Morality and atheism....

Back pain, disease, all the medical problems we can get, I don't think these measures of imperfection are that abstract.

Again, imperfection is an abstract concept; back pain can be linked to factors in real time, as can disease, they have nothing to do with the concept of perfection/imperfection.
Except God is surely not an atheist, he must know he exists.
It doesn't matter. God is still in the same position as the OP says atheists are. He(for lack of a sexless pronoun) doesn't believe that there is any judgement waiting for him. He has no scripture to tell him what's right or wrong. If he feels like commiting mass murder, there's nothing to stop him. No divne force to punish him.
It doesn't matter. God is still in the same position as the OP says atheists are. He(for lack of a sexless pronoun) doesn't believe that there is any judgement waiting for him. He has no scripture to tell him what's right or wrong. If he feels like commiting mass murder, there's nothing to stop him. No divne force to punish him.

Plus, in the theistic viewpoint, you can't separate the idea of good/moral from God. He IS all that is good. Any mass murders he does are all justified because he's the one and only true judge.
It doesn't matter. God is still in the same position as the OP says atheists are.

No, that mistake was corrected by One Raven. Atheists may still have a belief in the afterlife, reincarnation, or some sort of Nirvana, but just don't believe in God. Do not convolve atheism with a total absence of spirituality.

He(for lack of a sexless pronoun) doesn't believe that there is any judgement waiting for him. He has no scripture to tell him what's right or wrong.

And you know this how? You cannot know this, this is merely an assumption. The only fact is that God is not an atheist.

If he feels like commiting mass murder, there's nothing to stop him. No divne force to punish him.

Again, who says?

Anyway, this is the wrong angle, have a stab at my questions;

"Was there total immorality before religion? Or, is religious morality merely common sense and co-operative ideology with a twist of divine retribution?"
Plus, in the theistic viewpoint, you can't separate the idea of good/moral from God. He IS all that is good. Any mass murders he does are all justified because he's the one and only true judge.

So mass murders are wrong?
Not wrong, but ignorant. They ignore the fact that their actions is going to have repercutions for themselves. Cause and effect, karma, heaven or hell, whatever you want to call it.

Setting aside karma (another abstract concept), why would mass murders be wrong? Wouldn't they increase the availability of resources for the victors, thus enhancing their survival value?
In my opinion morality does not come from religion, but psychology....a person's past experiences determines how they treat others, how kind they are, etc....but my question is what reason would an atheist who wants to kill someone have to not kill them? I know that there's lots of moral atheists because morality has absolutely nothing to do with religion or anything like that (in my opinion)...
Setting aside karma (another abstract concept), why would mass murders be wrong? Wouldn't they increase the availability of resources for the victors, thus enhancing their survival value?

Yes they would also solve some population problems, and since there's just deep sleep after death (no consciousness), people would be better off...lots of people enjoy sleeping in right?...
In my opinion morality does not come from religion, but psychology....a person's past experiences determines how they treat others, how kind they are, etc....but my question is what reason would an atheist who wants to kill someone have to not kill them? I know that there's lots of moral atheists because morality has absolutely nothing to do with religion or anything like that (in my opinion)...

So how do you define morality?
So how do you define morality?

Well it is defined as how you act, right conduct, in this sense it has a lot more to do with psychology than religion....the reason there's a lot of religious conservatives that are unkind and mean is because their past experiences conditioned them to have anger...and from anger comes these things....the reason why there can be a moral atheist, or an atheist who is kind, benevolent, is because thats how they've been conditioned to act, etc.....

But in another sense morality has a lot to do with religion, because religion laid down certain rules for society, and atheism has a lot of immoral implications (if someone is compelled to do wrong)....for instance I remember when me and bunch of other college students got the answers to a test this Catholic girl told us no to cheat because "God is watching you" or something like that....
Well it is defined as how you act, right conduct, in this sense it has a lot more to do with psychology than religion....the reason there's a lot of religious conservatives that are unkind and mean is because their past experiences conditioned them to have anger...and from anger comes these things....the reason why there can be a moral atheist, or an atheist who is kind, benevolent, is because thats how they've been conditioned to act, etc.....

But in another sense morality has a lot to do with religion, because religion laid down certain rules for society, and atheism has a lot of immoral implications (if someone is compelled to do wrong)....

Still when you say psychology, why would you assign a moral value to a human action?
I don't how moral someone is has nothing to do with human actions or how people act and behave? What is moral value without human action? The two are intimately connected....

Not really; most morality is about context.
Setting aside karma (another abstract concept), why would mass murders be wrong? Wouldn't they increase the availability of resources for the victors, thus enhancing their survival value?

Not really, by excecuting people, all you are doing is expanding your hatred towards the world. There is no love involved, only hate, it is an act of hatred.
By doing this you will only generate acts of hatred towards you, thats what I mean with cause an effect.
If what you say is right, Hitler was in the right path. But the hatred of the world turned to Hitler after all didn´t it?
There is no way people are going to respond to you with love after you generated so much hatred, al the hurt families, all the widows, and orphans, and hate, only hate, will only generate hate towards you.

Would anyone like that? The whole world´s hatred directed towards you?

"Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.
Not really, by excecuting people, all you are doing is expanding your hatred towards the world. There is no love involved, only hate, it is an act of hatred.
By doing this you will only generate acts of hatred towards you, thats what I mean with cause an effect.
If what you say is right, Hitler was in the right path. But the hatred of the world turned to Hitler after all didn´t it?
There is no way people are going to respond to you with love after you generated so much hatred, al the hurt families, all the widows, and orphans, and hate, only hate, will only generate hate towards you.

Would anyone like that? The whole world´s hatred directed towards you?

"Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.

But what about people who WANT to die? Whats wrong with killing them?