Man is de-evolving

ok, I'm beginning to see the problem with the higher/lower order thing. Since when did breathing oxygen, living on the surface, inventing iPods, etc. make anything superior? Both we and our anaerobic, bottom-dwelling friends have built a cosy nest and we like it there, each according the other mutual respect. Quite.
in the line of Avatar's example

1. Modern lynx have two sets of lower molars. In the fossil record felines (not varda) have lacked the second molar since the Miocene.
2. some lizards in South America - digits re-evolved after loss of digits.
3. some scientists claim stick insects have re-evolved wings (Whiting et al 2003: nature 421:264).
4. digits that re-evolve are morphologically different.
5. re-evolution of ovipary (snakes)
Your first sentence was negated by the final statenment in your last sentence.

Therefore you have no credibility with me or any other real scientist here.

You object to pseudo science in the pseudoscience section:confused:

Just ignore him Swansword!
Aaah, I see.
My apologies Read-only.

This is the section for non mainstream scientific theories.
Alternative Theories might be a better title for the section.

Hmmm... "Alternative Theories." I didn't realize that was another term for woo-wooism. ;) How about something more to the point - like "Crackpot Posts?" :D
"Psychoceramics" -- the study of cracked pots.

Many species of marine life have lost their eyesight after living in the depths for a while.
What's "higher" and what's "lower"? Seemingly simple creatures that look related to other simple creatures in fact descended from apparently more complex ones. Look at cases of neoteny, when the larval stage no longer goes through the trouble of becoming an adult.
Immortality and verbosity

I tried to make this short.

SwanSword, I really love your writing style, but I'm afraid that it is simply too verbose for me to read your ridiculously long posts completely.

Do YOU have any practical knowledge of this alleged true/Catholic Science? Are YOU immortal because of it?

Hi Zyxoas,

I wasn't sure if you were aware part of your nik is the name of a fractal generator, 'xoas'. I don't have any trouble concentrating on a single subject for long periods. I write on this forum how I write. I don't know any other way. But I'm glad you like my style. There is a book coming out that makes people immortal if they read it. It isn't a voluntary choice, it just sort of happens.

I can't come right out and admit I'm Immortal, because that would be putting Immortality to the test. Anytime an Immortal tests his Immortality, he dies. Immortality requires faith, above all things, but it also requires diligence in the practice of becoming Immortal.

Future technologies, if man is to escape the machine age, will rely on using Light as a language. The patterns of Light created by neurons in the brain are a language induced into the organism by the soul. To discover or make use of of these Light patterns requires submission to God.

God will never hand over the keys of knowledge allowing control of the three dimensional reality to a race primarily preoccupied with television, doughnuts, money, boobs, and who largely ignore His Love and Mercy.

With higher knowledge comes greater responsibility. If mankind cannot handle machine technology, he will never grasp the continuum that stretches from The Ultimate Source of All, into the three dimensional reality, becoming subject to The Physical Laws of Nature, and time; but remaining undiminished, speaking a Language that will allow mankind to evolve past reliance on artificial structures, machines, digital electronic data processing equipment, organic fuel, and the sun.

How could we ever gain freedom from dependency on the sun? The Bible tells this in simple language: 'Their Father will dry every tear from their eyes. There is Living Water flowing through Me. If anyone should ask, I will give him this Water to drink. They will need neither the sun, nor lamp to give them Light; For their Holy Father will give them Light for Eternity.'

Ancient Egyptian records are more complex, and older than The Bible. These records indicate hominids, using Light physics, built huge underground cities, and used their superior understanding to induce harmonics into stones and earth that would cause emission of beautiful Light from the minerals. They also built sarcophagi to place the dead within, and several experts in the use of Light technology would cause the sarcophagus to focus harmonics at the frequencies of biological bases, suchwise that the dead would leave the three dimensional reality, into The Eternity.

One very unique feature of these underground cities in Egypt is no allowance for storage of the dead. The Physics of Light can be used to intelligently alter human chromosomes. Among other recorded data are the results of a failed 6,000 year human genetics experiment to create a superhuman race.

It is indicated that the chemical map of the experimental organisms was altered to create a blood sacrifice of innocence inside the females, that would atone for the accursedness put in mans' seed by original sin. There is corroborating evidence available for this.

When a Caucasian virgin is pierced, blood and water issue from her. This can be ascertained by using only human sensory channels. The water consecrates her marriage bed for creation of new blessed life in her holy and chaste womb. The blood from her, from behind the seal God placed over her innocence, seals the blood covenant of marriage between God, Who gave the blessed virgin her innocent sacrifice of atonement, and sealed this safely within her; the virgin's bridegroom, who draws forth her innocence unto himself, as the blood mixed with the water penetrates the mans scrotum, into his testicles, and repairs genetic mutations on the DRD dopamine receptor genes series 1-6, which are responsible for humans being naturally attracted to sin.

DRD gene mutations cause a surplus of neuropeptidase enzyme that breaks down dopamine before the neurotransmitter has been in the reward trigger nerve synapse long enough to elicit reward feelings of peace love joy, a sense of well being, and/or a sense of accomplishment. Caucasians are afflicted with these mutations, and chastity is the chemically proved treatment.

When a child learns he gets a feeling he cannot get from display of appropriate behavior, his heart quickly deviates to sinful activities that cause a spike in dopamine levels. This sates the need to feel reward feelings, because sin, in its infancy, gives abundant dopamine in the nervous system.

But the spike of neurotransmitter is followed by a cataclysmic plunge, bringing the sensation of guilt. The sin must be repeated at regular time intervals, but with each repetition the dopamine spike lowers, and the plunge deepens. After only a short time the mutant needs to commit the sin just to break even on the amount of dopamine he had before the sin became an entrenched pattern of intentional sin.

The victim soon can't break even on neurotransmitter, no matter how much the sin is repeated. The victim has committed so much sin to keep practicing his addiction, incontinence, crime, or psychopathy that he now faces serious consequences from pathogenic disease, organ damage from chemical dependency and alcoholism, a seared conscience from illicit or godless sexual perversions performed using him, spiritual blindness from looking at pornography, the jealousy of an enraged husband because of adultery, and/or legal consequences for using psychopathic crime as a means to get more dopamine.

If the police capture a suspected psychopath, the psychopath will always try to keep robbing others of their innocence by obscenity, rudeness, exposing himself, making lewd gestures, or anything that sickens the soul. If the suspect gets no feedback of revulsion in other people, he goes crazy. It is then that he will confess. The only person he can rob of innocence is himself. He confesses everything, and usually a little bit more than what he is actually responsible for.

In simple and understandable language, the sinner is blinded by the sin. When the sin has matured, and taken root, Satan removes the blindfold. The sin doesn't work anymore. Despair quickly envelops the sinner, and an incredibly strong sense of justice screams from the tormented soul to make right what went wrong. Forgiveness is the only road to justice.

Secular humanism removes forgiveness from humanity. If a person wants justice, it is gotten through the courts, which operate on vengeance alone. The judicial system is all about taking the sin someone gave to someone else, and giving it back to the other person in the form of forcing him to pay money he doesn't want to pay, imprisonment, or some other undesirable consequence. No one forgives.

Without forgiveness there is no love. Without love there is no reason to live. Mankind, as a service to itself, breeds a serial killer, who is cold, calculating, and absolutely will not settle for anything less than killing the entire human race. This man is a sodomite, and he is smooth. He uses his utter contempt for God as an excuse to commit any sort of deceit, and twist the truth in any way, without regard for anyone but himself.

Right!! He becomes a politician, in an Islamic country, who develops enough nuclear armament to start a world war, and kill the infidels, while martyring the chosen of god in the reprisal. To him it is no more than mass murder, but he sells the fanatics who help him on the infidel/martyr concept

-Back to Light physics

This Light was used for agriculture, navigation, power generation, and Immortality. The tomb of Osiris, the god, has been found in one of these underground cities. Underground cities exist everywhere on earth, up to 27 km under ground, and can comfortably accommodate tens of thousands of inhabitants, with their property, livestock, and everyone's own bathroom and bedroom.

This is no big secret. The United States Air Force has a base built inside of an underground city, dug out by prehistoric residents of earth. There is a concerted effort to buy off internet domains that contain detailed information on known inhabitants of these cities, and exact layouts, although some of them are open to the public (Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico is a small part of a much larger complex that houses a military base). This is causing a dewebifying effect, where many links are dead.

If a person is to have any hope of extracting The Truth from behind information pollution so thick and repulsive, it's like all the used toilet paper in the history of mankind covering up The Pearl of Great Price, or The Pearl of Great Wisdom; he needs to first admit he is going to dig into Hell, and climb back out with the keys to all knowledge, without Satan laying hold of him.

This is hazardous. I don't advise anyone try it, because it hurts like you wouldn't believe, it takes more than what you have, it takes you further than you wanted to go, but if one is innocent, having no guile in his spirit, The Lord God Almighty will in no way impute sin to this man.

What this means is: To find The Truth requires innocence, and freedom from deceit, about one's self, and God. I will never deny the pain, and utter defeat, when I was just inches away from grabbing my prize, right out from under my enemy's nose. I ended up with what I came for, and I was never in any real danger, but I was shot, on life support, and attacked in every way by the forces of darkness.

I know about what lies beyond human sensory channels. I know The Western World are drunk on teachings that tickle the listener's ears. They are about to be blindsided like a blind pedestrian getting hit by a speeding car. Yet, they cling to statistics that indicate death is unlikely.

Mothers will be boiling their children in their own milk, and sacrificing their infant children to false gods, by tossing the infants on a bed of hot coals, and listening to the body sizzle, as the baby goes into shock and dies. And the depraved people will seek even deeper evil.

But that's a necessary evolutionary step that will destroy the wicked and perfect the just. I know this is going to happen because it's been happening for aeons.

Most people have been alive for between zero years and one century. The powers of darkness have been stealing souls, during one specific period in the galactic season of Sol, which repeats on a 26,000 year cycle. That's the time it takes for Sol to complete its galactic rotation.

Part of this season is a worldwide cataclysm that destroys all above ground life on earth. The strategy used to net the most souls is to wait until about 20 centuries before the next cataclysm, or world, and slowly lead mankind into secular humanism, where his natural desire to know Truth becomes an addiction to statistical data that gives the individual the illusion of control, until they get stabbed, at which point their 0.02% percent chance of being the victim of violence just changed to 100%.

That's the problem with statistics. There is no way to predict “WHO” will be next. But there is. The person who practices The Sacraments of The Roman Catholic Church; according to authentic Roman Catholic Doctrine, part of which is The Holy Bible, stays free from sin, and the near occasion of sin, uses her body in a way pleasing to God, to reproduce God's Image, and remains chaste: Chastity and obedience never being found without the other; will never be victimized after she proves to God she is serious. If she waits until she's being stalked by a psychopath, it's not going look very sincere to God.

God lives up in Heaven. No one ever comes to visit, or just to talk. They only show up when they want something. If someone came to my house, always looking for miracles to bail him out of consequences for his own actions; and after I performed these miracles for him, he would disappear, and not want to have anything to do with me, until the next time he got in a worse situation; there would come a point where I would question his sincerity. But, his persistence in banging on my door would earn him what he needed.

Be persistent, and bang on God's door. Don't expect an answer right away. Just keep doing what Mother Church teaches. After you have been properly prepared, you will be brought before Jesus Christ for Judgment. You need to accept The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, shed for you on the cross, for the remission of sin, and your free. No more problems. Unless you are blind, and you want to stay that way, by blaming other people for your own faults, and thinking of how many people you know who violate a tenet in The Bible, and how much better the world would be if everyone would do things the right way.

The Truth is only to be grasped by those who are able to bear it. Like gold, it is where you find it. Like sudden riches, The Truth will serve as ransom for your life.

Copyright 2007 by SwanSword. All rights reserved.
Permission to hyperlink is granted.
Ah, SwanSword, good times, you remind me of some lost posters. I look forward to further entertainment.
Oh, and I agree with spurious.
Put this in gendergenie and see what gender I am.

ok, I'm beginning to see the problem with the higher/lower order thing. Since when did breathing oxygen, living on the surface, inventing iPods, etc. make anything superior? Both we and our anaerobic, bottom-dwelling friends have built a cosy nest and we like it there, each according the other mutual respect. Quite.

Dear RedArmy,

Appreciation for, and awe of Creation is not to be substituted for Awe of The Creator. The Creator specifically wanted mankind to know Him as a Father, with Masculinity, because original sin causes human fathers to be imperfect.

Wonderment at the facets and workings of organic life will only divert a person from what truly drives this focus on Creation, and the infinite complexities balanced to make an ecosphere friendly to the formation of life.

But there are some problems with the story of evolution that The Theory of Creation irons out nicely.

Here are some things to think about:

How did humans evolve through the period between infants first crapping without warning, and the invention of diapers?

Why is the only sentient being known the only animal that suffers greatly if he doesn't wipe himself after defaecation?

What evolutionary purpose does trading a maintenance free rear end for comfort in a sitting position serve if there aren't any chairs?

What evolutionary purpose would be served by women having lymph and blood that is sealed behind a hymen, that is released the first time she makes intimate contact with a man, but never after that?

What evolutionary purpose could the ability to act according to beliefs, regardless of the consequences, serve?

Why are humans the only animals that engage in mating behavior when the female is not fertile? What evolutionary purpose could this possibly serve?

Wouldn't you think the animals who expended the minimum amount of biological resources on mating, whilst reproducing at the maximum rate, which for humans is ordinarily one child per two people every year, which requires at most three mating acts; and the most on procuring what they need to physically survive would be favoured by natural selection to dominate?

Where did spoken language come from? Why didn't people develop telepathy instead of winding up hopelessly entangled in the limitations of conveying ideas by the indirect vehicle of the mouth uttering sounds? That is the least efficient way to communicate.

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Why are humans the only animals that engage in mating behavior when the female is not fertile? What evolutionary purpose could this possibly serve?

Sexual intercourse plays a major role in Bonobo society, being used as a greeting, a means of conflict resolution and post-conflict reconciliation, and as favors traded by the females in exchange for food. Bonobos are the only non-human apes to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex (most frequently female-female, then male-female and male-male), tongue kissing, and oral sex.[15]
It is an empirical truth, and maxim of evolution, that higher order life forms can only evolve from lower order life forms, and a higher order life forms never evolve into lower order life forms. Agreed?
I am not an expert on this, but your statements do not ring true. As I understand it from my reading there are lots of instances where 'advanced' evolutionary features are lost. I think one of the other posters made mention of a specific example above, but I believe there are many of these.
Secondly, I believe the notion of higher order lifeforms is not popular among biologists. They might refer to a creature bieng more complex, but that is a different thing.

Since your opening statement seems to be wrong I'm afraid I didn't invest the time to read the rest of your post. (No disrespect, I just have a family to look after.:))