Maths to explain time.

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OK , try it this way because it is what I mean



Saying hf divided by a entropy is the same as saying energy divided by an entropy in my opinion.

=ΔT where T in this is temperature?

P.s Thank you for your help and helping me correct my notion to be more accurate and conforming to your standards. I have got to put hf because the software will not let me put a E or pE (c).

I believe my notion gives time a physicality in an absolute space. Objects age and time is real for the object, space does not age and is not an object, things age in space relative to space.
The random symbol generator strikes again.:rolleyes:
Well, because "high-frequency" is an adjective. It's not a variable, and it's not a unit for anything - it's not even a noun.

You are talking about things of which you know nothing, just to get a reaction.

That's trolling.
A mistake in presentation is not trolling. I have also explained the content in words, explaining that the change of time is equal to a change in state in entropy of a system. I am ''backing up'' Einsteins work and adding the physicality needed to time to completely cover relativity.
The twin paradox would not be a paradox, twin 2 really did age less because time would be a quantifiable measurement directly proportional to the change of entropy. When the frequency of the caesium dilates in motion, this shows us a change in entropy, it is emitting radiation at a slower frequency.
Made up and wrong ? yet I am using scientific symbols of present use

I am still waiting for you to explain why it is wrong .
Already explained.
The units don't work out. The equation is meaningless. You haven't shown how you arrived at this equation.

Are you really trying to say that these symbols I am using from the internet and good sources are gibberish and meaningless?
No, what I (and everyone else) is saying is the way you use them is gibberish and meaningless.

Saying hf divided by a entropy is the same as saying energy divided by an entropy in my opinion.
And we should take your word it because...?

=ΔT where T in this is temperature?
Because S uses Kelvin in its units. Kelvin is temperature.

I believe my notion gives time a physicality in an absolute space.
Why do you believe this?

things age in space relative to space.

Already explained.
The units don't work out. The equation is meaningless. You haven't shown how you arrived at this equation.

I will agree with you that my maths is meaningless , so we can now ignore the maths and discuss the notion.

Does time have physicality or is time no more than arbitrary?

You can't have both sides of the coin facing up at the same time.
I will agree with you that my maths is meaningless , so we can now ignore the maths and discuss the notion.
The Notions subforum is two doors down, next to Free Thoughts.

The reason we don't want to discuss notions is because they are word salad. Like the equation above, the notions are not based on a sound knowledge of science. Why get into a debate where the OP insists his idea must be right, when he doesn't even know what he doesn't know?

Your best bet is to ask and learn.
Basic symbols placed in random order - a random symbol generator!
My incorrect equations were not randomly generated, if I had the correct equations for my notion then we would not be having this conversation. To me my equations say what I want them to say, but obviously the symbols of science use, I am using differently and they do not mean what I thought they meant.
My incorrect equations were not randomly generated, if I had the correct equations for my notion then we would not be having this conversation. To me my equations say what I want them to say, but obviously the symbols of science use, I am using differently and they do not mean what I thought they meant.
Consider asking questions instead of insisting on being right. That will go a longer way.
How is that telling? That's asking how do i state a change of time in math representation?
Because you're just going to turn around and use it to advance your notion.

A change in time is simply $$t_2-t_1$$ or $$\Delta t$$.
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