
One can argue that the society misses most of the aspects in life and concentrates on a few basic things. Nowadays it is economics and politics.
Most of the society don't know what life is, it can teach nothing, but only show errors.
Life indeed is what's important, not the society, not the kings or countries.
dan74 said:
This forum is pretty lively, though it gets off the track an awful lot! What happened to meditation? Shushupti, you know perhaps this guy can be your teacher? What better teacher than one who really shows you what you've got to work on?

Anomalous, isn't it possible that when you point at all these guys and say that they are wrong, they are fanatical, stupid, confused, that these qualities may be in you too? In Buddhism this is called "mirror mind" and in Western psychology, it's "projecting". We are all pretty confused, to be honest, so why shout at the others, better try to see if there isn't some truth to what they are saying and learn about our own confusion first, don't you think?

Unbefuckinglievable... when exactly did the troll say anythign that wasn't compeltely wrong? If you actually read what I said you wouldn't miss it by so far... Make sense and I'll reply.
Sushupti said:
Unbefuckinglievable... If you actually read what I said you wouldn't miss it by so far...
There it is as I predicted. Forget humility, Now thats humiliating. How does one not actually not read; Umm may be we are dumb and she is right and hence she dosent need to correct eveer no matter what she post here.
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Sushupti said:
... when exactly did the troll say anythign that wasn't compeltely wrong?... Make sense and I'll reply.
Now I got the complete picture. I am a troll because I am not saying what I am supposed to say, who decides that. No wonder Whatever I say is was never not completely wrong , only to sushupti BTW. Agree to whatever she says and you will be sensible specially if you dont raise doubts over it.
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You're a troll because of how you say things, not what you actually say... I'd just really like someone sane (Avatar, Whitewolf, zion, for example..) to explain the situation to me, so that I can adress the points where I expressed myself badly, or simply leave this madhouse with completely depleted faith in humanity.
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Sorry, Shushupti, if I didn't express myself clearly. I wanted to say that this guy got you to really lose your cool, and for me that's a great lesson when this happens. I question why did I lose my cool? because, you see, it is you or me who lose our cool, it is our responsibility and our choice, even if it is unconscious. so for me people like these who really bother me are teachers, because I learn about myself, my less pleasant sides, my wealnesses. I hope you don't lose your faith in humanity just because of one rude person, that would be ridiculous!
dan74 said:
Sorry, Shushupti, if I didn't express myself clearly. I wanted to say that this guy got you to really lose your cool, and for me that's a great lesson when this happens. I question why did I lose my cool? because, you see, it is you or me who lose our cool, it is our responsibility and our choice, even if it is unconscious. so for me people like these who really bother me are teachers, because I learn about myself, my less pleasant sides, my wealnesses. I hope you don't lose your faith in humanity just because of one rude person, that would be ridiculous!

Oh thank god... I was genuinely worried :) I get what you were going for now, thanks, sorry about flipping on you.

Wehen I read's anomalous first reply to me I was already 'on the edge' so to speak; so it felt really good to lash out, is all...

When someone actually seemed to be agreeing with him, I totally lost it :)

And I have very little pseudo-faith in humanity as it is, wouldn't be hard :)

Good though, now I can get back to ignoring him, thanks.
dan74 said:
Sorry, Shushupti, ... I hope you don't lose your faith in humanity just because of one rude person, that would be ridiculous!

One should not lose faith in something for someone else.

Yes, I am rude. On purpose. Dan74, you know my mind.
Sushupti said:
You're a troll because of how you say things, not what you actually say... I'd just really like someone sane (Avatar, Whitewolf, zion, for example..) to explain the situation to me, so that I can adress the points where I expressed myself badly, or simply leave this madhouse with completely depleted faith in humanity.

I say things to each as the way he/she is.

But in the end what always matter is what they say , what is their intention rather than what they sound like.

The world is full of insane people , its not a good excuse for failing to be productive, get over it.

You can address your points from hence forth, i.e. If you really have them. You dont have to explain to me anything, but I have right to question and intend not to lose it. U r free to ignore me until U become mature enough to face me.

Never say I quit, you will always find a way , its better to perish instead.
Originally posted by Anomalous
"Yazdajerd You seem to be a lot sensible person to me, being a muslim. May god help U. "

Originally posed by dan74
"Yazdajerd is certainly a very patient and tolerant person, hats off to him/her! "

Thanks for the compliment........ I understand why most people have these opinions about religious people (fanatical, untolerant.... etc.). Unfortunately, these days, most of them are..... I'm glad that you see me other wise! :)

Yazdajerd said:
Originally posted by Anomalous
Thanks for the compliment........ I understand why most people have these opinions about religious people (fanatical, untolerant.... etc.). Unfortunately, these days, most of them are..... I'm glad that you see me other wise! :)


Why dont U create an Blog and address thoes issues and tell me about it after U create it. I mean a blog that eliminates the myths about your religion. But dont let anyone spoil it, if U make it.
The only requirement for meditation is a quiet mind - position is irrelevant. This requires the absence of thought. Any technique employed will immediately stimulate thought and defeat its purpose.

When we pray we send information to the higher conscienceness.
when we meditate we quiet the mind to receice information from the higher conscienceness.

Prayer = out
meditation = in

With an quiet mind and loving heart whatever comes in is good.
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I practised yoga for several years, and the swami that taught how to meditate used a rather intresting idea, she said:
1. Lie on your back, completely straight with arms and hands parallel to the body, backs of hands touching the floor.
2. Try for roughly 30sec to concentrate your sight about 1 metre above you( not looking at the ceiling, more IN BETWEEN the ceiling and yourself.
3. Now you have control over your mind, now try visualising either a) a vast expanse of water i.e. a lake, there is no fish, no movement, no beach, no plants, just water wherever you look, there are no ripples, just calm, tranquil water, b) try visualising 'space', its not space somuch, more of 'darkness', or 'blackness', you can for example imagine yourself to be in miniture, you are standing infront of an enourmous black piece of card, all you can see is the vastness of the blackness, nothing else should entre ytour mind....if you can actually achieve either of the above, then you have complete control over both your body and soul, you can by this method achieve 'enlightenment'.
In meditation
we try to avoid conscious thought
we seek unconcious thought

I think
People are confused for too long here about Meditation.

The sole purpose of meditation is clear all the thought ( in control or out of control ) of the mind and to do that the best way is to concentrate on something that requires as least thinking as possible. There is no such thing as magical Enlightenment as we think it may be.

When one meditates for 10 minutes ( for starters ) and the mind becomes compeletly deviod of any thought; there is left a brain with awesome processing power and no thought to think on. This is what I call as the state of Enlightenment. Its nothing magical, In this state whatever you do , U get complete processing power of your brain and hence U can think like no non meditated person can. No wonder when average people first met such people for the first time, they must have thought of them as Enlightened.

Any more questions are Welcomed.