Massive 8.8 Quake Hits Chile. End times?

that is why people like you shouldn't be any where near a position of power
:D I already am. If you knew what I did for a job you would wet yourself. Again.
No one wrote the prophecies for anyone's entertainment or amusement. They have come true and that freaks people out. Miss Cleo is believable but the Word of God isn't? LOL. Unreal....:D
No one is preying on anyone. Prophecy is prophecy just like lunacy is lunacy.
Yes, they wrote them to make people become fearful of some God that wants them dead if they don't do as they are told!
:D I already am. If you knew what I did for a job you would wet yourself. Again.
well that explainsw while the country is in the shitter.
No one wrote the prophecies for anyone's entertainment or amusement. They have come true and that freaks people out. Miss Cleo is believable but the Word of God isn't? LOL. Unreal....:D
No they haven't. they are written to always come true look at the prophecy given to the medean emporer.( if you attack(the persian) a great empire will fall) either he fails and his empire falls(like it did in actuality) or he is successful and the persian empire falls. either way prophecy is right. ITs all bullshit.
No one is preying on anyone. Prophecy is prophecy just like lunacy is lunacy.
prophocy is bullshit. no real prophetic attempts(none of this broad open ended shit) have ever been right. the only way prophecy is right is by being vague.
I wonder how many BILLIONS of American dollars are now going to be sent to Chili like with Haiti? :shrug:
Aah, what do I care, nothing that knows what it is could've ended the world, said that he wouldn't and be all eternity at this moment, therefor what happens is unimportant, what's important is that I survive together with all others who are gods. And I suppose the rest had feelings other then what were implicit, and hence had none at all, why I see no reason for you to say thank you, nor good bye. But I suppose I tell you now, good bye and good luck, and I allways did like you but the gnarls were here and gnuetangs were too. So I had to find another planet.
A devastating 8.8 earthquake struck Chile this morning shattering buildings and bridges, killing at least 78 people and setting off a tsunami that threatened every nation around the Pacific Ocean--roughly a quarter of the globe.
It's the most powerful quake to hit the country in a half-century and plunged trucks into the fractured earth. Homes fell, bridges collapsed and buildings were engulfed in flames. Injured people lay in the streets or on stretchers.

The Bible prophecies an increase in quakes and disasters. Do you think this is another indication of the end times, or just a quake?

just a quake... i can prophesise that a giant hurricane will be a sign of end all days.. all i need to do is get enought people to believe me and eventually there will be a hugeass hurricane its predicting the future with a blanket statement cant remember what its called but thoes. "psychs" who just blurt out "well im getting the sence someone was killed" key in on reaction ect ect
I said if I ever hear you say you don't want a god of reality again, I will not let you feel like i do, and I will need a good spaceship, for I will leave to another exiting place, perhaps mars, so I wont bother you no more. I just need a habitable place that I allways can live in.
My theory is that the tectonic plates have been moving against each other a tad more and we all know how earthquakes are the results of stressed parts of the plates trying to spring back into place, or by rubbing two plates.

My idea is that there are multiple zones that are on the precipace of causing an earthquake because of all this movement.

so when a magnitude 6 comes along, it sets off a magnitude 7 somewhere else in the world, and the magnitude 7 sets off the magnitude eight. \

and so on and so forth until there are no more areas of high stress.

It's not some bible prophecy, but I dont think it's some sort of coincidence. I think one earthquake happened randomly, like any natural disaster, but I think the ones after that didnt, and that they were set off by that first, second, or third quakes, and created a cascading reaction.

This will continue so long as their are high stress zones, and by that I mean, literally areas that are right one the knife's edge of having an earthquake.

Id estimate AT THE MOST maybe 6-7 zones, but 3 or 4 of which weve already had 3 are more likely.
soo if u believe that.. wont open the last one cuz anyting with bible init goes out the window for me.. what about teh greatest prophet of all time? nostradomis.. or how about the myans? 2012? do you believe thoes sandy?

Nostradomus was a charismatic fool.

His predictions are so generic that they dont make sense without you attaching any context.

ie, according to my vision 5000 years from now, during that century, something bad will happen.:rolleyes:

Now of course your gonna laugh at me, but 5000 years from now when something bad does happen, people will call me a genius, and a prophet:D.
:D I already am. If you knew what I did for a job you would wet yourself. Again.
No one wrote the prophecies for anyone's entertainment or amusement. They have come true and that freaks people out. Miss Cleo is believable but the Word of God isn't? LOL. Unreal....:D
No one is preying on anyone. Prophecy is prophecy just like lunacy is lunacy.


Anyone that tells you diferentely is either trying to sell you something or trying to get you to convert to something.
Now, a god can make a prophecy on his own divinity. That's what I expect. That the quaran was typed by a machine composed by innocent gods slain. No one shall read a such a book, hence it shall only remain as a proof that gods were slain on this planet. That's what I believe.