That reminds me of this interesting incident. In one of our stalls on AIDS, Gender and sexuality on the world AIDS Day (those were the initial years any my group worked with both boys and girls!), an old Britisher (I presume) happened to pass by.
Among several other posters on our issues, we had one that said "homosexuality is normal", (in those days I did not know that the word 'homosexuality' was faulty and misleading!)
So this Old gendleman caught a glimpse of it and immediately stopped. I was sitting behind the counter and my colleagues were busy in the background. The man seemed very angry about the poster. But he was in a foriegn country and probably a tourist, so he didn't quite shout but said in an angry and disdainful voice --- "you mean you are PROMOTING homosexuality?"
I was caught offguard, with that hostile my country people just don't have that kind of hostility to the topic......Those were my beginning years and I did not know many arguments in support of what we were taught was "homosexuality", yes I was disconcerted and didn't quite know what to say.
My usual response would have been to get angry in return and to argue! But instead, I just kept sitting there with as calm a face as possible, and just said in a casual tone, "yes we are!"
The old man was obviously helpless, in a foriegn country --- perhaps in his own country he would have argued and fought. He became visibily shaken at that response. There were no arguments, no excuses, no explanations, no guilt, no shame, no defensiveness, and no aggression......he started trembling with anger.......he tried to say something but instead his mouth kept trembling.....he mumbled something I couldn't understand......and then he just left.