MOND theory

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Is it a genuine threat? I thought GR was confirmed with gravitational waves and frame dragging. Are theory's like MOND seen as credible within mainstream science?

If river thinks it is a threat of any kind to GR he will get off his backside and look it be does he may cover some GR which would be an original experience for yes the Mond threat is real and we dont want river to find see he will tell you all that is wrong with GR by laying out his vast understanding of the electric universe...he would read Shakespeare if he thought it supported the electric universe.

It is interesting Alex that you put this in a thread I can not access . Why is that ?

It is interesting Alex that you put this in a thread I can not access . Why is that ?

What do you mean? What can't you get to?

I was, I thought in a thread you started, trying to get you to read up on Mond actually....

Anyways I am here now so what can I do for you?

Meaning ....
I am more interested in learning science as is called mainstream simply to understand it and keep up with it...I figure that is an almost impossible job for me...I have read the general proposition of the electric universe and can say "That is interesting" however until a scientist wins a Noble Prize for work that establishes the electric universe as more than just interesting I won't be spending time upon it.
In any event my current interest is with micro biology rather than cosmology.
I am more interested in learning science as is called mainstream simply to understand it and keep up with it...I figure that is an almost impossible job for me...I have read the general proposition of the electric universe and can say "That is interesting" however until a scientist wins a Noble Prize for work that establishes the electric universe as more than just interesting I won't be spending time upon it.
In any event my current interest is with micro biology rather than cosmology.

Enjoy . micro-biology is fascinating .
What do you mean? What can't you get to?
river got himself excluded from our Science sections for a two year period.

His current exclusion will expire on 4 August this year. Any subsequent exclusion from the Science subforums will be permanent, for him.

river: you cannot bypass your ban by starting science threads in the forums you can access. Stop doing that.
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