Meditation to Shut Out Pain


Valued Senior Member
So I've been practicing this type of meditation for a few years now and I am quite impressed. Last night I had a friend drive a nail (sterilized) through my arm while I was in deep meditation. Though I did feel the pressure and a little pain, it was very minimal as if getting a vaccination. The nail was 5" long and 3/8 of an inch in width. It was inserted through my bicep of my right arm, from the inside to the out, all the way through. Today I woke up and I have a little soreness but again, its minimal.

Has anyone else practiced this type of meditation?

Next time I do this, I will have my friend take a few photo's so I can post them.
Next time I do this, I will have my friend take a few photo's so I can post them.

oh no, dont go through any trouble. Thanks. ok, take care, got to go now. see you.:)
What would be the purpose of inflicting unnecessary pain to yourself? I do not understand why anyone would want to "show off" an ability such as this . :shrug:
What would be the purpose of inflicting unnecessary pain to yourself? I do not understand why anyone would want to "show off" an ability such as this . :shrug:

It's not "showing off", it's mind over matter; realizing that suffering is only a perception of the mind.
What would be the purpose of inflicting unnecessary pain to yourself? I do not understand why anyone would want to "show off" an ability such as this . :shrug:

How else can he study the effects of meditation over significant pain.

However, I wouldn't try this at home. Mythbusters did a little testing of pain tolerance men vs women and red-heads vs other and found some interesting results. They used an ice water bath to test with. But, just take care of hypothermia. I guess it is pretty painful though, I can imagine.

It sounds safer than causing a fleshwound. It's probably more painful too because there are exponentially more nerves involved.

Oh, Mythbusters also found that cussing helps a bit with pain tolerance.
Adam, Jamie, Grant, Tory, and Kari subjected themselves to the ice bath while saying a list of innocuous words to cope with the pain. Jamie and Tory had to disqualify themselves because they lasted the maximum time of 3 minutes (enforced for safety). They were replaced by two staff members. In the second trial, the five subjects were allowed to say a list of curse words, resulting in an average 30% increase in the time that they could keep their hands in the ice.
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How else can he study the effects of meditation over significant pain.

However, I wouldn't try this at home. Mythbusters did a little testing of pain tolerance men vs women and red-heads vs other and found some interesting results. They used an ice water bath to test with. But, just take care of hypothermia. I guess it is pretty painful though, I can imagine.

It sounds safer than causing a fleshwound. It's probably more painful too because there are exponentially more nerves involved.

Oh, Mythbusters also found that cussing helps a bit with pain tolerance.

I've done the ice water thing before in my own bathtub. It was a lot easier to focus than last night with the nail.
Mind you all, there are different kinds of pain. The example of the nail through the arm is only physical pain. There is the pain of a broken heart, losing a loved one, being far away from a loved one for too long makes one feel sad/depressed. A pain of the mind.

Can your meditation lessen the severity of those pains?
Mind you all, there are different kinds of pain. The example of the nail through the arm is only physical pain. There is the pain of a broken heart, losing a loved one, being far away from a loved one for too long makes one feel sad/depressed. A pain of the mind.

Can your meditation lessen the severity of those pains?

I would think so, though I've never tried.
People in a coma dont feel pain. There is only so much the mind can shut out unless physically comatose.
It's not a party trick. Experiencing pain and learning to overcome it (mind over matter) is a form of meditation
So I've been practicing this type of meditation for a few years now and I am quite impressed. Last night I had a friend drive a nail (sterilized) through my arm while I was in deep meditation.
Has anyone else practiced this type of meditation?

Next time I do this, I will have my friend take a few photo's so I can post them.
you really are one dumb mofo ...
Sorry . it's the dumb ass questions you post ..
so what you are a self inflicting pain drama queen ..

any annoyance you feel from me is because you realize just how stupid a punk you are.. That list of things that are beyond you is quite large and growing

deal with it or STFU are a fucking idiot .. quit paining us