
I think the bigger take away is that the guy who started the thread, blames women for why we get sexually harassed. lol Like, he doesn't think men really have any accountability.
Wegs, do you think some men are sexually attractive? (If you are a hetro woman, that is)
Wegs, do you think some men are sexually attractive? (If you are a hetro woman, that is)
I'm a hetero woman, and yes...some men are sexually attractive. Why do you ask that?
Unfortunately, in our culture, misogyny and sexism are often used, interchangeably and misogyny is not mere sexism. I hear the term ''misogyny'' tossed around on news networks, and it's really becoming this broad brushed descriptor for all negative behaviors that men have towards women. Not all negative behaviors are misogynistic. A misogynist would be like Harvey Weinstein, or Elliot Rodger. Men who are insecure, and have a disdain toward women. They are threatened by them, and seek to mock, hurt (emotionally or physically) and embarrass them. The Red Pill ''movement'' is filled with them - angry, bitter men who blame all of their problems on women.

Ted Bundy would be my idea of a misogynist, someone who truly hates women.

So, it's not ''easy'' to become a misogynist. It's likely, a mindset that took shape in a guy's childhood - watching his dad disrespect his mother, or just not having a positive male role model. Now, sexists are everywhere, on the other hand.

So, I think we need to be careful how we use the term, because it starts to look like there are misogynists at every turn, when really, they are more likely your average sexist. Sexists range in levels, too - from a guy who tells stupid jokes about women at work, to thinking that women should be submissive to men. It's weird, but since the dawn of time, women have had to deal with this shit. I won't use the word ''victim,'' as I don't like that word, but I've had to deal with sexist guys at work, and it's really annoying, and unfortunate.

Yep, I'll buy that. Seems more in line with what I have seen in the past.
Just curious.

Hmm Okay. lol

Ted Bundy would be my idea of a misogynist, someone who truly hates women.
Definitely. All rapists, and violent offenders against women are usually misogynists.

Yep, I'll buy that. Seems more in line with what I have seen in the past.

Yep. Interestingly, Picasso was also speculated as being a misogynist. He would often pit the women who were interested in him, against each other, to sort of ''fight'' for him. It's easy to spot once you have figured out how it's different from sexism. I might have dated one of these types; at first, they can be charming. :rolleye:

Have you ever been accused of being a sexist?
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Would the same problem exist for Black-only, Latin-only, Asian-only, etc.?
Yes. Of course.

Should I have a problem with Jews hanging out with each other?
Woah. You just tried to move the goalposts.

There's a big line between
people just "hanging out with each other"
people starting a club and not letting others in, based on some arbitrary distinction, such as gender.

The line, as we've mentioned, is called segregation.

Where does it begin and end, Bob?
Please tell me you see the distinction.
Woah. You just tried to move the goalposts.
Isn't a club just people hanging out with each other?

There's a big line between
people just "hanging out with each other"
people starting a club and not letting others in, based on some arbitrary distinction, such as gender.
If you were a woman, what interest would you have in an all-male club? As a male, I would have no interest in a knitting circle.

The line, as we've mentioned, is called segregation.
I suppose the question is, do people have a right to segregate. Your opinion?

Please tell me you see the distinction.
Yes, I know what it is. Not what I would want, but that's me.
Have you ever been accused of being a sexist?
No. But a misogynist plenty of times here. I think sexist might be more applicable in my case. I believe men and women are inherently different.
No. But a misogynist plenty of times here. I think sexist might be more applicable in my case. I believe men and women are inherently different.

Yea, some may be conflating the two terms, as stated above. I don't see your posts as misogynistic. But, sexist? lol Hmm, sometimes. Men and women are different, but sexism is a reflection of how you may see and process those differences - however that plays out in your mind.
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No. But a misogynist plenty of times here. I think sexist might be more applicable in my case. I believe men and women are inherently different.
Men and women are inherently different. (So are blacks and whites, or Christians and Muslims.) The key is TREATING them the same, with the same rights and privileges. If you can do that, that's not sexism.
As a male, I would have no interest in a knitting circle.
Would you be comfortable having me deciding whether you would be interested?

I've built the best science forum on the internet. It's got Einstein, Newton, Feynmann and Hawking and the top 100 other scientists as active members.
You apply for membership.
I tell you: "Well, this is a science forum; so we don't really want God-believers. You're a God-believer so I'm certain you wouldn't be interested in it anyway. But you're free to start your own forum - from whatever scientists there are left over."
Are we allowed to have a Boys Only Club? I promise they can have a Girls Only Club.
That's just fine, as long as the boys' club is not dictating to the girls what they can and can't do in their general lives. The boys can go play in a cave somewhere if they want, and leave the girls to run the world in their absence.
That's just fine, as long as the boys' club is not dictating to the girls what they can and can't do in their general lives. The boys can go play in a cave somewhere if they want, and leave the girls to run the world in their absence.
It would be interesting to watch:biggrin:
No. But a misogynist plenty of times here. I think sexist might be more applicable in my case. I believe men and women are inherently different.
I also think there are differences but I'm not a sexist. Should there be a difference in rights or political power?
I've built the best science forum on the internet. It's got Einstein, Newton, Feynmann and Hawking and the top 100 other scientists as active members.
You apply for membership.
I tell you: "Well, this is a science forum; so we don't really want God-believers. You're a God-believer so I'm certain you wouldn't be interested in it anyway. But you're free to start your own forum - from whatever scientists there are left over."
Somebody should invent a Scientist Draft game like that.
I also think there are differences but I'm not a sexist. Should there be a difference in rights or political power?
No, not in my opinion. I think that if you can do the job, and you are best qualified to do that job, then yes, regardless of gender. I have no problem with a woman laying bricks, crawling through sewers, climbing girders, hauling a fire hose up ten stories, carrying a wounded comrade through a battlefield or being a political figure.
No, not in my opinion. I think that if you can do the job, and you are best qualified to do that job, then yes, regardless of gender. I have no problem with a woman laying bricks, crawling through sewers, climbing girders, hauling a fire hose up ten stories, carrying a wounded comrade through a battlefield or being a political figure.
What about a woman being a Catholic Priest?