
Pick the 1 that applys to you an masterbation.!!!

  • Quit at age 12 or younger.!!!

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Quit at age 13 or older.!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never started.!!!

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Never stoped.!!!

    Votes: 24 88.9%

  • Total voters
I didn't start until about 15. I'd been on a date with an "older woman" (she was 16 or 17) who'd given me a hand job. Not long after I was lying in bed thinking about her when the thought occured to me that I could give myself a hand job. Turns out I was right.
I've recently discovered after about 20 years that using my left hand when I masturbate feels like someone else is doing it to me. Like she is there with me in spirit, in my glorious moment !
I think I am going to very much enjoy the next 20 years...
Did you happen to quit school at age 12 too? :p

No i quit school at 15 an started workin for a pickle farmer for about a year an that job sucked so i started workin for a roofer for about a year an that job payed beter but it sucked to... so then i worked at a bakery for a year an then at Sears as a janitor for a year... an after those 2 las years i had graduated electronics school an worked in elefctronics for 24 years... an i been workin at my curent job as a traler cort manager ever sinse then.!!!
Every time I view the first post of OP by this guy/gal I always facepalm immediately and promise myself not to, because there's a reason they're on my ignore list. Why God? Why make this troll, troll? :\
Every time I view the first post of OP by this guy/gal I always facepalm immediately and promise myself not to, because there's a reason they're on my ignore list. Why God? Why make this troll, troll? :\

I got'cha... som people dont actualy make use of ther "ignore-list" other than to announce that they have such a list... prolly a ego thang.???

Who the hell stops? Why?:shrug:

"Me"... i stoped... cause i had figered it out all on my own that it was prolly somptin i shudnt be doin (for som un-known reason???)... but after 6 days i started up agan an realized i was never gonna try an stop agan an it was never a issue wit me after that.!!!
reminds me of a joke. 90% of males admit to masturbating and the other 10% are lying. 60% of females admit to masturbating and the other 40% want you to believe it really takes them that long in the shower.
how on earth do you farm pickles???

The worst part is when its time to pick the pickles... which begins at about 7 AM... an stoop-labor is especialy sucky on mornins when its alredy so hot an humid you'r sweatin befor you start pickin.!!!

Anyhow... you pick the pickles an hope you dont get stung by the honey bees an toss the pickles in a feed-sack an drag the sack down the seeminly endless rows... an at the end of the day you load up you'r sacks of pickles in a truck an off to the store that sorts by size an pays you... an the bes pickle picker was in his 60's... he always picked the mos bags of pickles an got the bigest check... also... a pound of the smaller pickles woud make you mor money than a pound of the bigger pickles.!!!


To administraton:::

Sinse this thred keeps poppin to the top i suggest that it be made a "sticky".!!!
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I don't think I know a single person who does not enjoy a private moment occationally/frequently.