To take this fable as fact, it means that God made a deliberate decision not to intervene.
Although... these days if a person survives a heart attack, it is often due to human intervention. Perform CPR or apply a defibrillator, get the EMTs there within three minutes [my estimate, I'll let Asguard correct it], and there's a good chance of surviving with no brain damage.
[BTW, I recently read that coughing to restart your heart, or at least to cause pulses of blood pressure to pump a bit of fresh oxygen to the brain, doesn't work. Anybody got an authoritative take on that? It was in Parade--the magazine with the largest circulation in America because it comes with everybody's Sunday paper--and their stuff is usually very well vetted.]
It's often been said,
"God created man in his image, then man returned the compliment. Or vice versa."
It is the old story when I was a kid dad was great but as I grew I started to know better the dad , and I don't need him any more.
We should be grateful for this beautiful nature that is provides for us , but instead we don't want to recognize his maker.