Monotheism and social contracts

Fraggle said:
There are many Buddhist sects but in general they are not only not polytheistic, but not theistic at all.
But there are polytheistic Buddhist peoples, here and there. Nothing in Buddhism says you can't have the illusion of a god or two, if you feel the need, eh?
Fraggle said:
As for the Dao, the importance of gods is so minor that to many modern Chinese they serve only a ritual purpose
Minor, unimportant gods count as gods, though.
light g said:
It often works out that the controlling element within a polytheistic paradigm is the time factor or the context of phenomenal existence ("the elements") ... which practically rules out the possibility of the universe being under the direction of a singular entity
And it often doesn't, especially if actual reasoning in English or perception of fact is involved, so that no such ruling out takes place.

Moving right along, then:
And it often doesn't, especially if actual reasoning in English or perception of fact is involved, so that no such ruling out takes place.
Your assumption that polytheistic paradigms are not governed by "the elements" or something equivalent (assuming that you don't wander into monistic disciplines) is almost as completely erroneous as your assumption I come from a NESB
