Hey robtex,
I use the chinese chair to stengthen my quads and found I could do it longer when used in conjuntion with meditation techinques. Any physcial exercise can be used for punishment. That does not make the exercise in and of itself bad.
I use a deep horse for quads, while watching tv, or when practicing blocks and strikes. I didn't say it was bad, I just don't like it.
I do not study tai chi but it is popular here.
My bad. I see now it was Jeynar.
It is not a meathod of combat..it is a source of health and wellness. If you like tai chi you should go visit a school...give you a better prespective on it.
My perspective is fine, thank you. All martial arts are a source of health and wellness. I've studied several styles of Tai chi from bona fide instructors. It's origins and motions are indeed rooted it combat. Soft style. As Pua Kua is. Both are taught as moving meditations. The names of the forms are telling, Like 'crane guards flank' and 'dragon breathes fire' you get the idea. You should have seen this guy speed it up, you wouldn't question it.
My brother saw an aikido teacher do the iron board but he didn't see him get into the position. How exactly do you get into the chairs without facing them? Walk us through the iron chair..i am curious how it works..Without shoulder support I wonder if the neck is strong enough to hold the head? Of if you use shoullder support.
Basically, face two chairs together and space them as apart as you are skilled. Place your head on one seat, and ankles on the other. Press up so you are in a strait line. You can adjust body with your hands on the floor to get in position or use your feet to adjust the lower chair. Now clear your mind, and visualize your body as an Iron Board. Stiff, inflexible, unquestionalbly solid. Hold the thought. This is the Iron Board. I've also seen people stiffen the body first and be lifted to the chairs, and also lifted up and ran around the room by the waist stiff as a board, cool sight. The degree of your physical training and ability to hold the thought dictates how close the chairs are and how long you hold it. I've done it on 2 sideways 2x4's with only the back of my head and heels touching.I've seen people hold this for a half hour, I'm sure it could be done all night with focus and training. It is often used in demonstrations where the trusted student performs this skill, while an instructor cuts a melon or somesuch off the students abdomen with a sword. I use to use it when I had migraines(real ones), it was the only thing I found that helped. Now I only occasionally use it for one thought physical meditation.
A good demonstration of the power of the mind over the body is the iron chain or iron ring. Place your hand in an OK. focus on the O thumb and index finger. Meld them together in your mind (and force the tips together with your muscles) visualize the O is an iron chainlink. A perfect link of a chain. No breaks. a solid circle. Now ask your brawny friend to take both of his index fingers inside your O and slowly try to pull your finger and thumb apart. As long as you can hold the thought(and the muscles in your hand are prepared) the chain will not be broken. It is an excellent demonstration. The power of someones arms,back and chest against your mind, your finger, and thumb.