Maths to explain time.

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Yeah. This guy demonstrated it in his van while on a family vacation.

He observed a 20ns dilation, Pretty close to the 23ns predicted by relativity.


I recently watched a two part series (British) called Gravity where the presenter created a app. The participants in the show had the app on their phones

It tracked their speed, location, hight above sea level and gravity at their location

From the information it calculated if they had gained or lost "age"

The app was on line free to download. Sorry not remember app name and not sure if still available

I recently watched a two part series (British) called Gravity where the presenter created a app. The participants in the show had the app on their phones

It tracked their speed, location, hight above sea level and gravity at their location

From the information it calculated if they had gained or lost "age"

The app was on line free to download. Sorry not remember app name and not sure if still available

I would be surprised if cell phones were capable of that accuracy.
I'm not sure we know that. There are plausible abiogenesis scenarios that rely on the chemistry of deep ocean hot water vents, not the sun.

My understanding is that there are good reasons for thinking that photosynthesis arrived quite late in the evolution of life, as shown by the time of arrival of an atmosphere with free O2 in it.
OK, but we weren't speaking about the origin of life; we were speaking about what drives complexity.
Wherever/however life initially got started, its explosive growth since then has been - to a very large part - due to the influx of sunlight.
I have a time dilation question for you kind people.

In the Caesium atom experiment , if a person(s) could count out aloud, fast enough to count the frequency of the caesium atom, when one person is counting slower , does this not just mean they are counting slower?
The entire point of using a Caesium atom as the basis for the clocks is that its frequency is extremely stable.

At the time it was adopted (the 60's) it was more stable than could be measured by our finest instruments.

"Because no other measurement involving time had been as precise, the effect of the change was less than the experimental uncertainty of all existing measurements."
right, Life has the fortunate ability to do that, create order of the highest sort, by unskilled labor. but time, age itself is not reversible, we measure it in orbits around the sun, revolutions of the moon, the earth. Only Joshua achieved a change in that. stories of the lowest order. ha ha.

who is joshua? explain your analogy.
who is joshua? explain your analogy.

The mythological Joshua, Moses' successor, is supposed to have implored the deity to give him more daylight to finish a battle. and the Sun stood still for how long? so, that would have seriously disrupted our count of time. ruined the day for the enemy too. (hyperbole here.)
This was easy in his day , when the Earth was flat and the Sun fixed to a firmament. haha.
someone actually tried to prove that there was a day missing with fake calculations.
We measure our movement through time quite accurately though, undisturbed by mythology.
Do we not, according to SR, move slower through time the faster we move through space? measured accurately? at least to observers?
I would be surprised if cell phones were capable of that accuracy.
The information the participants sent in was quite detailed

Looked at Playstore. Did not find the program under gravity detection

Did find E gravity. Thought it was all French but there are details in English

Looks good enough to test it against formal gravity detection equipment if you have access to same

Another one I noted was Time Traveling Theory

Looks like a set of explanations. Will download it onto my new phone when I get it up and running

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Time is matter, a quantifiable measurement directly proportional to change.

Matter is the time in space-time.

Δ time =Δ matter
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Time is matter, a quantifiable measurement directly proportional to change.

Matter is the time in space-time.

Δ time =Δ matter

Disagree ; the equation should be reversed

Change in matter = change in duration ( or time being a specific measurement of duration)
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