Married life is stupid...


Valued Senior Member
So some years ago after my mom and dad threatened to cut off my funding if I din't get married I decided to get married (worst decision ever) firstly, sex is overrated when you can have sex with someone whenever you want, sometimes they don't want to have sex or visa a versa it's seldom there is a time when you both want sex at the same time, like after a year you start having sex once a week and start making excuses not to have sex, like going to sleep. Secondly, you can't get a good nights sleep, you'll once in a while get an elbow in the eye etc, or snoring loudly. Then, you can't get high on cocaine or alcohol like you could before, you can't be out for too long before she's calling you, you periodically have a massive argument stop talking to each other.

Now I ask what the hell is the point of all of this, my life was great before I got married I could drink, do cocaine and bring sexy girls home and have sex with them, and best of all you can tell them to piss off in the morning. Now its like, you have to think about the other person and their feelings. What is the point, why would anyone want to get married, its just a stupid idea for a man it's just a stupid idea, being married means you can't do the things you used to do before, and now you can only have sex with one woman, whom you don't even want to have sex with most of the time anyway. You always want to screw her sister, or the neighbour etc.

But then, you can't be without your wife more then a 3 or 4 days you start to miss her, you start to miss the cuddling etc, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, the worst part is, my father doesn't give me anymore money, I have to work myself, and the worst part is my dad is rich so I just siphon funds out of his bank account. Before I was married he would just let me take his credit card and use money how I wanted, not he always accuse me of doing drugs, I used to do drugs before too, now when I spend so much money he gets pissed off before I was married he didn't care he would give me as much money as I needed, new cars, a house now he is just such a cunt, just waiting for him to die already. Am just so sick and tried of this shit, my life's so hard, I can't do what I want to do.

Anyone else feel the same?
Why cry about something what you did for money?? I assume the bottom line is that the money wasn't worth the bride?

By the way, marriage is basicly a contract, don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Now it seems you entered this contract and you have buyer's regret. You can only blame yourself and your greed...
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the worst part is, my father doesn't give me anymore money, I have to work myself, and the worst part is my dad is rich so I just siphon funds out of his bank account

You're a poor excuse for a son and if I were your father I'd disinherit you from my will and never want to see you again. Your father was trying to help you get started in life but you only wanted to use/exploit him for your own selfish reasons and not for your love of him. I feel sorry for you because one day no one will like you and you'll have no friends or father to talk with in case of an emergency or just to have someone to be with that cares for you. :(
I can never figure out if Muslim (the poster) is a troll, or just an immature idiot? What I really don't get is, why is he here, when he could be doing girls and coke???
I'm guessing he is a comedian, that was the most hilarious shit I have ever read. It is just to disturbing to think anyone smart enough to spell would actually think that way. It MUST be a joke, please let it be a joke.

@Bhudda - Don't worry for him too much. If this guy is serious, there will always be a place for his kind at the SciForums. So he will always have someone to talk to.
Anekāntavāda (Devanagari: अनेकान्तवाद) is one of the most important and fundamental doctrines of Jainism. It refers to the principles of pluralism and multiplicity of viewpoints, the notion that truth and reality are perceived differently from diverse points of view, and that no single point of view is the complete truth.[1]


Probably it can also thought about different experiances/luck of married life.;)

All I can say is that I pity your wife. Why does she stay married to you?

Oh, and yeah, it sounds like you have a really tough life, stealing money from other people to enjoy yourself and all.

You really need somebody to slap you out of your selfish mindset and your self-centred little world.

Note: That's a metaphorical slap. I am not advocating that anybody undertake actual physical violence here.
So some years ago after my mom and dad threatened to cut off my funding if I din't get married I decided to get married (worst decision ever) firstly, sex is overrated when you can have sex with someone whenever you want, sometimes they don't want to have sex or visa a versa it's seldom there is a time when you both want sex at the same time, like after a year you start having sex once a week and start making excuses not to have sex, like going to sleep. Secondly, you can't get a good nights sleep, you'll once in a while get an elbow in the eye etc, or snoring loudly. Then, you can't get high on cocaine or alcohol like you could before, you can't be out for too long before she's calling you, you periodically have a massive argument stop talking to each other.

Now I ask what the hell is the point of all of this, my life was great before I got married I could drink, do cocaine and bring sexy girls home and have sex with them, and best of all you can tell them to piss off in the morning. Now its like, you have to think about the other person and their feelings. What is the point, why would anyone want to get married, its just a stupid idea for a man it's just a stupid idea, being married means you can't do the things you used to do before, and now you can only have sex with one woman, whom you don't even want to have sex with most of the time anyway. You always want to screw her sister, or the neighbour etc.

But then, you can't be without your wife more then a 3 or 4 days you start to miss her, you start to miss the cuddling etc, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, the worst part is, my father doesn't give me anymore money, I have to work myself, and the worst part is my dad is rich so I just siphon funds out of his bank account. Before I was married he would just let me take his credit card and use money how I wanted, not he always accuse me of doing drugs, I used to do drugs before too, now when I spend so much money he gets pissed off before I was married he didn't care he would give me as much money as I needed, new cars, a house now he is just such a cunt, just waiting for him to die already. Am just so sick and tried of this shit, my life's so hard, I can't do what I want to do.

Anyone else feel the same?

""There cannot be a well imagined greater shock to the sense of beauty than the attempt to deck a corpse. The endeavour to decorate the things of this world by means of our mundane resources, is very similar to the attempt to beautify a dead body. The result is a foregone conclusion. Our aesthetic favourite of this moment is discarded at the next in favour of others who also are replaced by others in their turn. The king who lives in the most costly style has no more liking for the showy splendours of his royal state, when they are not renewed, than the pauper has for his old tattered rags. Familiarity breeds contempt for all things of this world on account of their inherent ugliness which is found out on actual contact."

- Bhaktisiddhata Saraswati
I think he is trapped in nature vs. society conflict. Society may suggest, "man born free but always in chain" whereas nature, "man born in chain but always free".

If he want to live in society, he should respect and care both his wife and father and father and his wife should respect & care him.

If he want to live a natural life, he may think to do so except expecting any favour from his father & wife and vice versa.
I call bullshit. Looks like nothing more or less than a trolling bait post to me, meant to garner lots of hot responses from folks who disagree with the stated sentiments. Imma gonna pass, myself, as he ain't serious IMHO. :eek:
I think he is trapped in nature vs. society conflict. Society may suggest, "man born free but always in chain" whereas nature, "man born in chain but always free".
Man is born free...but is everywhere in chains?

Not is born completely dependant.
Man is born free...but is everywhere in chains?

Not is born completely dependant.

In hospitals, he/she is born free. Mother don't do anything but hospital staff do.(man born free).

In nature, mother do everything.(man born in chain)
come on guys, I am being serious. I have better things to do then fuck around on this website, I've just been feeling really shit, I don't get it.
You're a poor excuse for a son and if I were your father I'd disinherit you from my will and never want to see you again. Your father was trying to help you get started in life but you only wanted to use/exploit him for your own selfish reasons and not for your love of him. I feel sorry for you because one day no one will like you and you'll have no friends or father to talk with in case of an emergency or just to have someone to be with that cares for you. :(

I love him, its not like I don't love him. But I think he should be more accommodating. I can't be asked working sometimes, sometimes I want to high stakes poker, and sometimes I can lose, and sometimes I can win. I just want to do things, I don't want to be in a regime. I am a human being I want to live a happy and stress free fun life.
I don't think I've ever encountered anyone that spolied. Are you from a royal family or multibillionaires?
I love him, its not like I don't love him. But I think he should be more accommodating. I can't be asked working sometimes, sometimes I want to high stakes poker, and sometimes I can lose, and sometimes I can win. I just want to do things, I don't want to be in a regime. I am a human being I want to live a happy and stress free fun life.
Welcome To The Working Week
I am a human being I want to live a happy and stress free fun life.

You know if your parents would meet an unfortunate early end you could inherit lots of money... Then next goes your wife, and you are FREE!!!!

P.S.: If you feel shitty, don't bother us just get drunk...
I love him, its not like I don't love him. But I think he should be more accommodating. I can't be asked working sometimes, sometimes I want to high stakes poker, and sometimes I can lose, and sometimes I can win. I just want to do things, I don't want to be in a regime. I am a human being I want to live a happy and stress free fun life.

No relationship ever stays the same, but sometimes you have to know when to quit. There's nothing worse than staying in way past your time. You not only hurt yourself, but your partner as well, and if kids are involved, the worst excuse in the world is I stayed for the kids sake and your kids will end up more damaged than had you left.

If you really want to play poker for money, I recommend the following book.

Poker A Guaranteed Income For Life by Using The Advanced Concepts of Poker

by Frank R. Wallace

I recommend looking it up on the Internet and buying a used copy in good condition for less than $5.00. This book gives you so much more than just playing poker by the odds.

Hang in there, I do know how you feel.:D
I love him, its not like I don't love him. But I think he should be more accommodating. I can't be asked working sometimes, sometimes I want to high stakes poker, and sometimes I can lose, and sometimes I can win. I just want to do things, I don't want to be in a regime. I am a human being I want to live a happy and stress free fun life.

I would say grow up,but in your case, be a man, is more the order. The best thing you could do for yourself and your wife and parents -but yeah mostly for yourself- would be to go shake the old man's hand and say, 'Thanks for everything , Dad. I love you and always will, but I can't in good conscience take one riyal more of your money.' Then as they say, Get a job, Get a haircut.

You can't be asked to work!? Why you poor sweet child! :bawl: I have always hated the phrase, I can't be asked/I can't be bothered. Who are you? The sheik of all Araby? I imagine you lounging in your throne and some supplicant wants bread for his village. A courtier says, "He can't be bothered! Can't you see he's too great to be disturbed from his great thoughts!"

You're looking for sympathy from Western people who are often told by their own mothers from the age of 12 or even 10 -"When you turn 18, boy, you're out that door!"

You want some fun in life? You'll deserve a bit after you've worked for it. Then it'll be Miller time.