They probably don't stick around because they get demolished in debate and it scares them off in many cases.
In other cases, it's likely just boredom that does it.
It's the moderation that does it. The site is overly moderated for such minimal traffic.
I test as INTP.
I asked Mr Google for free MBTI online test and this came up


Not done the test. I consider them about ½ cm above horoscopes. What ever you are told is reasonably vague so you agree it could be you and inclusions outside of your view of yourself minor aberrations and don't mean anything

Good luck finding yourself


im not looking to find myself
i know myself pretty well from what ever has survived after the latest shit storm called my life

i am interested from a psychology position to see how far they have expanded the variance from carl Jungs original base set model

my generic opinion is that as children get better education & food & health care
they will inevitably become more intelligent
that intelligence appears to have stagnated globally
that's a problem

people need names groups labels & frame works archetypes & stereo types to prevent them from falling into an abyss in self discovery
they are training wheels in principal
while also a crutch in harder times

once you get to a certain intellect level the tests become fairly pointless
conventional authority hates that
because they want to have all the power & they fear someone being smarter than them because they themselves are dishonest
& they know if THEY were smarter
THEY would steal & cheat themselves to get ahead

so they expect all people smarter will cheat and steal as they do

very common in every country in the world
it is a human species thing
an evolutionary hurdle humans are yet to jump

i was lucky to be trained in critical thinking by my deceased father
he was a bit of a critical thinking savant
did a little of everything & could master what he chose
jack of all trades & could master that which he chose

ive met the odd person of similar capabilities
lovely people
complex a bit crazy as we all are
very interesting very caring people in spite of their almost psychopathic sociopathic critical abilities
which as you mention
probably renders such tests to be quite useless
It's the moderation that does it. The site is overly moderated for such minimal traffic.

Is there any compelling reason why posters can not Iggy moderators?

Not their moderator duties, but if they have taken part in a post

Should be able to invisible out their off duty comments just like a regular poster. Obviously if a moderator needs to attend to a poster that ability remains


i guess thats how i would ideally like to perceive myself
i am also an artist
so the aspect of achievement to lead control & teach maybe be slightly different

i like it

many of the questions seemed to lack context which make a difference in my answer.
however, those would be finer points of my personal self which is best not discussed publicly
its a rough world out there
Is there any compelling reason why posters can not Iggy moderators?
Not their moderator duties, but if they have taken part in a post
Should be able to invisible out their off duty comments just like a regular poster. Obviously if a moderator needs to attend to a poster that ability remains
Yeah, I asked about this a ways back.
The software doesn't support it.
The offered solution is to just not read those posts.
Is there any compelling reason why posters can not Iggy moderators?

Not their moderator duties, but if they have taken part in a post

Should be able to invisible out their off duty comments just like a regular poster. Obviously if a moderator needs to attend to a poster that ability remains


On a totally different subject...I'm curious when the Australian habit of using "words" like "Iggy", "Sunnies" and that type of abbreviation first came from. Who was the first to do it, how long ago was that and what was the first word to receive such a treatment.

It seems to be quite widespread and almost "overused" but I've never read anything about how it all started.

I guess those in the UK do something similar but not by abbreviating everything but ex-chemist the other day referred to running something up the old Jolly Rogers. I understand what Jolly Rogers refers to but more people from the UK (it seems to me) like to add in a more unusual phrase rather than the standard phrase.

In general, this is something that is rarely done in the U.S. unless it's by someone from the far right and then it's done in a pejorative way (instead of "liberal" it's "libtard"). Otherwise it's just not a "thing" in the U.S.
On a totally different subject...I'm curious when the Australian habit of using "words" like "Iggy", "Sunnies" and that type of abbreviation first came from. Who was the first to do it, how long ago was that and what was the first word to receive such a treatment.

It seems to be quite widespread and almost "overused" but I've never read anything about how it all started.

I guess those in the UK do something similar but not by abbreviating everything but ex-chemist the other day referred to running something up the old Jolly Rogers. I understand what Jolly Rogers refers to but more people from the UK (it seems to me) like to add in a more unusual phrase rather than the standard phrase.

In general, this is something that is rarely done in the U.S. unless it's by someone from the far right and then it's done in a pejorative way (instead of "liberal" it's "libtard"). Otherwise it's just not a "thing" in the U.S.
Haha. Actually you have invented the "old". I never said that: it's something Americans imagine Brits say, but it went out with Bertie Wooster in the 1930s or so.

And it's the Jolly Roger, not Rogers. The "Jolly Roger" is an ironical nickname for the pirate flag, the "Skull and Crossbones", i.e. about as un-jolly as you can imagine, if you are a c.18th seafarer. :biggrin:

Running up the Jolly Roger describes what use to happen at sea. One would see a ship, flying the colours of some country, but then, as it approached closely, suddenly the colours would be struck and the Skull and Crossbones run up instead, creating a serious "Oh shit!" moment, since by then it was usually too late to take evasive action.

Our Friend Holly may be another St. Petersburg troll. I have read the technique is to show up on a forum or social media, seem normal for a while to get accepted, and then start to push the disinformation that was the real object all along. For one thing, I doubt very much this poster really is a 17 yr old girl. That looks far too obviously like a ruse to get gentle treatment. But then, I am a cynical bastard when it comes to people on the internet (present company excepted, of course).
Haha. Actually you have invented the "old". I never said that: it's something Americans imagine Brits say, but it went out with Bertie Wooster in the 1930s or so.

And it's the Jolly Roger, not Rogers. The "Jolly Roger" is an ironical nickname for the pirate flag, the "Skull and Crossbones", i.e. about as un-jolly as you can imagine, if you are a c.18th seafarer. :biggrin:

Running up the Jolly Roger describes what use to happen at sea. One would see a ship, flying the colours of some country, but then, as it approached closely, suddenly the colours would be struck and the Skull and Crossbones run up instead, creating a serious "Oh shit!" moment, since by then it was usually too late to take evasive action.

Our Friend Holly may be another St. Petersburg troll. I have read the technique is to show up on a forum or social media, seem normal for a while to get accepted, and then start to push the disinformation that was the real object all along. For one thing, I doubt very much this poster really is a 17 yr old girl. That looks far too obviously like a ruse to get gentle treatment. But then, I am a cynical bastard when it comes to people on the internet (present company excepted, of course).

I might not be cynical enough but "she" sure talks like a 17 year old girl, talking about school, teachers, school being lame, etc.

I don't generally engage too much with "kids" when they post online but I was kind of glad to see new blood, more normal blood, actually show up here and I was kind of annoyed to see moderation jump all over her with a myriad of "rule" infringements. It's almost as if they are actively trying to completely kill this site off.

I can't quite picture a Russian dissemination campaign that has Sciforums on its radar. There are less than 20 people on here in reality.
I might not be cynical enough but "she" sure talks like a 17 year old girl, talking about school, teachers, school being lame, etc.

I don't generally engage too much with "kids" when they post online but I was kind of glad to see new blood, more normal blood, actually show up here and I was kind of annoyed to see moderation jump all over her with a myriad of "rule" infringements. It's almost as if they are actively trying to completely kill this site off.

I can't quite picture a Russian dissemination campaign that has Sciforums on its radar. There are less than 20 people on here in reality.
Schmelzer? I also have in mind Theorist who once pretended to be Amber, a 17yr old girl (though far too idiotic to be Russian troll, obviously). You may be right, though the remarks about vaccines give rise to considerable doubt.

I picked up Iggy from this forum years ago when I was advised to place someone on Iggy

No idea whom advised me or from whence cometh the word

I like Iggy as it soundith a little extra repulsive than ignore in wanting nothing to do with the person

I picked up Iggy from this forum years ago when I was advised to place someone on Iggy

No idea whom advised me or from whence cometh the word

I like Iggy as it soundith a little extra repulsive than ignore in wanting nothing to do with the person

Don't Australians add things like that to most words? Sunglasses...sunnies, etc.
i.e. about as un-jolly as you can imagine, if you are a c.18th seafarer.

to be more historically accurate
if you were not military & not a trader owned by the crown
you were by default defined legally as a pirate

so the use of the term pirate was also used to be a pirate as a state body e.g usa uk tea tax war etc etc etc add infinitum
pirates were sold as the fear weapon as the alternative to a single tyrant dictator

pirates traded slaves with the sovereign state bodys & officials of most countrys
a pirate to one nation was a trader & ally to another

I doubt very much this poster really is a 17 yr old girl.

having grown up in a highly connected social network across many socioeconomic & class borders
let me assure you
an advanced 15 year old can appear equally as intelligent as a early 20s person.
17 can easily be 22 to 25 in the same mental class
equally again up to 30 & then back down again from 60 upward(regressive issues & things)

at high school several of my friends at age 16 were smarter & more logical than many 40 year olds i met
imagine that
the age doesn't validate or invalidate human rights & respect
or a measure of care one should apply to interactions
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Don't Australians add things like that to most words? Sunglasses...sunnies, etc.
Sorry don't really know

I thought Americans invented good turn of phrases

24/7 - Run it up the flagpole see who salutes etc

Just for fun, and because I haven't done this for a while, I just took one of the versions of the test linked above. It put me as INFP, which I don't think is a very good fit for me; I've also never had that result before. But the J-P scores were exactly 50-50 in the breakdown, so the result could equally have been INFJ, which is consistent with some previous results. Usually, I'm INTJ or INFJ. The I and the N are always strongly indicated for me, and the J is usually clear too, though apparently not on this particular test. But I typically flip-flop on the T-F scale. I must be in a warm, fuzzy, supportive mood today, I guess.
Just for fun, and because I haven't done this for a while, I just took one of the versions of the test linked above. It put me as INFP, which I don't think is a very good fit for me; I've also never had that result before. But the J-P scores were exactly 50-50 in the breakdown, so the result could equally have been INFJ, which is consistent with some previous results. Usually, I'm INTJ or INFJ. The I and the N are always strongly indicated for me, and the J is usually clear too, though apparently not on this particular test. But I typically flip-flop on the T-F scale. I must be in a warm, fuzzy, supportive mood today, I guess.
I found that contrasting the traits of the specific types - such as Googling 'differences between INTJ and INFJ' makes it more clear which one is more descriptive.

For what the test is worth, that is. It's really just for fun.