MIT’s Burgeoning Faithful

spidergoat...They may not have realized the theological implications of what they were discovering?

My gosh. They were theologicans, many of them. Of course they knew. The Catholic Priest (Georges Lemaitre) who proposed the Big Bang Theory of the creation of the universe certainly was not unaware of the religious implications.

Fundamentalists such as Faraday did science because they knew there was one truth and they wanted to uncover the empirical manifestations of it. They already knew the metaphysical truth.
I was referring mostly to the creationism/evolution debacle.
Can evangelicals keep up with modern evolutionary biology with the same zeal as Mendel?
What if they uncover something contrary to their dogma? Like instead of appearing fully formed and perfect, humans descended from an ape-like creature over millions of years with all the flaws inherent to that process? Sure, the Catholics said "that faith and science cannot be incompatible because there is only one truth", but in practice, they tend to be closed-minded about it.

I'm not saying Christians can't be scientists. It's just the common interpretations of the bible which have a certain intertia that needs to be overcome if science is to proceed.

Galileo is a great example of a revealed scientific truth that the Church could not accept. Why didn't they accept it (the earth revolving around the sun)?
Brutus1964 said:
We believe in truth no matter where it takes us. Any proven fact is as good as church doctrine..
just curious,do Mormons accept evolution as a fact?

The LDS Church remains officially neutral on the subject of evolution. At Brigham Young University which is a church owned school they do teach the theory of evolution. We believe that if evolution happened then it was God's way of creation. The six days that were mentioned in Genesis are referring to six periods of time, not literally six of our days. These periods could have been billions of years to us. It is just like if the Big Bang did in fact happen then it was God who caused it and set the Universe in motion. We believe that God does things in natural ways. He controls all laws of physics, but he does not break them. He works with them and commands them. To us science complements our religious beliefs. We believe that scientific discoveries are inspired by God for the benefit of man.