Male Virgin Problems

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She fucked a lot of men, just for sex and than backed up saying that it wasn't right love...and now she cant take that sin on herself, rather she make someone like me who hasn't done it an evildoer. Well I see through her, the dusty cracked mirror in bathroom, and her self pretentious holiness.

It sounds to me as though she has had a perfectly normal sex life. From that description, it is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. I see no reason to believe this thread is aimed at you.
It sounds to me as though she has had a perfectly normal sex life. From that description, it is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. I see no reason to believe this thread is aimed at you.

I agree, I don't think Orleander is aiming this at you. Not in the first place at least, she did mention you... :scratchin:
what other "resident virgin"'s are there? darksidZz is gone...I am the only one left.

Yeah, while that may be true Orleander didn't start the thread by implying you. She just brought you up along the way.
While it's true she 'attacked' you in this thread I don't think she started the thread to attack you.
You two should chill it, really. Orleander should stop provoking you and you should stop reacting to it.
She fucked a lot of men, just for sex and than backed up saying that it wasn't right love...her self pretentious holiness.

I agree with you there. I lost count of how many men she fucked but she did mention 2 were virgins and one is now her sisters husband. From all her posts and especially from the cheating one, I don't think she should be the role model here of what is right or wrong when it comes to sex.
Sex only with the person you love, opposite sex,

It is a nice idea, but not very realistic I am afraid. There are too many players (men) and whores (women) out there who are all to willing to pick up someone and have sex with them. One night stands whatever. I was NEVER like that. Having sex with someone is something special and intimate. You shouldn't be giving it away like samples at a grocery store.
It is a nice idea, but not very realistic I am afraid. There are too many players (men) and whores (women) out there who are all to willing to pick up someone and have sex with them. One night stands whatever. I was NEVER like that. Having sex with someone is something special and intimate. You shouldn't be giving it away like samples at a grocery store.

And.. players (women) and whores (men).. ;)
I agree with you there. I lost count of how many men she fucked but she did mention 2 were virgins and one is now her sisters husband. From all her posts and especially from the cheating one, I don't think she should be the role model here of what is right or wrong when it comes to sex.

I wasn't holding myself up to be a role model you judgmental fool. And why would you be counting the number of men I have slept with?? Who keeps track of things like that for other people?
Seriously, you are the most prudish uptight woman I have ever come across. Your Christian Catholic morality is showing. Your Mom would be proud.

I even related this to my own life (in post #5) so I wasn't targeting draqon for this thread. And this thread has nothing to do with morality, it has to do with sexual dysfunction.
Stop fighting... :bawl:

You're right. Its like talking to my Mom and it makes me crazy. Its a generational thing apparently.
I wasn't holding myself up to be a role model you judgmental fool. And why would you be counting the number of men I have slept with?? Who keeps track of things like that for other people?
Seriously, you are the most prudish uptight woman I have ever come across. Your Christian Catholic morality is showing. Your Mom would be proud.

I even related this to my own life (in post #5) so I wasn't targeting draqon for this thread. And this thread has nothing to do with morality, it has to do with sexual dysfunction.

My mom was not religious what the hell are you talking about. Neither am I for that matter as you well know.

I haven't been counting I just know from what you keep telling us the number keeps growing.
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