model to toy with for the holy days: The universe as a wave rolling through time.

Thus it would be the very Being of the universe, our own minds are CounterSpheres, trapped in pockets of our own local time, the sphere the godwave.
There is a new article in NEW SCIENTIST about weirder realities than Quantum Mechanics, but I do not think your idea is in that category.
feature article June 13 2018
We have hints of a theory beyond quantum physics

If you think our best theory of reality is weird you ain't seen nothing yet, says physicist Ciarán Lee – it could be a fuzzy version of something bigger

sorry this is the headline, can not link.
feature article June 13 2018
We have hints of a theory beyond quantum physics

If you think our best theory of reality is weird you ain't seen nothing yet, says physicist Ciarán Lee – it could be a fuzzy version of something bigger

sorry this is the headline, can not link.
K I'm guessing this is the link.

And by the way are you really 87 because that is what your profile says.
born 1930, if I told you other statistic you would not believe it, but hey, I have those brain children too. (see 'equal velocity" thread.
What is this statistic that I would not believe?

Also, can't find the equal velocity thread.
Also, can't find the equal velocity thread.

statistics: if there is a personal message button on these forums, i will discuss it, off topic not allowed here.
I am talking about Cosmology, forum 3, the thread " Jupiter --velocities cancel?". I believe i unearthed a connection there, that was previously unappreciated, typical of my out of the box, juvenile thinking.
if your just going to copy verbatim quotes from evangelists then your preaching.

never quoted evangelists, never listened to them.
This was just a fun suggestion, born from winter blues looking back to my glory surfing days.
Love riding the wave of life. Time is infinite, and the analogy of traversing an unperturbed water surface is appropriate.
Nebel has cult free- thinking, been unscathed since the 1930ies through nazis, commis and what not.
Time (a favourite topic of mine) is a great CONCEPT. However, by virtue of being a concept, it is NOT real. It has NO physicality. So it is a big big big mistake to compare it with something, water, which is real and does have physicality
We are approaching another Holiday to some, the summer northern solstice.
So here is to look at this experimental model again, where time is taken to be the first dimension existing before the start of the universe, modelled in this case as the water of a pond. Dirac used a similar concept.
Why cant we have an experimental model like that, to see what would develop?
The Energy traveling outward from the pebble point would be kind of a rotary, cycloid motion, actually momentarily have zero velocity at the bottom, similar to walking where the soles of your feet are at rest with any surface. (not talking about walking on water here, the subject of mythology) as you move on.
The Idea is: the Universe is moving through time, since the start, expanding in the process. Here in a model not as a sphere, but a circle.
2/ The past does not exist

3/ The future does not exist
True, if you talk about the universe, us. Our past does not exist any more, the future not yet. But in the model proposed here, the pond, through which we travel as a wave, exists, no matter what radius the wave has at any given moment.
The analogy of a water surface standing in for time implies too, that there more to it than just the surface. Time needs to exist, because energy always existed. There is kind of a substance/equivalency to the pre-Big Bang (drop)energytime.
Even if the pond is calm again after the wave (the universe and us) have passed (the now), that does not mean the water does not exist any more.
The pond existed before the Pebble dropped.
Surfers always are looking for the next, perfect wave, rising out of the eternal calm waters
We are approaching another Holiday to some, the summer northern solstice.
So here is to look at this experimental model again, where time is taken to be the first dimension existing before the start of the universe, modelled in this case as the water of a pond. Dirac used a similar concept.
Why cant we have an experimental model like that, to see what would develop?
The Energy traveling outward from the pebble point would be kind of a rotary, cycloid motion, actually momentarily have zero velocity at the bottom, similar to walking where the soles of your feet are at rest with any surface. (not talking about walking on water here, the subject of mythology) as you move on.
The Idea is: the Universe is moving through time, since the start, expanding in the process. Here in a model not as a sphere, but a circle.

I've disagreed with concept , idea before , a first dimension . Time .

How does time exist without the three dimensions of , height ( depth ) , breadth and length ( all which exist together ) ? Physical reality and space , simultaneously exist . Not separate from each other .

Further ; a circle has no Inner three dimensional depth . A circle is a two dimension surface shape .

Clearly from galaxies , quasars , suns and planets etc . The Universe is three dimensional . All have spherical depth .
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K I'm guessing this is the link.

And by the way are you really 87 because that is what your profile says.

Interesting ,

Indeed as I have suggested in my theory . That there is a world , smaller that the quantum.

Before this article .

In The System Universe , All forms of energy and matter , matter and energy , in no particular order of existence , existed at the same moment .

The quantum world is but one part of the System Universe .
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How does time exist without the three dimensions of , height ( depth ) , breadth and length ( all which exist together ) ? Physical reality and space , simultaneously exist . Not separate from each other .
underline added.
This 'traveling wave model' of the universe, has as a basic condition, as verified, that energy can not be destroyed or created, and we do not have to discuss it's origin. Matter is just another form of energy. But energy, being really really old , requires time to be the same. fundamental, uncreated. That said,
This present simple model suggests, that our situation, this universe with the linked 3 dimensions and Matter you mentioned, started moving outward from the starting point, the BB through time, pictured as the surface of time/energy. energytime and timespace.
Even in the medium that the universe is moving through, fundamental
Clearly from galaxies , quasars , suns and planets etc . The Universe is three dimensional . All have spherical depth .
That is understood. The idea, that the universe is a form of energy moving through time as a wave as a model allows for room to accommodate such distortion, this is a thought experiment after all.
That there is a world , smaller that the quantum.
I like the wave in question to be thought of to be just perfect, but as a concept in a thought experiment it could be without measurable thickness.

The satisfying aspect of the model is, that there is no limit to the future, the size of time+energy ahead, an assured long ride.

you are giving time a physical dimension .

yes I do in the sense that I remove one of the 3 space dimensions and assign its picture to time. and What prompts me to do that, is the thoughts now advanced by the likes of Penrose, Kraus, Carroll, that time is not confined to the universe and does not exists only since the Big Beginning Bang.

Agreed , time has exited for infinity .

But the essence , to define time , matters .

I define time as the consequence of an objects movement(s) in the macro and the micro of our Universe .

Time is meaningless to any object(s) and Life in the Universe.

Time is the measurement of movement .

Time is not an energy form solely on its own .

Further ; and therefore ; time is based on the infinity of the physical existence .
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Time is not an energy form solely on its own .
Right. Time is the consequence of existence. and since energy is un-created, un-destroyable, Time is as an adjunct to an Ur-energy that must have always been.-
Even prior to the movement of matter that started with the "Big bang". The Drop of the Pebble, in this model.
Time exists whether a wave moves through it or not.
Strangely, the wave seems to pick up "dark" energy as is moves out, expands.
Right. Time is the consequence of existence. and since energy is un-created, un-destroyable, Time is as an adjunct to an Ur-energy that must have always been.-
Even prior to the movement of matter that started with the "Big bang". The Drop of the Pebble, in this model.
Time exists whether a wave moves through it or not.

Strangely, the wave seems to pick up "dark" energy as is moves out, expands.

How does a wave move " through " time ? ( high lighted ) Explain further
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How does a wave move " through " time ? ( high lighted ) Explain further

This is a as simple as possible model, where time is treated as extending infinitely in a 2 dimensional plane. (in contrast to the expanding sphere 3D+1 model) in "ALMA", or the use of the "block" time idea in the BBC article.
Since we obviously are moving through time, as shown by the various "clocks", this is a useful model. imho, with a smaller universe in the now empty past for example.
Initial energy, and sustaining energy might thought to be involved in that wave, but then, like energy being uncreated, so is time.
How? the model would accommodate a "pressure" -( similar to the stretching of space), or rotating wave, (catering to our illusion of being stationary momentarily in time).
Have a good and long ride on the wave.