates is required (to maintain the invariance of light speed).

james 1083
Your "travelling twin space" scale is also wrong, of course, because the travelling twin measures with his own rulers the distance between A and B to be half of what the stationary twin measures using his rulers. You have used the stationary twin's rulers and incorrectly labelled the space scale as "travelling twin space". So, two basic errors in one diagram.

If you calculate the x' transform using -v (for the return),
you will see the length is stretched not contracted (the other side that is ignored).
Clock frequencies increase for converging observers and decrease
for diverging observers, and since spatial intervals also require light signals
for perception, the effect is similar.

james 1159
An observer in the spaceship measures the length of the trip to be 0.5 light years and notices the start and end points of trip travelling at 0.866c relative to the spaceship. The time taken for the trip according to the spaceship clocks is time = distance/speed = 0.5 ly/0.866c = 0.577 years
which is exactly half the time measured by the ground clocks.

(This reply assumes the earth has 0 absolute velocity, and the
pilot does not know SR.)
The ship time is not calculated, it's indicated by the clock. The ship and all its contents experience time dilation, therefore the
clock reads less time than calculated on earth (1.15 yr).
If the space pilot insists he is not moving, and is not aware of the dilation since his mind is also running slower, then he has no answer as to why the destination arrived sooner than expected.
At this point he is measuring time, not distance. He can convert
the time to distance (.866*.577 = .50 ly). He might hypothesize
that it's as if space has contracted, but could offer no physical
explanation for it. His conjecture would not explain why no one
else sees this contraction. If however he is a true scientist,
he would make the same trip at various speeds, and after discovering a
non-linear relationship between his time and the fixed earth
distance, he would discover SR!
billy 1166

For example, with the speed of T wrt R less than the speed of A wrt R, which
produced the 1:2 tick ratio, then the frame A to frame T tick ratio (for
example) might be 2:3 as the speed of A is faster than T (both wrt to R).
That is possible even if the cause of tick ratios is a physical change in A and
in T if the speed of T is chosen correctly.* (Both A & T have physically changed
tick rates as both have "actual velocity" WRT R.) This is not any problem for
MacM because he can only consider two frames at a time. Three is beyond his
capacity. (Please don't ask what is the tick ratio T to R, even though T has
Actual velocity also as that is a third frame.)

This reply also assumes R has 0 velocity, i.e. static in a fixed frame.
If 1/g (tick rate) is 2/3 (.67) for A and 1/2 (.50) for T,
then T is moving faster than A.
relative to R: v = .866c for T and .745c for A
relative to A: v = .341c for T and g = 1.06 for T
Note: A's g for T is less than 2, i.e. it is only a relative value for g.
This is the reason for the first qualifying statement. If the 'rest' frame is
actually moving (relative to a point of light emission), then the time dilation
is only an approximation, and in this case not a good one.

Still waiting.

You are a joke. You are waiting. I have posted the diagrrams and text showing you that v = d/t prohibits SR as structureed. The fact that you choose to ignore that and merely recite the theory is not impressive.

The theory is falsified.

If you travel 1/2 the distance in 1/2 the time and velocity remains constant no time dilation occurs. That is an absolute given. The fact that SR claims that that constitutes time dilation is actually laughable and to think you fools have been suckered for 100 years really tells of your ignorance.
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james 1083

If you calculate the x' transform using -v (for the return),
you will see the length is stretched not contracted (the other side that is ignored).

That is incorrect.

Clock frequencies increase for converging observers and decrease
for diverging observers, and since spatial intervals also require light signals
for perception, the effect is similar.

That is incorrect. The Lorentz transformations, by the way, are not about perception and are not a result of delays due to light signal travel times.

(This reply assumes the earth has 0 absolute velocity, and the
pilot does not know SR.)

There is no absolute velocity. All that we need to know is the velocity of the spaceship relative to the Earth in the twin paradox scenario. The Earth's velocity relative to anything else won't affect the answer.

If the space pilot insists he is not moving, and is not aware of the dilation since his mind is also running slower, then he has no answer as to why the destination arrived sooner than expected.

The space pilot actually measures the distance between his starting point and destination to be shorter than the Earth observer measures. This is special relativistic length contraction at work.


Yiou are a joke. You are waiting. I have posted the diagrrams and text showing you that v = d/t prohibits SR as structureed.

More bluff and bluster. Still waiting.
Not according to SR, but to popular interpretations that look for a literal (and
fictitious, not according to the rules of physics) meaning. The theory itself only states a transformation of spatial coordinates is required (to maintain the invariance of light speed).

Correct and the fact that so many are willing to ignore basic reality is really laughable. It does not matter what SR claims. to go 1/2 the distance in 1/2the time at constant velocity means the clock tick rate did not change - PERIOD.

Hence the resting clock and traveling clock remain in sync and no time dilation occurs. Both clocks display the same time when the twin returns in 1/2 the time.

However, if traveling clocks time dilate then the twin completes the trip in 1/2 the time recorded by the resting clock just as predicted.

However, the traveling twin would compute and claim he traveled faster than the resting twin says he did.

To adapt the position "But that is not what SR says" is to merely say "I don't care what proof you have falsifying SR, SR is correct" because it says so.

(This reply assumes the earth has 0 absolute velocity, and the pilot does not know SR.)

The ship time is not calculated, it's indicated by the clock. The ship and all its contents experience time dilation, therefore the clock reads less time than calculated on earth (1.15 yr).

If the space pilot insists he is not moving, and is not aware of the dilation since his mind is also running slower, then he has no answer as to why the destination arrived sooner than expected.

At this point he is measuring time, not distance. He can convert
the time to distance (.866*.577 = .50 ly). He might hypothesize
that it's as if space has contracted, but could offer no physical
explanation for it.

Not true. As I have indicated previously. If he knows the distance between points of his travel and believes his watch he would compute v = d/t and claim to have traveled faster, it is in fact ludricrus for anyone to arbitrarily conclude distance changed..

His conjecture would not explain why no one
else sees this contraction. If however he is a true scientist,
he would make the same trip at various speeds, and after discovering a
non-linear relationship between his time and the fixed earth
distance, he would discover SR!

No he wouldn't.

Each time he made the trip he would just compute a different velocity than would be agreed by the resting observer.

James R's claim the pilot would measure the distance being contracted does not resolve the issue since if distance did contract there would be no time dilation both clock remain synchronized.
James R;2364581[b said:
MacM:[/b]More bluff and bluster. Still waiting.

Then you will wait a long time because you havebeen answered. Thefact that you don't lioke the anser and can't actually refute it but only want to recite theory isn't of interest to me at all.

I don't care what SR claims because unless you can show how you violate (circumvent) the 1/2 distance in 1/2 time at constant veloicty = 0 time dilation you have not provided a physics answer. Quoting SR claims is NOT a physics answer By doing that you are assuming the validity of the theory being chalenged.

i.e. - You still attempt to prove the theory by quoting the theory.

Now properly refute the 1/2 scenario.
Well FYI: I'm not playing, you are. You attempt to recite theory to prove the theory. That doesn't cut it.

I am using sound basic physics which show the assertions and process of SR violates basic physics and is not physically real. You need to hang up your "I'm more educated" hat and address teh simple basic fact presented.

If you cannot overturn v = d/t as a sound physics principle, even in SR, then your case is lost.
If you are misrepresenting the theory then me telling you what the theory actually says isn't using 'the theory to prove itself', it's clarifying an incorrect claim by you.

You are attacking a problem which doesn't exist and your refusal to accept you might ber wrong is the issue. What were you saying about dishonesty?

It doesn't matter how many other complex mathematics you throw out there, or assertion made in written text or claims made.

They are SR mathematics and SR is being shown falsified at the most rudimentary level.
And yet more denial! You claimed SR was only an approximation, that gravity should be included if you're careful and Lorentz symmetries don't really exist. I just proved that claim false by showing curved space-time has a point by point Lorentz symmetry. Thus another of your claims are proven false.

Notice the running theme? You claim something which isn't true, I show it isn't true, you claim that isn't the point. Oh really? The entire premise of this thread is your "Gamma=2" thought experiment but you aren't being honest and finding out what SR says about it, you're assuming you know what SR says about it and this is where the issue lies.

Now properly refute the 1/2 scenario.
Your denial of it doesn't mean it hasn't been refuted. Where's all that honesty you were talking about?
Further I caution you on relying on mere mathmatics and not sound physics.

As long as the mathematics correctly anticipates observations, I consider it a perfectly valid representation of "sound physics". As we all know, no experiment has yet contradicted SR, while thousands of different experiments confirm it.

HA. Now "I" fabricated the Twin Paradox??? Einstein didn't, others did, and they based it on what Einstein had claimed in SR.

I said you're either using mistaken sources, or else making it up yourself (not the first time someone's independently made the same mistaken assumptions about SR). Didn't come from Einstein, he had no question what the correct answer to the twins paradox was, long before he even began developing GR. The quote I pulled from his original electrodynamics paper proves this.

Your link was not ignored but does not function.

I just checked it again. It's worked for me every time I've tried it so far. I'm sure there are many sites where you can find the paper, it's only the most famous paper ever written in physics after all.

I was going to also pull out his statements about given two inertial systems with relative velocity each can declare itself to be at rest and the other has all velocity.

That is the statement that generated the twins paradox. So at best Einstein babbled and contridicted himself which is not a sound bases to believe in his work.

I already showed how the problem can be solved by considering either clock to be at rest for each leg of the trip. You could also stick with a single reference frame the whole way through, for both halves of the trip, and regardless of how Earth and astronaut appear to move in this frame, the clock comparisons will still be the same as the case where Earth is taken to be at rest. Once you've specified the initialization of the clocks in some inertial frame, you get the same answers regardless of who you consider to have velocity and who doesn't. If you think you have a statement on Einstein's part contradicting this fact, please quote it and send me the link.

I suggest in fact that it is likely he did not expect other to be so stupid as to think that reciprocity was physical reality and that is why she states "Sees" the other time dilated. He was saying and meant "Perception" and not physical reality.

No, he said velocities, contractions and dilations are reciprocal, but synchronizations are not. That's why you keep getting stuck on this issue. In the case of the twins paradox, I can even show you how velocity, space contraction and time dilation are all mutually observed phenomena, yet there is no ambiguity in that the travelling twin still measures a shorter trip time and a shorter trip length. It all comes down to subtle considerations of simultaneity, the varying positions and times at which different observers see the same events.

The ECI issue has been put to rest. Not sure what you are thinking. The ECI is a "Preferred" frame because it prohibits reciprocity. You cannot from orbit claim the ECI has the velocity of orbit and reverse relavistic affects making earth surface clock time dilated.

And if I can mathematically demonstrate why you're wrong about even this statement, you would have no choice but to concede the point, right? I can show how time dilations, space contractions and velocity are reciprocal even in this case (neglecting gravity), yet the time differences between Earth inertial clock, orbiting clock and surface clock are the same as what you calculate with Earth as the rest frame. Not gonna do it 'til you promise to look at and criticize the calculation.

I claimed what I claimed with full disclosure of the process used and even stipulated that it was not a valid process. You cannot now assert I claimed -5.8us/day as being valid.

You asserted that if I faithfully apply the rules of SR, computing time dilations and space contractions and relative velocities all from the orbiting clock's frame, I would get this -5.8us/day time difference, and that's simply not true. I'm quite certain I know how you would have done the calculation to get this answer, and I'm saying your method is not a valid way to apply the equations of SR, there are things this naive method fails to take into account.

You need to read what I wrote. I stated it was an incorrect proceedure. I have also stated that the surface rotating frame is not an inertial frame. It is non-inertial due to the gravity affect and if you do not include gravity you will not get a correct net result.

As you know (or I think you should know) all surface clocks at sea level tick the same at any latitud from the poles to the equator due to the collective GR and rotational velocity affect.

If instead of gravity you used ropes or rocket engines to hold the clocks at a fixed radius w.r.t. Earth as they circle around, it can be done purely as an SR calculation with no need to account for gravity. Your method would still get -5.8us/day as the relative time dilation between surface and orbiting clocks, and this would still be the incorrect answer. I thought you yourself said you didn't want to incorporate GR and complicate things, because in GR not only can motional time dilation change with coordinate changes, but so can the time dilation component due to gravity (total dilation, the only thing we actually measure, stays the same).

My scheme for treating the orbiting or surface clocks as inertial doesn't involve a rotating coordinate frame, just a series of inertial coordinate systems keeping track of the clocks as they move around. Hence if we were to include gravity in the considerations, the gravity dilation in my method would be the same as in the case where the clocks are stationary. I suggest we stick to SR and avoid GR, unless you're intimately familiar with the way that GR is used to solve these kinds of problems. As I say, all that matters in this scheme is the time dilation due to relative motion, and I get the same answer whether I treat Earth as inertial or whether I treat one of the clocks as inertial, using the exact same SR equations.

What do you not understand about I have absolutely no interst in your calculation. I am intersted in seeing you refute my claim of falsification. If you cannot then your calculation is absolutely meaningless.

My calculations prove that your numbers are wrong, and if my math can be verified, that would technically disprove your assertions, correct?

Ah. You have asked the crucial question haven't you. Unless you can synchrozine the clocks relative velocity tells you nothing. The point is you have no knowledge of acceleration history or your velocity component that contributes to their apparent relative velocities.

I don't need the acceleration or velocity history. As long as you specify what velocities the two clocks possess as measured in the third reference frame, and for each clock you specify its readout at some position and time as seen in this third frame, I can tell you all the rest. It's called an initial condition, as an engineer you ought to be intimately familiar with the concept- if you don't tell me what each clock reads for at least 1 point in time, I couldn't even solve the problem in Newtonian physics! You didn't really expect me to give a unique answer when all you specified were velocities, you were just joking right?

You can construct a synchronization schedule and produce some mathematical results but you have no empirical data to prove them.

I don't need a synchronization schedule, I just need initial conditions.

Your efforts are nothing more than trying to prove a theory by reciting the theory. That doesn't cut it.

No, the points I'm making are to prove how your recitation of the theory is completely incorrect.

Hence the resting clock and traveling clock remain in sync and no time dilation occurs. Both clocks display the same time when the twin returns in 1/2 the time.

Come again? One guy measures his own travel time to be half as much as what someone else measures it to be, yet they both measure the same amount of time? Are you sure that's the answer you want to go with?
If you are misrepresenting the theory then me telling you what the theory actually says isn't using 'the theory to prove itself', it's clarifying an incorrect claim by you.

You are attacking a problem which doesn't exist and your refusal to accept you might ber wrong is the issue. What were you saying about dishonesty?

I'm not mis-quoting the theory when I say time dilation does not include spatial contraction . I am pointing out that spatial contraction does not produce time dilation.

Big difference. Of course I do not recite the theory if I did there would be no falsification.

Your job is to refute the physics reality of my falsification and to not merely keep quoting theory.

It makes no sense to keep arguing about what SR says until you refute the falsification.

Now just how do you claim that v = d/t is circumvented by SR.

If you travel 1/2 the distance. in 1/2 the accumulated time, at a constant veloicty then the clock did not and cannot dilate. Time on the resting clock and traveling clock MUST display equal accumulated time at the end of the trip because both clock are ticking in unision since the traveling clock MUST be ticking normally.

This is basic physics. v = d/t. This is also what SR says. It says he travels 1/2 the distance at the same veloicty and his his clock displays 1/2 the normal time. Where is this NOT what SR says?

Since that physical relationship reqires tht the clock tick normally it and the resting clock are in sync and no time dilation occurs. - PERIOD.

Game set. It does not matter what the falsified theory claims about the display of the resting clock because it cannot happen by natural physical relationships.

Do you finally understand now. It cannot be made much more simple. SR claims physically impossible results.
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As long as the mathematics correctly anticipates observations, I consider it a perfectly valid representation of "sound physics".

I'll merely repeat my above response since it is the only valid reply in science.
It makes no sense to keep arguing about what SR says until you refute the falsification.

Now just how do you claim that v = d/t is circumvented by SR.

If you travel 1/2 the distance. in 1/2 the accumulated time, at a constant veloicty then the clock did not and cannot dilate. Time on the resting clock and traveling clock MST display equal accumulated time at the end of the trip.

This is basic physics. v = d/t. This is also what SR says. It says he travels 1/2 the distance at the same velocity and his his clock displays 1/2 the normal time. Where is this NOT what SR says? I merely point out the falicy that the restng clock can display a different time under those conditions. SR contridicts itself.

Since that physical relationship requires that the clock tick normally it and the resting clock are in sync and no time dilation occurs. - PERIOD.

Game set. It does not matter what the falsified theory claims about the display of the resting clock because it cannot happen by natural physical relationships.

Do you finally understand now. It cannot be made much more simple. SR claims physically impossible results.
So SR mathematics do NOT properly represent the observation physically and the observation is real and is also represented by a dilated clock without the impossible sptial contraction.

As we all know, no experiment has yet contradicted SR, while thousands of different experiments confirm it.

No. Emperical data only confirms the principle of relativity, NOT Einstein's Special Relativity. Observation and prediction are mathematically confirmed without spatial contraction.

I have said many times that SR has utility and can be used. There is no need to immediately trash can it just because it is physical nonsense.

But what needs to happen is to get mainstream science to take it's head out of the sand and to start looking at some of these anti-relativity claims by other experimenters; plus doing their own tests so as to uncover the true physics behind the principle of relativity.

Then we might see some new and useful information. As long as you stay buried in SR and refuse to even acknowledge that v = d/t falsifies SR at the most basic physics level then there is no hope of real progress in science.
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Now just how do you claim that v = d/t is circumvented by SR.
I claim no such thing. I claim that you have misconstrued and misrepresented special relativity and, as such people as Billy has tried to explain, the theory you claim SR to be is not the SR which physicists would. But clearly a rational discussion with you is impossible. You preach about how others need to be honest with themselves when you're firmly lying to yourself and everyone else.

Do you know how to draw a space-time diagram? If you did then you'd be able to see in picture form why you are incorrect.

Since that physical relationship reqires tht the clock tick normally it and the resting clock are in sync and no time dilation occurs. - PERIOD.
Yet SR doesn't predict that so whatever model you have in your head is not special relativity. How are you struggling with this? Your claimed prediction isn't a prediction of SR so it doesn't matter how invalid your claimed prediction is, it has no relevance to a discussion about SR.

It cannot be made much more simple. SR claims physically impossible results.
So you can provide me with an experiment which SR predicts something other than the experimentally observed result then? Until you can your claim is more what you want to be true than what is actually true.
(Reply intended for MacM)

Nope, SR says that if the travelling twin measures half the trip time, he also measures half the trip length. Travelling twin sees half the trip time and half the trip length as compared to what the stationary twin sees. So both space and time are contracted in this case. Perfectly consistent result.

Consider the following example:

Two twins set out in the usual fashion, one heading out in a rocket and the other remaining on Earth. Relative to the Earth there is a beacon placed at rest at a fixed distance from Earth, which the travelling twin eventually passes. Relative to the travelling twin, a beacon is placed at rest in the travelling twin's rest frame, in the opposite direction, such that this second beacon passes the Earth some time after the twin departs. The trip length and trip time from Earth to Earth beacon will be measured by the travelling twin to be half as much as what Earth measures. Conversely, the distance and time travelled by the twin's beacon to reach Earth will be measured by Earth to be half as much as what the twin measures. Reciprocity holds just fine here, and if the travelling twin reverses direction and returns to Earth, there's no ambiguity as to how their clocks will compare.
I claim no such thing. I claim that you have misconstrued and misrepresented special relativity and, as such people as Billy has tried to explain, the theory you claim SR to be is not the SR which physicists would. But clearly a rational discussion with you is impossible. You preach about how others need to be honest with themselves when you're firmly lying to yourself and everyone else.

Do you know how to draw a space-time diagram? If you did then you'd be able to see in picture form why you are incorrect.

Yet SR doesn't predict that so whatever model you have in your head is not special relativity. How are you struggling with this? Your claimed prediction isn't a prediction of SR so it doesn't matter how invalid your claimed prediction is, it has no relevance to a discussion about SR.

So you can provide me with an experiment which SR predicts something other than the experimentally observed result then? Until you can your claim is more what you want to be true than what is actually true.

If it were not so sad you would be funny. You simply refuse to take off the blinders and wax out of your ears. I am not mis-representing SR.

SR says the traveling twin goes 1/2 the distance, in 1/2 the time at a common velocity. It is that stipulation and physical FACT that precludes the claim by SR that the resting clock accumulates a different amount of time.

I am not responsible for SR's internal falicy. Your dependance upon the mathematics of SR is your failure.

Concocting an arbitrary impossible physical relationship mathematically is not difficult and you choose to use your TS diagrams based on the very falicy of the theory then claim it proves I am wrong. What a joke.

Like I have said you think you can prove the theory by quoting the theory.

I'm not impressed.
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